
Here is some of my better work:

* Decoding Richard Hanania (8-20-24)
* Decoding Kamala Harris (7-28-24)
* JD Vance Is An Opportunist & That’s A Good Thing! (7-19-24)
* Liberals Were Blinded To Biden’s Senility By Their Own Speech Codes (7-6-24)
* How Did Conservatives Spot Joe Biden’s Cognitive Decline Years Before The Liberal Elites? (7-3-24)
* Joe Biden Must Go Because The Desperate Nature Of The Situation Should Prevail Over Precedent (7-2-24)
* A Blockade Is An Act Of War (6-26-24)
The Ethics of Violence: Recent Literature on the Creation of the Contemporary Regime of Law and War (6-22-24)
* Who Determines The Winning Narrative (6-14-24)
* Decoding Christian Nationalism (6-14-24)
* Problematic (6-10-24)
* Is Israel Committing Genocide? (6-8-24)
* My Favorite Podcasts (5-15-24)
* Iran Escalates – Attacks Israel Directly For The First Time (4-13-24)
* What Do We Mean When We Say A Person Has ‘Good Energy’? (4-12-24)
* ‘On knowing what you are not supposed to know and feeling what you are not supposed to feel’ (4-7-23)
* My favorite songs (1-17-24)
* My Favorite Movies (1-17-24)
* What Distinguishes Winners From Losers? (1-15-24)
* NYT: Secret Synagogue Tunnel Sets Off Altercation That Leads to 9 Arrests (1-10-24)
* Populism, Neoconservatism & Lessons in the Application of Power (12-17-23)
* New Yorker: How to Build a Better Motivational Speaker: The upstart motivator Jesse Itzler wants to reform his profession—while also rising to the top” (12-12-23)
* Concepts illuminate & obscure reality (10-15-23)
* Making Friends, Losing Friends, And Balance Theory (10-12-23)
* NBC News: Michael Benz, a conservative crusader against online censorship, appears to have a secret history as an alt-right persona (10-8-23)
* Israel vs Hamas (10-8-23)
* What Makes A Great Pundit? (10-5-23)
* Staunching Psychic Wounds (10-3-23)
* The Turning Point (9-10-23)
* Your Hero System Is Your Morality And You Get It From Your Tribe (8-21-23)
* How Livestreaming Made Me A Better Man (8-12-23)
* Where do you get your meaning? (8-6-23)
* HP: Richard Hanania, Rising Right-Wing Star, Wrote For White Supremacist Sites Under Pseudonym (8-6-23)
* Decoding Decoding The Gurus, Part Two (8-2-23)
* Taking Things On Faith (8-1-23)
* Your brain on love (7-30-23)
* What Does It Mean To Be A Man in 2023? (7-30-23)
* My Principles For Understanding Reality (7-14-23)
My Recommended Reading List (7-9-23)
* Dennis Prager Falls Into The Conspiracy Rabbit Hole (6-19-23)
* Decoding Dennis Prager (5-28-23)
* My Rules For Life (5-7-23)
* Pittsburgh Jews Praised For Faith (4-23-23)
* Dennis Prager: ‘The Bigger the Government, the Smaller the Citizen’ (4-20-23)
* Could it happen here? (4-20-23)
* News is a stress test (3-15-23)
* My First Impressions Of LA After Nearly Three Months Down Under (1-26-23)
* The Bright Side Of Fame (1-24-23)
* What Should You Expect From The News? (1-21-23)
* The New Fascism (1-2-23)
* Should You Interview Nazis? (12-27-22)
* Overthrowing The System (12-7-22)
* Travel Clarifies (11-12-22)
* Process (Liberals) Vs Ends (Conservatives) (10-23-22)
* Wired: The High Cost of Living Your Life Online (10-3-22)
* The Nihilism of Illness (8-16-22)
* Dearly Beloved (7-30-22)
* NYT: How Streaming Stars Pay the Price of Online Fame (7-29-22)
* How The News Differs From Reality (7-28-22)
* Rabbis & Rapists: A New Novel Exposes California Judaism (7-9-22)
* Death Be Not Proud – A Celebration of the Life & Work Of Musicologist Robert M. Stevenson (7-1-22)
* Is The Washington Post Hinting That Cassidy Hutchinson Was Sleeping With Mark Meadows? (6-29-22)
* When Did Intellectuals Stop Supporting The Free Market Of Ideas? (5-29-22)
* Vouch Nationalism (5-28-22)
* American Fear (5-22-22)
* Who Rides Free? (5-22-22)
* When Your Options In Life Dwindle (5-22-22)
* Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now? (1-4-22)
* Translating Inspiration Into Perspiration (11-25-21)
* Running Towards My New Life (11-21-21)
* Like Many Right-Wing Pundits, Dennis Prager Has Been Consistently Awful With Regard To Covid (11-12-21)
* How did the American Right react to Covid? (8-12-21)
* HBO’s Small Town News & That Noble Dream: The ‘Objectivity Question’ (8-3-21)
* Our Problems Are Not Our Problems, They’re Just Symptoms Of Deeper Problems (2-5-21)
* With or Without You (1-3-21)
* Rational Reasons For Minimizing Envy & Scorn (12-12-20)
* If I Were A Rabbi… (11-29-20)
* A Place For You (8-27-20)
* Are Our Opponents Demons? (8-24-20)
* I’m Dysfunctional, You’re Dysfunctional: The Recovery Movement and Other Self-Help (8-23-20)
* Sham: How the Self-Help Movement Made America Helpless (8-21-20)
* How To Bypass Your Self-Destructive Tendencies (7-9-20)
* A Life That Works (7-8-20)
* I Need You (7-6-20)
* Nobody Controls The Narrative (6-28-20)
* How to blow whistles for fun and profit (6-24-20)
* Looking Down From Heaven (6-21-20)
* The News (6-18-20)
* I Am My Show (6-4-20)
* Most News Is Unimportant (6-4-20)
* Be Not Afraid (6-4-20)
* What’s The Reward For Despair? (6-3-20)
* Why Do People Over-Schedule? (6-3-20)
* Bringing Souls Out Of Hiding (5-20-20)
* One man’s adventure beyond good & evil (5-15-20)
* The Road to Recovery (5-14-20)
* Things I Didn’t Know 20 Years Ago (5-10-20)
* Jews, Non-Jews & The Corona Virus (3-10-20)
* Will The Last Luke Ford Viewer Please Plug In The CPAP? (3-10-20)
* The Choice Between Life & Death On Social Media (3-9-20)
* The Varieties Of The Orthodox Experience (3-5-20)
* The 43 (6-16-19)
* My Ex-GF Christine Palma Died Suddenly Of A Brain Aneurysm. She was 47. (5-13-19)
* It’s Never Too Late To Have A Good Relationship With Your Dad (5-6-19)
* Desmond Ford – 1929-2019 (3-10-19)
* When Porn Still Mattered: The Luke Ford Story (9-9-18)
* The Happiest Time Of My Life (9-8-18)
* Forward: ‘Jewish Doctor Apologizes For White Nationalist Writings’ (7-26-18)
* New York Times: ‘Is America Ready for the Mind of Terence Nance?’ (7-26-18)
* What Would The Right Look Like If It Were Run On Spiritual Principles? (3-30-18)
* Debating The JQ With Tanstaafl (Age Of Treason Blogger) (3-27-18)
* Explaining Hitler (3-8-18)
* What’s More Likely To Produce A Good World? (2-20-18)
* Why Do We Take It For Granted That There Are Bad Parts Of Town? (2-16-18)
* What Does It Feel Like To Be Selfish? (2-15-18)
* Jews for Consistency (2-21-15)
* YICC Hosts California’s Attorney General (1-31-18)
* They’ll Explain When They’re Done (1-14-18)
* The JQ (1-1-18)
* LAT: ‘Antipathy toward the Muslim minority is rooted in racial differences and spiked with fears of Islamist terrorism.’ (12-26-17)
* This blog post is not intended to condone violence or hate (12-12-17)
* How Does Jewish Nationalism Compare With White Nationalism? (12-5-17)
* Stay In Your Lane! (11-23-17)
* Sex Abuse Claims (11-19-17)
* What’s Aaron Sorkin’s Game? (11-19-17)
* Exhausting (11-13-17)
* The Politician’s Sex Life (11-10-17)
* Is There Anything Jewish About Harvey Weinstein’s Sexual Behavior? (10-16-17)
* Why Aren’t There Great Jewish Minds Debunking The Alt Right? (10-11-17)
* How To Live As A Jew (10-17-17)
* How Come We’re Not Getting Articles About The Sexual Predations Of The Hollywood Gay Mafia? (10-17-17)
* ‘Leader Of Richard Spencer’s White Nationalist Group Was Inspired By A Jewish Intellectual’ (9-15-17)
* Parents And Children (9-13-17)
* Falling in Love (9-13-17)
* Empathy vs Ego (9-13-17)
* Tabletmag: ‘Bringing Daf Yomi to Life.’ (9-8-17)
* The Shuttening (9-5-17)
* The Right After Charlottesville (8-20-17)
* Would Americans Choose Socialism If They Could? (8-17-17)
* LAT: ‘For Jewish Americans, echoes of the Holocaust and anger over Trump’s response to Charlottesville’ (8-17-17)
* Doxxing White Supremacists (8-17-17)
* Most Jews Don’t Have A Rabbi (8-16-17)
* What Is A Nazi? (8-16-17)
* NYT: ‘Down the Breitbart Hole’ (8-16-17)
* WAPO Media Columnist: ‘This week should put the nail in the coffin for ‘both sides’ journalism’ (8-16-17)
* My Keen Attention To Detail Got Me To Where I Am In Life (8-11-17)
* Harpers: ‘The Rise of the Valkyries: In the alt-right, women are the future, and the problem’ (8-11-17)
* Mike, The Mad Dog & The Jews (7-28-17)
* Andrew Joyce & Kevin MacDonald – Beyond Good And Evil (7-24-17)
* The Case Against Suicide (7-20-17)
* Staying Free Of Crippling Pain Requires The Maintenance Of My Spiritual/Physical/Psychological Condition (7-18-17)
Meeting Stars On Set (7-17-17)
* Why Are There So Many Jews In The Media/Banking/Whatever? (7-3-17)
How Do You Tell A Bloke You Miss Him? (6-18-17)
* I’m Not Yet Worried About Trump’s Military Action In Syria (4-7-17)
* If You Can’t Connect With People, You’ll Have To Connect To Something Else Such As A Process Or Substance (4-5-17)
* Denial (2016) (4-2-17)
* Deconstructing A Ridiculous George Steiner Interview (3-30-17)
* When A Neighbor Moves, Do You Miss Him? (2-16-17)
* Social Cohesion Vs Free Market (2-10-17)
* How Do You Use Your Judaism? (2-9-17)
* Taking Offense (2-8-17)
* Forward: ‘The ‘Alt-Right’ Hates the Jews. But It Also Loves Them — and Israel.’ (1-17-17)
* Radix: The Jewish Question (And Some Answers) (1-16-17)
* Alt Right Torah (1-14-17)
* What’s Steve Sailer’s History With The Donald Trump Candidacy? (1-2-17)
* Sometimes Jews & Non-Jews Get On Great (12-29-16)
* When Anti-Semitism Strengthens Group Identity (12-27-16)
* James Kirchick: ‘SHONDA: The Jews Begging to Join the Alt-Right: Talk about self-hating. Meet the American Jews lining up to shout ‘Seig Heil’ and ‘Hail, Donald.’’ (12-26-16)
* Who Do You Love? (12-24-16)
* A History Of My Underearning (12-11-16)
* ABC News: ‘What It’s Like as an Asian-American Journalist to Interview a White Nationalist’ (12-11-16)
* Sitting With One Knee Down (12-8-16)
* Identity & Hate (12-7-16)
* Jewish Journal: Pirkei Avot: A guidebook for the new administration (12-2-16)
* LAT: The ‘alt-right’ splinters as supporters and critics agree it was white supremacy all along (12-2-16)
* Underearning Thinking – Hoping Others Will Take Care Of You (12-6-16)
* An Alt Right Obituary (11-29-16)
* WP: ‘The Holocaust did not begin with killing; it began with words.’ (11-28-16)
* Transparent (11-27-16)
* The Healthy Majority (11-27-16)
* The True Meaning Of Thanksgiving (11-24-16)
* Without Faith, There Are Objectively No Good Guys Nor Bad Guys In The Universe (11-24-16)
* What The Elites Don’t Get About Trump & Bannon (11-23-16)
* Jews & Racism (11-20-16)
* The Nice Girl (11-12-16)
* Israelis Finger Ari Shavit For Groping Danielle Berrin (10-27-16)
* Politico: ‘In a Time of Trump, Millennial Jews Awaken to Anti-Semitism: A new generation is experiencing an age-old hatred for the first time. But why has the Jewish right looked away?’ (10-2-16)
* Police vs Menace (9-28-16)
* WP: ‘These charts show exactly how racist and radical the alt-right has gotten this year’ (9-26-16)
* Gentile Nationalisms Are Sometimes Dangerous For Jews And Sometimes Good For Jews (9-25-16)
* I Love This Jerusalem Post Article On Trump & The Jews (9-21-16)
* The Goyim In Jewish Jurisprudence (9-20-16)
* Last Blogger Standing (9-20-16)
* What Forms Of Protest Are Allowed Those On The Side Of The Palestinians? (9-19-16)
* The Truth (9-13-16)
* The Alt-Right Is An Instinctive Reaction (9-9-16)
* Kids’ clothing retailer defends return policy singling out Orthodox neighborhoods (9-9-16)
* Slate: Airbnb Has an Aggressive Plan to Stop Racism on Its Platform. Can It Be Enforced? (9-8-16)
* Dominance Strategies (9-4-16)
* Who owns the neighborhood? (9-4-16)
* JTA: ‘Anti-immigrant and white supremacist, maybe. But is the alt-right anti-Semitic?’ (8-30-16)
* Another Sleepless Night (8-26-16)
* The Jew in the West (8-17-16)
* The Meaning Of An Olympic Snub (8-15-16)
* Maybe God Has A Better Plan (8-14-16)
* Jews and Science (8-11-16)
* JJ: ‘Stephen Miller, meet your immigrant great-grandfather’ (8-11-16)
* NYT: Balance, Fairness and a Proudly Provocative Presidential Candidate (8-8-16)
* Breathing Freely & Clarity Of Purpose (8-7-16)
* What’s It Like When A Family Member Converts To Judaism? (8-5-16)
* Jarred by a Jew (8-5-16)
* When you’re young, you fear death. When you’re old, you fear life. (8-3-16)
* Rodger Jacobs, RIP (7-31-16)
* How Not to Name Your Child (7-31-16)
* Invasive species (7-29-16)
* Lawrence Summers: ‘How to embrace nationalism responsibly’ (7-11-16)
* LAT: Flags are great for holiday celebration, but hyper-patriotism is un-American (7-1-16)
* Yossi Klein Halevi: Why the anti-Israel boycott movement is an immoral threat to peace (6-29-16)
* Why Are Journalists So Down About Brexit? (6-24-16)
* What Makes Mike Cernovich A Risky Guest For A Podcast? (6-21-16)
* O.J.: Made In America (6-19-16)
* Under-earning thinking (6-6-16)
* A Possible Alliance Between Nazis & Social Justice Warriors (5-20-16)
* Different Groups Have Different Interests (5-17-16)
* Tabletmag: What Fuels Trump-Supporting Twitter Trolls? (5-5-16)
* Why are Jews hated? (5-5-16)
* WP: A new book portrays Hitler as a normal guy. That’s a problem for some. (4-27-16)
* How does the world work? (4-18-16)
* What is a hate group? (4-18-16)
* Why Can’t Jews Have Safe Spaces? (4-17-16)
* LAT: What FDR said about Jews in private His personal sentiments about Jews may help explain America’s tepid response to the Holocaust. (4-17-16)
* David Klinghoffer in 2012: With Concerns about Darwinist Racialism in Mind, National Review Cleans House (4-15-16)
* David Klinghoffer: Evolution and the Alt-Right (4-15-16)
* Can Israel’s ‘Ku Klux Klan’ be stopped? (4-7-16)
* The Use of the Self (4-6-16)
* Porn star Amber Rayne who accused James Deen of rape found dead aged 31 (4-4-16)
* My Facebook Memories On April 4 (4-4-16)
* New Zealand votes to keep its flag after 56.6% back the status quo (3-24-16)
* David Suissa: Why Trump Makes Us All Dizzy (3-22-16)
* Last night, the Episcopal priest told me that the most spiritual person she knew was a gay trans rabbi (3-20-16)
* An open letter to Donald Trump from Orthodox rabbis (3-20-16)
* Dennis Prager Vs Rush Limbaugh (3-14-16)
* The Life Cycle Of The Blogger (3-14-16)
* Orthodox Jews Set Sights on N.J. Town and Angry Residents Resist (3-14-16)
* Why he can’t vote for Donald Trump (3-13-16)
* The Victimhood Addiction (3-7-16)
* Kevin Roderick: How female TV journalists protect their safety after Erin Andrews (3-7-16)
* Louis Farrakhan praises Donald Trump (3-1-16)
* The media’s Trump reckoning: ‘Everyone was wrong’ (3-1-16)
* Ben Shapiro: The Anti-Semites Are Out In Force For Trump (3-1-16)
* Are there a disproportionate number of gay Jews? (2-28-16)
* Jews, Non-Jews & Group Interests (2-28-16)
* WP: Mein Kampf Now A Bestseller In Germany (2-25-16)
* NYT: Bernie Sanders Is Jewish, but He Doesn’t Like to Talk About It (2-24-16)
* WP: Donald Trump’s virulent rhetoric about the media is getting dangerous (2-22-16)
* Why the Jews? (1-19-16)
* Well, That Sucked (1-18-16)
* Why am I here? (1-13-16)
* Life As A Deeply Closeted Orthodox Rabbi (1-3-16)
* REVIEW: The Ten Commandments: Still the Best Moral Code (12-29-15)
* When Did I Board The Trump Express? (12-24-15)
* First They Came For The Almond Growers… (12-21-15)
* When The Goyim Notice Patterns (12-13-15)
* A Terrifying Thought (12-13-15)
* NYT: The Words That Killed Medieval Jews (12-11-15)
* Jews for Consistency (2-21-15)
* Gross Generalizations About Los Angeles Jews (12-29-15)
* Laughing My Way Into Poverty And Social Death (12-28-15)
* The Tribal Addiction (12-10-15)
Jewish Organizations React To Trump’s Proposal To Ban Muslim Immigration (12-9-15)
* Why Did We Bomb Christian Serbs To Help Muslims? (12-6-15)
* Connecting to Torah (12-6-15)
* Under-earning can kill you (12-6-15)
* The Man in the High Castle (11-28-15)
* TabletMag Investigates Holocaust Deniers (11-10-15)
* Why Is Israel A Low-Trust Society? (11-9-15)
* Time & Tension (11-8-15)
* Porn Star Joanna Angel Says Orthodox Parents Accept Her (11-6-15)
* Drugs, realism and the Jews (11-3-15)
* Paul Singer & Anti-Semitism (11-2-15)
* Who Cares About The World? (10-25-15)
* Jews, Gentiles & Circumcision (10-22-15)
* What’s the point? (10-21-15)
* Where Do You Get Your Self-Esteem? (10-12-15)
* The War On Noticing (10-8-15)
* No Regrets (10-8-15)
* Diversity As A Threat To Confidence (10-8-15)
* The West (10-7-15)
* Haaretz: 9/11 and the American Response to Syria’s Huddled Masses’ (9-10-15)
* Walking Alone (10-7-15)
* If Jews Can’t Travel To Many Muslim Countries, Why Should Western Countries Allow In Muslims? (10-6-15)
* Jews & Cheating (10-3-15)
J Street Backing HIAS Push For More Muslim Immigration To Make America Anti-Israel (10-1-15)
* The Future of Palestine: Righteous Jews vs. the New Afrikaners (9-29-15)
* I’m Concerned About The Low Quality Of Many Anti-Jewish Websites (9-27-15)
* Love and Mercy (9-26-15)
* Jewish Activists Go All In To Crush Ann Coulter (9-20-15)
* Ann Coulter & The Jews (9-20-15)
* Ann Coulter’s Critics Don’t Bother Making An Argument (9-20-15)
* Above & Beyond (9-20-15)
* The Sassoon Family Fortune Originated From Selling Opium To The Chinese (9-9-15)
* JTA: Mindful of risks, European Jews urge aid to refugees (9-9-15)
* Stereotyping While Waiting In Line At Ralphs (9-9-15)
* There’s No Powerful Jewish Lobby (9-7-15)
* Sociologist James Petras Hates Jews (9-7-15)
* Rabbis Helping Refugees (9-6-15)
* Stepping Back Into Church (9-6-15)
* What Does Sports Mean To Me? (9-6-15)
* Jews & Women (9-5-15)
* Should the Holocaust be the Moral Prism for all Questions About Diversity? (9-5-15)
* If you had to choose between 500 Syrian or African refugees dying at sea or moving on to your block, which would you choose? (9-3-15)
* Our Struggle (9-1-15)
* The Fear Inventory (8-28-15)
* Sexual Utopia in Power: The Feminist Revolt Against Civilization by F. Roger Devlin (8-28-15)
* You Can Often Sense Somebody’s Recovery Level By Their Body Language (8-10-15)
* Is Obama Blaming The Jewish Lobby? (8-10-15)
* The Set Aside Prayer As A Fast Track To Resetting Yourself (8-7-15)
* Reworking The Twelve Steps (8-7-15)
* Orthodox Jews Know Who They Are (8-7-15)
* I Am Not Shocked By Terrorism In Israel (8-4-15)
* Different Groups Have Different Gifts (7-31-15)
* Goyim Wearing Yarmulkes (7-31-15)
* With the Washington Post, has Jeff Bezos broken away from the clique? (7-30-15)
* How Do You Look At Women? (7-28-15)
* When Is Tisha B’Av For Goyim? (7-26-15)
* Pablo Escobar, The Drug Lord (7-23-15)
* Can You Pray The Gay Away? (7-20-15)
* The greatest drug kingpin in history was an Orthodox Jew who attributed his business success to his careful observance of Jewish law (7-11-15)
* Jews & Media (7-11-15)
* What’s The Point Of Non-Jews? (7-11-15)
* Not everybody loves America (7-10-15)
* High investment parenting (7-9-15)
* Iran v Israel (7-8-15)
* Is it wrong to hate a group? (7-5-15)
* Jews, Christians & Loyalty (7-3-15)
* The Legion of the Archangel Michael (7-2-15)
* The Hyper-Sexualization of Western Culture (7-2-15)
* Jews, Whites & Women (7-2-15)
* TabletMag: Wild Thing: Max Blumenthal’s Creepy Anti-Zionist Odyssey (6-30-15)
* The Puritans Were Forerunners Of The Seventh-Day Adventists (6-23-15)
* How Come The Jewish Community Doesn’t Issue Proclamations About Mass Killings By Blacks? (6-19-15)
* Jews, Blacks And Conspiracy Theories (5-25-15)
* The Board Of Deputies Of British Jews Promotes Censorship, Hate Speech Laws, Multi-Culturalism (5-7-15)
* Would You Buy A Used Car From Me? (5-6-15)
* WP: Why Israel does not recognize the Armenian genocide (4-24-15)
* Big Jews killing little Jews (4-23-15)
* Of Dogs And Humans (4-23-15)
* Are You A Bad Person If You Want Your Country Free Of Certain People? (4-21-15)
* DailyMail: Nazi invasion of London EXPOSED (4-20-15)
* An Empire of their Own (4-19-15)
* I Roam Where The Buses Don’t Run No More (4-15-15)
If I Were A Black Gentile, How Would I Feel About Jews? (4-14-15)
* If I Were Born An Orthodox Jew, How Would I Feel About Luke Ford? (4-14-15)
* The intense power of tribal truth (4-15-15)
If I Were A Muslim, How Would I Feel About Jews? (4-14-15)
* Converting To Orthodox Judaism And Then Giving It All Away (4-7-15)
* An American Nazi Camp (4-7-15)
* If I Were A White Nationalist, How Would I Feel About Jews? (4-4-15)
* ‘The ugly manifestations of resurgent neo-fascism’ (3-30-15)
Efraim Zuroff: One man’s journey to the heartland of fascism (3-30-15)
* Jews & Traffic Tickets (3-29-15)
* Jewish Identity & American Identity (3-26-15)
* How Many People Would You Be Willing To Kill For The Safety Of Your Own People? (3-8-15)
* Give Me What I Deserve In The Next Life (3-7-15)
* Would I Have Made A Good Spy? (3-7-15)
* Nazi Hunter: Nuremberg-esque march no way to celebrate Estonian independence (3-6-15)
* NYT: In U.C.L.A. Debate Over Jewish Student, Echoes on Campus of Old Biases (3-6-15)
* House Of Cards (3-2-15)
* Do 100 Million Gentile Victims Of Communism Deserve A Memorial? (2-28-15)
* Why Are There So Many Jews At The Top? (2-26-15)
* Sex & the Jews (2-26-15)
* Principles vs Interests (2-25-15)
* What Do You Think Of Husbands Who Always Put Their Clients On Hold To Take Calls From Their Wives? (2-25-15)
* German Jews Oppose Publication Of Mein Kampf (2-25-15)
* When The Israelites Were Strong In The Land (2-25-15)
* Out of the Loop (2-24-15)
* All groups could learn from the way Jews take care of their own (2-23-15)
* Smells like teen spirit (2-22-15)
* What About Jewish Privilege? (2-22-15)
* Group threats (2-21-15)
* Why Did Stalin Become Anti-Semitic? (2-20-15)
* A Pragmatic vs an Absolute Commitment to Truth (2-20-15)
* NPR Fresh Air Host Terry Gross Is A Terrible Interviewer (2-18-15)
* Love At First Sight (2-15-15)
* Blasting The Car Horn (2-15-15)
* Dating & Blogging (2-12-15)
* NYT: France is scrambling to remedy the inequities highlighted by the Charlie Hebdo attack… (2-12-15)
* Rabbi Abraham Cooper: A snapshot of France and her Jews at the crossroads (2-12-15)
* David Hazony: The Anti-Semitism We Never Talk About (2-11-15)
* Counterpunch: Why is the US Honoring a Racist Rabbi? (2-8-15)
* The Abolition of White Australia (2-8-15)
* The Jew Moves The World (2-8-15)
* The Beauty Of Cohesion (2-8-15)
* Belgium Cafe Sign Says: ‘No Jews Allowed’ (2-8-15)
* Capturing the Friedmans (2-7-15)
* Are there Jewish interests? (2-5-15)
* The Dancing Asian Girl (2-5-15)
* Should We Retire The Word ‘Slut’? (2-4-15)
* Jews in Bed (2-3-15)
* The Jewish Laws Of Proper Speech (2-2-15)
* The Future Of Shopping Mall America (2-2-15)
* Why are Hasidim so happy? (2-1-15)
* Super Bowl Thoughts: New England 28-24 Seattle (2-1-15)
* NYT: Owners of Patriots and Seahawks Are a Study in Contrasts (2-1-15)
* How do we educate east-asians to feel less shame about taking all the welfare they can get? (2-1-15)
* How Can We Make America More User-Friendly For Jews? (1-30-15)
* Jewish Interests vs Gentile Interests (1-30-15)
* What role for Jews in non-Jewish ethnostates? (1-29-15)
* Things Are Moving Fast (1-27-15)
* A Boy from the Bronx (1-25-15)
* The Jews in Australia (1-25-15)
* Histrionic Personality Disorder (1-25-15)
* Closer to the Moon (1-24-15)
* Was It Rational For Egypt To Enslave The Israelites? (1-10-15)
* Why Don’t I Care More About Muslim Suffering? (1-9-15)
* My Last Dinner Date With A Jewish Girl (1-8-15)
* Why Am I So Open-Minded? (1-8-15)
* RIP Jethro Pugh (1-7-15)
* Jews Must Live (1-3-15)
* Jews & Gentiles (12-31-14)
* Evolution & Orthodox Judaism (12-31-14)
* Foxcatcher (12-30-14)
* Many Women Seem To Love Their Pets & Their Kids & Their Phone More Than Their Men (12-30-14)
* Animals Have Predispositions (12-25-14)
* What Would A Christian Nationalist Takeover Look Like In The US? (12-21-14)
* I Rarely Think About Palestinian Suffering (12-21-14)
* Charles Murray On America’s Elites (12-12-14)
* I want my own media company… (12-12-14)
* How To Improve Sports (12-12-14)
* The Power Of Face To Face Discussions About Difficult Issues (12-11-14)
* Connecting The Dots With Sheldon Adelson (12-11-14)
* R. Ovadiah Yosef: Goyim Were Born Only To Serve Us (12-7-14)
* Jews & Australians (12-6-14)
* A Left-Wing Jew With A History Of Christian-Bashing Wrote That Bogus Rolling Stone Article About Rape At UVA (12-5-14)
* May God save the children of Israel from their leaders (12-5-14)
* Why Am I Reacting This Way? (12-2-14)
* Are Lower Oil Prices Good For The Jews? (12-2-14)
* The Randy Roo (11-30-14)
* The Japanese Work Ethic (11-30-14)
* This Is How You Rob A Liquor Store With Good Use (11-28-14)
* Are Attacks On Jews Attacks On God? (11-23-14)
* Friends of the IDF (11-20-14)
* What’s my excuse? (11-19-14)
* If you were an Arab or Muslim, how would today’s stabbings in a Jerusalem shul make you feel? (11-18-14)
Players Who Leave Early (11-17-14)
* The Wonderful Terrible Life of Leni Riefenstahl (11-16-14)
* Was The G-20 Summit A Disaster For Australia? (11-16-14)
WP: ‘I’m a black woman with a white husband. People assume I’m a prostitute all the time.’ (11-13-14)
* End Times (11-10-14)
* If Israel Wants To Be The Jewish State, Then All Jews Everywhere Become Targets (11-10-14)
* I Hope I’m Wrong About This Hateful Stereotype (11-9-14)
* Who Runs The Internet? (11-9-14)
* Goldwin Smith On The Jewish Question (11-8-14)
* NPR: Plot For Peace – The Mysterious French Businessman Who Helped Overthrow Apartheid (11-6-14)
Can a Jewish woman save the NFL? (11-5-14)
* The More Stock You Put On Your Beauty, The More You Will Miss It (10-30-14)
* The Rise Of The Korean Nursemaid (10-30-14)
* We’ll say no more about it (10-29-14)
* Brian and the Boz (10-29-14)
* Why do Jews oppose wars against evil? (10-29-14)
* Is Seahawks QB Russell Wilson Not Black Enough? (10-27-14)
* Strong Group Identity Always Brings With It Contempt For Outsiders (10-25-14)
* Ghosts Of Ole Miss (10-24-14)
* The Jewish Story Of New York Marathon Director Fred Lebow (10-24-14)
* Jews, Mel & War (10-22-14)
* The Rabbi’s Chapter Seven Bankruptcy Filing As A Literary Genre (10-20-14)
Because Portland Is White (10-20-14)
* Are Wives Grateful For Their Husbands? (10-19-14)
* The Rebbe Vs The Organized Jewish Community (10-18-14)
* Returning Goods Lightly Used Is Not Unknown Among Jews (10-18-14)
* Los Angeles Has Its Own Barry Freundel (10-15-14)
* Professional Jews Keep Shabbos For A Living (10-11-14)
* Tribes Have A Different Relationship To The Nation-State III (10-7-14)
* The Rebbe vs The Frankfurt School (10-6-14)
* Are There Judeo-Christian Values? (10-6-14)
* Who hates whom (10-5-14)
* Every Group Should Have To Make Its Case To Its Host Nation (10-5-14)
* Every Major American Jewish Organization Including The Orthodox Union And Agudath Israel Supports Immigration Amnesty (10-5-14)
* A spy among you (10-5-14)
* Are Jews Honest In Business? (10-5-14)
* Is Donald Sterling An Anomaly Among Jews? (10-3-14)
* Diversity vs Group Continuity (10-2-14)
* The Legacy Of South Africa (10-2-14)
* Is Judaism The Reason Jews Are Creative? (10-2-14)
* In The Manhattan TV Show, A Jewess Tries To Corrupt A Christian Lad (10-1-14)
* Oy Vey and Kaboom – The Wild West (10-1-14)
* Dodgers Adjust Their Playoff Schedule To Cause Minimum Conflict With Yom Kippur (10-1-14)
* Blacks Protest Whites Moving Into Harlem (10-1-14)
* Could somebody please explain to me the Ashkenazi discussion style? (9-29-14)
* The Japanese Connection To White Nationalism (9-28-14)
* My Two Minutes Before The John Birch Society (9-24-14)
* McMansions and the Jews (9-24-14)
* Black Nationalism Vs White Nationalism (9-23-14)
* Majorities vs Minorities (9-21-14)
* Explore Your Beliefs Through Alexander Technique (9-14-14)
* Seeking A Win-Win Solution (9-12-14)
* What Do ISIS And Many American Minorities Have In Common? (9-11-14)
* How Much Should We Fear Iran? (9-9-14)
* Is It OK For Women To Hit A Man? (9-8-14)
* Why Are Jews So Successful? (9-7-14)
* Should I Grieve James Foley and Steven Sotloff? (9-7-14)
* Why Don’t Good People Want To Ride Public Transport In Los Angeles? (9-7-14)
* Another Jewish NBA Owner To Leave For Critical Remarks About Blacks (9-7-14)
* The Solution is Connection (9-7-14)
* Torah Believes In Stereotypes (9-7-14)
* What Gives You The Greatest Pleasure? (9-7-14)
* Conspiracy Theories (9-7-14)
* Joe Biden Says Jewish Influence Is Immense (9-1-14)
* The Jewish Drive To Change The World (9-1-14)
* How Many Men Would Sell Their Souls For Kate Upton? (8-31-14)
* The Alexander Technique is about waking up (8-28-14)
* When Jews And Non-Jews Discriminate (8-24-14)
* NYT: A Rabbi’s Decision to Step Down Touches on Questions of Jewish Identity (8-15-14)
* Tribes Tend To Have A Different Relationship To Nation-States II (8-15-14)
* Converting To Judaism To Raise Your Social Status (8-10-14)
* Friday Night Lights (8-8-14)
* Can Comedy Be Kosher? (8-6-14)
* Jewish Guilt vs White Guilt (8-6-14)
* Why Do People Call The Conflict In The Middle East ‘Madness’? (8-3-14)
* Nationalism & Genocide (7-24-14)
* Most People Like It When You Have A Strong Identity (7-19-14)
* Nardil saves lives (7-19-14)
* Tinder Is My Favorite Dating App (7-16-14)
* His First Tears At A White Funeral (7-14-14)
* Americans Rediscovering Their Ethnic Identity (6-22-14)
* Saying Goodbye To My Therapist (6-16-14)
* Where’s My Work Ethic? (6-10-14)
* My first five years (6-7-14)
* Relies Are Beaut, Mate (6-5-14)
* Reflections On Turning 48 (5-27-14)
* Where I Disagree With The American Freedom Party (5-25-14)
* Santa Barbara killer Elliot Rodger (5-25-14)
* Some People Claim I’m Religious Only To The Extent It Allows Me To Be Lousy To People (5-19-14)
* Why Do Haredi Leaders Insist The Earth Is Only 6,000 Years Old? (5-15-14)
* What’s my strategy? (5-14-14)
* Why Is There An ADL And A SPLC? (5-14-14)
* Jewish Paranoia vs Christian Faith (5-14-14)
* I’m Going To Try To Care For Other People (5-13-14)
* Nicholas Wade Interview – A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History (5-11-14)
* Is Turning To God The Best Therapy? (5-9-14)
* Hillel Aron: Yes, I Text and Drive. No, I’m Not Sorry. (5-9-14)
* I’ve Been Using Food To Combat Anxiety (5-8-14)
* Jews & Racism (5-8-14)
* Gone Tribal (5-7-14)
* Yo Filing (5-7-14)
* Acts of Love (5-4-14)
* Circumcision Is The Easiest Example To See How Jews Have Affected Your Life (5-2-14)
* Why Do They Deny The Holocaust? (5-2-14)
* Successful racial integration (4-29-14)
* Steve Sailer: Sterling v. Nehoray: Battle of the lowlife lawyers (4-28-14)
* Jews Ordered To Register In Donetsk, Ukraine (4-17-14)
* Paul Gottfried Interview (4-17-14)
* That’s Disgusting! (4-17-14)
* Impatient at a dinner party (4-16-14)
* Feel your feelings! (4-13-14)
* Tribes and the Nation State (4-7-14)
* The Decline And Fall Of Michael Fumento (3-23-14)
* What’s The Point Of Group Pride? (4-13-14)
* How Can You Mistreat People In Your Country Illegally? (3-17-14)
* How Do You Convert To Judaism If You Are Painfully Shy? (3-11-14)
* Bad manners (3-11-14)
* Amy Dresner – She Was 13th Stepped And She Kinda Liked It (3-9-14)
* My financial history (3-7-14)
* Monica Foster Dishes The Jewish Dirt (3-6-14)
* Bad for the Jews (3-4-14)
* Biblical Illiteracy (2-18-14)
* Why I Won’t End Up Like Michael Hutchence (2-16-14)
* Jews & The Fight Against Racism In Post-WWII England (2-16-14)
* White Resentment Drives The Republican Party (2-13-14)
* ‘Strong religious beliefs may drive self-perception of addiction to online pornography’ (2-13-14)
* Is Jewish Blogging Still Relevant? (2-13-14)
* Asians Don’t Like To Go To Court (2-11-14)
* Are Supporters Of Immigration Amnesty Traitors To America? (2-10-14)
* Are Jews A Blessing To The World? (2-10-14)
* A Few Thoughts On Israel And America (2-10-14)
* Is Israel Better Off For The Presence Of 120,000 Ethiopians? (2-10-14)
* The Fearsome Foursome (2-9-14)
* Why Do So Many People Deny The Holocaust? (2-9-14)
* Can You Name Any Japanese Celebrities? (2-9-14)
* How Jews Led The Fight Against Racism (2-9-14)
* Cheating the goyim (2-1-14)
* Cautious Asian Drivers (1-27-14)
* Has The ADL Been The Model For Fighting Racism? (1-27-14)
* Hank – Five Years From The Brink (1-25-14)
* The Wolf of Wall Street (1-25-14)
* The War Going Home (1-21-14)
* Don’t Notice Patterns! (1-13-14)
* So This Black Guy Walks Into A Shul… (1-12-14)
* Meir Kahane & William Pierce (1-10-14)
* The Bipolar Orthodox Rabbi At The Center Of The World (1-9-14)
* Tora? (1-8-14)
* A Torah Reason For Taking Alexander Technique Lessons (1-6-14)
* My Magical Movie Dream (1-5-14)
* The Case For Israel: Democracy’s Outpost (1-1-14)
* Thank you for sharing (12-27-13)
* Are Jews In America Underdogs? (12-27-13)
* What Is Marvin Hier’s Legacy? (12-26-13)
* I Tend To Pursue My Passions To Destruction (12-22-13)
* Edgar Bronfman Sr Is Dead (12-22-13)
* Do I Still Have My Blog? (12-22-13)
* The Call Of The Shofar Controversy (12-24-13)
* Big hips on a woman frighten me (12-16-13)
* Do I Fear Repercussions? (12-7-13)
* Is The Right For Smaller Government? (12-1-13)
* Why Do Tongans Struggle With Poverty When They’re So Wonderful And Generous? (11-29-13)
* Who goes shopping for a big screen on Thanksgiving? (11-28-13)
* I’m Fascinated By The JFK Assassination (11-15-13)
* Business Writer Mark Lacter Is Dead (11-14-13)
* The wrong thing (11-11-13)
* Wisdom From Kids (11-9-13)
* LA Weekly: Latinos Get a Measly 1 in 25 Speaking Roles in Top Films (11-4-13)
* Bustin’ down the door (11-2-13)
* Vicki Polin’s 1989 Oprah Appearance About Ritual Murder In The Jewish Community (11-2-13)
* Mark Helprin Is A Hysteric (10-31-13)
* How To Get An Alexander Technique Teacher Mad — Advocate Teaching By Skype (10-25-13)
* Most Of My Girlfriends Were Simply The Best I Could Do At The Time (10-25-13)
* When Gossip Packs A Punch (10-18-13)
* Saying Kaddish For Your Dog (10-24-13)
* What Has The Alexander Technique Done For Me? (9-1-13)
* Breaking My Addiction To Sports (8-25-13)
* What’s It Like To Become Irrelevant In Your 40s? (8-18-13)
* The Talk (8-6-13)
* The Lord Will Gather Me In (8-6-13)
* My Life In Redneck Country (8-5-13)
* My father’s rules (8-5-13)
* My Search For Substitute Father Figures (8-5-13)
* The Sabbath For Christians (8-5-13)
* God, Orthodox Judaism, And The Rabbis (7-28-13)
* Rise by Herb Alpert (7-27-13)
* When Were My Times Of Greatest Despair? (7-21-13)
* How Do Religious Kids Rebel? (7-21-13)
* A Christian Challenge From My Dad (7-19-13)
* The most important thing in life is your connection with the people you love (7-17-13)
* Why do I believe that belief in God is important? (7-17-13)
* You Can Learn From Everyone, But Should You? (7-16-13)
* Everything we do affects other people (7-16-13)
* Pilot of the Airwaves (7-14-13)
* Vespers Service At Pacific Union College (7-14-13)
* My Writer’s Credo (7-11-13)
* How Much Confidentiality Should You Expect When You Consult With A Rabbi? (7-9-13)
* The Fears That Block My Acceptance Of God (7-7-13)
* Something’s Wrong (7-7-13)
* Prisoners Of War (7-7-13)
* Turning Points (7-5-13)
* What Was The Last Day Of My Youth? (7-5-13)
* My first dates (7-4-13)
* The Man With The Eagle Tattoo (7-4-13)
* As A Younger Man, I Had More Choices (7-4-13)
* Who’s Going To Drive You Home? (7-4-13)
* Growing Up As Des Ford’s Son (7-2-13)
* I’m Rewriting My Rules (7-1-13)
* What Am I Certain About? (7-1-13)
* My Greatest Need (6-30-13)
* When Did You Last Hear A Rabbi Berate His Congregation? (6-30-13)
* Stories I Tell Myself (6-24-13)
* I’ve Had To Go Against My Friends Every Time I’ve Wanted To Make A Major Change (6-15-13)
* Modafinil – The Wonder Drug (6-12-13)
* Pacific Union College – A Paradise Lost (3-24-13)
* My Only Experiences With Racism Run In One Direction (3-17-13)
* Provoking People Means Hurting People (3-4-13)
* My Relationship With God (2-19-13)
* My Desperate Credit Card Spending (2-18-13)
* My best friend walks by (2-16-13)
* What Significance Did R. David Hartman Have To Judaism? (2-12-13)
* My Therapist Says (2-4-13)
* My Best Chance For A Normal Life (1-11-13)
* The Desmond Ford Apostasy (1-1-13)
* My Frightened Defiant Response To Authority (1-1-13)
* I Grew Up With All The Signs Of Becoming A Serial Killer (12-29-12)
* The Thrill Of Gambling (12-29-12)
* What If Rainy Walked Into Starbucks? (12-28-12)
* I Don’t Have A Problem That Can’t Be Solved With The Right Connections (12-25-12)
* Blind-Sided By Love (12-24-12)
* Letting Go Of The Rage (12-18-12)
* Step Four (12-12-12)
* The Dynamics Of Sexual Excitement (12-12-12)
* Ingraining Bad Posture (12-6-12)
* Where Did I Have To Make A 180-Degree Turn? (12-4-12)
* Where Were The Jews In The Mitt Romney Brain Trust? (11-10-12)
* David Petreaus Threw Away Everything For A Hot Chick (11-10-12)
* Stepping Into My First 12-Step Meeting (11-9-12)
* Which racial, ethnic and religious groups are the most reliable? (11-8-12)
* You Don’t Have To Take This Too Seriously (11-4-12)
* What makes New York the greatest city? (11-4-12)
* Moral Instructions Aren’t Enough (10-27-12)
* I Didn’t Enter School Until 2nd Grade (10-26-12)
* My Objections To 12-Step Programs (10-26-12)
* Jews Tend To Feel Good About Themselves (10-18-12)
* Do Husbands Appreciate Their Wives More Than Wives Appreciate Their Husbands? (10-2-12)
* Jewish vs Christian Generosity (9-18-12)
* Professor Jules Lambert Zentner – My Best Friend During My Darkest Years (7-8-12)
* Abortion (12-7-09)
* The Uninvited (11-25-09)
* Dennis Prager Biography
* My Dennis Prager story
* Paradise Lost (5-14-07)
* Antonio Villaraigosa (2007)
* My dinner with Michael Kinsley (4-20-05)
Essays (circa 2002 to 2007)
* Interviews (circa 2002 to 2005)
* The art of the interview
* Dildos of Shame (9-23-03)


* Trump vs Big Law (3-23-25)
Make The Alien Enemies Act of 1798 Great Again (3-16-25)
* What Should Jews & Catholics Learn From Protestants? (3-9-25)
* What American CEOs, Drug Cartels & Colleges Understand That Europe Doesn’t (3-2-25)
* Donald Trump’s First Three Days As The 47th President Of The United States (1-22-25)
* Decoding Curtis Yarvin: The Edgelord’s Guide to Monarchy (12-26-24)
* I’m A Very Respectable Man (12-24-24)
* My Interview With Stephen J. James (12-22-24)
* Decoding World War III (11-29-24)
* Decoding Mike Benz (8-18-24)
* The U.S. Secret Service Will Never Stop A Real Attack (7-21-24)
* Donald Trump Shot – Why Did The Secret Service Operate With Reckless Disregard? (7-14-24)
* Decoding The Media Conspiracy To Protect Joe Biden The Past Four Years (7-7-24)
* Minding The Gap Between Your Eyes And The Arbiters Of Truth (7-4-24)
* Why Does Liberalism Deny The Reality Of Joe Biden’s Decline? (7-2-24)
* Decoding The Significance Of Joe Biden’s Disastrous Debate Performance (6-30-24)
* Decoding The Brawl Outside Adas Torah Synagogue (6-24-24) Part Two
* What’s Wrong With Human Rights? (6-23-24)
* Decoding Dan Rather (5-12-24)
* Decoding Work (5-7-24)
* Decoding Destiny aka Steve Bonnell (4-21-24) Part Two Part Three Bonus
* Decoding Passport Bros (4-2-24)
* Let’s Go Gay For Gaza (3-17-24)
* Conservative Claims of Cultural Oppression (Transgender Edition) 3-3-24
* The Women of the Far Right (Swimsuit Edition) (1-28-24)
* Are you feeling demoralized by the psy-ops? (1-14-24)
* Tunnelers of the Soul & Decoding Douglas Murray (1-10-24)
* Life usually runs on hierarchy not democracy (12-21-23)
* One Weird Trick To Enter An Ordinary World (12-19-23)
* Rape as a weapon of war in the Arab-Israeli conflict (11-26-23)
* Joe Biden Optimizes US Foreign Policy For Max Human Flourishing (10-19-23)
* Joe Biden sinks the USA into the quagmire of Arab-Israeli conflict (10-19-23)
* Hamas Attacks Israel, Frame Game (Mike Benz) Doxxed (10-9-23)
* The Spiritual Bypass Temptation (10-2-23)
* The hole in my soul (10-2-23)
* Doctors, Clergy & The Struggle For Power (9-28-23)
* Marginalized movements attract marginalized people (9-4-23)
* Dear American: America Is Not Your Problem – You Are Your Problem (9-4-23)
* Decoding Trauma II (8-20-23)
* Decoding Affect Theory, Liberalism and the Riverfront Brawl (8-13-23)
* Decoding Germans & Jews (8-9-23)
* Decoding The Republican Brain (8-8-23)
* Decoding Masculinity (7-30-23)
* Fatso! (7-28-23)
* Decoding The Thought Leaders, Part Two (7-25-23)
* Decoding Deep Left JOKL (7-24-23)
* Decoding Bronze Age Pervert Series (July 2023)
* Analyzing Steve Sailer, Decoding JF Gariepy (7-13-23)
* Shameless is a good thing (7-13-23)
* Recovering from a red pill overdose (7-12-23)
* Protestant goes Orthodox Jew, learns about group strategy v individual strategy (7-11-23)
* Decoding Jean-Francois Gariepy (7-12-23)
* Decoding The Alexander Technique (7-4-23)
* What Does The Fourth Of July Holiday Celebrate? (7-4-23)
* Will Love, Inclusion & Constitution Knit France and America Back Together Again? (7-3-23)
* Explaining The Left-Right Political Spectrum (6-21-23)
* There’s No Business Model For Telling The Truth (6-20-23)
* The Rise & Fall of the Alt Right – A 2023 Analysis (6-18-23)
* Understanding The Latest Trump Indictment (6-18-23)
* News, goodness and great sex don’t pay for themselves (6-14-23)
* Why is the right so gay & stupid? (6-13-23)
* Are you holding out for a hero?” (6-5-23)
* NPR: YouTube will no longer take down false claims about U.S. elections (6-4-23)
* Politico: The Media Has Got Ron DeSantis Nailed (6-4-23)
* Putting The Con In Conservative (5-14-23) Part Two
* My Rules For Life (5-8-23)
* WP: Was the Tucker Carlson firing just about power? (5-5-23)
* Romanticize Your Life By Finding Your In-Group (5-3-23)
* WP: In wake of Ralph Yarl shooting, Black teens face fear and resignation (4-23-23)
* The Goyim Defense League are the logical result of Civil Rights (4-21-23)
* lol nothing matters (4-20-23)
* If I Am Right About Life, Then I Have No Importance (4-17-23)
* The Lowdown On Right-Wing Influencers (4-14-23)
* Thomas Hobbes vs John Locke – It’s the Final Countdown (4-9-23)
* Dennis Prager: Could It Happen Here? It Is Happening Here. (4-4-23)
* Examining Hero Systems & Conservative Claims Of Cultural Oppression (4-2-23)
* Why I No Longer Listen To Dennis Prager (4-2-23)
* It is more adaptive to be sheep than an individualist (3-19-23)
* How come we can’t have nice things? (1-25-23)
* Australian Fatalism v American Exuberance (1-28-23)
* It’s The End Of The World As We Know It (1-12-23)
* Analyzing Christian Nationalism (1-12-23)
* Dissident Critiques Of Christian Nationalism (1-12-23)
* The woke, the true and the sacred (12-30-22)
* Do You Optimize For Truth? (12-29-22)
* Ideas That Changed My Life (12-28-22)
* The Game: Undercover in the Secret Society of Pickup Artists (12-28-22)
* Milo’s Masterpiece: The Nick Fuentes Dinner With Trump (12-1-22)
* Christianity as an Identity (11-28-22)
* Day 12 Down Under – Life on the Island Prison (11-15-22)
* Process (Liberals) Vs Ends (Conservatives) (10-23-22)
* People Never Say What They Mean (10-21-22)
* Kanye West and the Rise of Christian Nationalism (10-20-22)
* Kanye West is not a Political Philosopher (10-19-22)
* Two Live Jews Discuss The Rise Of Christian Nationalism (10-6-22)
* What If Social Media & Universities Prohibited Christ Denial? (9-22-22)
* Fordy’s Great Leap Forward In Moral Thinking Begins Now (9-21-22)
* A voice and character analysis of Alt Right livestreamers (9-19-22)
* The Ballad of Richard Spencer (9-18-22)
* How do we spread multi-culturalism to uncontacted peoples? (9-4-22)
* Pain, Fear, Stigma: What People Who Survived Monkeypox Want You to Know (8-31-22)
* Dearly Beloved (8-1-22)
* TRS Exposed (7-28-22)
* Deconstructing Holocaust Denial With Graduate Student Matthew Ghobrial Cockerill (7-21-22)
* Interview With Dispelling The Myth Author Diana Hochman (7-11-22)
* Dispelling The Ugly Myths About Orthodox Judaism (7-10-22)
* The Sinister Path (6-27-22)
* The Monster Inside (6-19-22)
* The Eucalyptus Question (6-10-22)
* Biodiversity Crisis Drives Eradication Campaign Against Super-Predators (6-10-22)
* Where can marginalized losers get self-esteem? (6-3-22)
* What Unites Opposition To Nationalism? Disdain For Individual Dignity (6-1-22)
* The Media Are The Lapdogs Of The Experts (5-31-22)
* The Market for Goods and the Market for Ideas (5-29-22)
* A Solution To Social Media Censorship (5-27-22)
* Can you change your personality? (5-22-22)
* I Want To Break Free (5-21-22)
* How Do Republicans Build A Counter-Elite? (5-19-22)
* Should we bring souls out of hiding? What’s our right level of visibility and responsibility? (5-19-22)
* Don’t trust anyone under 25 (5-13-22)
* What’s The Purpose Of Politics? (5-12-22)
Competing for your attention — Baked Alaska declares himself innocent (5-11-22)
* Fame and Friends (5-10-22)
* Please Respect My Rebrand: The Mia, Nick & Richard Story (5-10-22)
* My chat room is not a public toilet (5-9-22)
* What if cults and livestreams are our only hope? (5-1-22)
* Only the Lonely (5-1-22)
* Why Do Entrepreneurs Embrace Woo-Woo Ideas? (4-19-22)
* The Alt Right Hagadah (4-14-22)
* Checking out of the national project (4-14-22)
* Teal Swan – The Suicide Catalyst (4-13-22)
* Tucker Carlson Talks To Amy Wax About Saving Western Civilization (4-11-22)
* Ordinary World (4-7-22)
* The Flight 93 Election Reconsidered (4-3-22)
* How Did Russia Vs Ukraine Become A Battle Of Good & Evil? (3-31-22)
* Historian Matthew Ghobrial On Russia Vs Ukraine (3-29-22)
* Will Smith, Chris Rock and the downward spiral of the dissidents (3-28-22)
* The Energy Stars (3-20-22)
* Putin Seems Disrespectful Of Human Rights, Bro (3-1-22)
* What is Fascism? (2-20-22)
* Louis Theroux’s Forbidden America – ‘A Sinister Warning About The Far Right’ (2-15-22)
* Dr. Fordy Will See You Now: Be Quiet And Accept Reality (2-9-22)
* Saturday Night Right: Joe Rogan’s apology, the rise and fall of internet blood sports (2-5-22)
* Deconstructing Holocaust Denial With Graduate Student Matthew Ghobrial Cockerill (1-22-22)
* Living by principles in an unfair world (1-25-22)
* The One Study That Changed JF Gariepy’s View On Vaccines (1-2-22)
* The Lies We Tell Ourselves: How to Face the Truth, Accept Yourself, and Create a Better Life (12-31-21)
* Walkabout Guru: Decoding Joe Rogan, Jocko Willink & Life After Youtube (12-29-21)
* The magic key vs the situational key (12-28-21)
* Haredi children’s author Chaim Walder kills himself (12-28-21)
* Self-verification theory (12-24-21)
* Shabbat on Christmas (12-26-21)
* Why Are Americans Bowling Alone While Aussies Bowl Together? (12-7-21)
* Sometimes You Need Less Faith (11-19-21)
* The Structure and the Situation (11-8-21)
* America is not a hell hole – the hole is in your soul (10-18-21)
* How talk radio makes people worse (10-18-21)
* What are the spiritual lessons of Covid? (10-7-21)
* Pompous Luke (9-27-21)
* It’s easy to dismiss information you don’t understand (9-3-21)
* You can’t pray your way out of a problem you behaved your way in to (9-3-21)
* Rabbi Judas Maccabeus Debates Dooovid About Jews Debating Nazis (8-1-21)
* Steve Sailer: ‘Why did the Taliban win? Because they live there.’ (8-16-21)
* Porn and the sex recession (6-13-21)
* Killstream Mirror: Cotto v Ford On Voter Fraud (6-10-21)
* Structuralism vs Essentialism (5-7-21)
* Reclaiming Patriotism In An Age Of Extremes (3-9-21)
* Modafinil Is The Official Drug Of The Rationalist Movement (2-13-21)
* The Alt Right As A Sitcom (1-18-21)
* Luke Goes Off On The MAGA Capitol Hill Rioters (1-8-21)
* Journalistic Ethics (12-9-20)
* Politico: George Soros’ quiet overhaul of the U.S. justice system (9-16-20)
* What Happened To Matt Drudge? III (9-1-20)
* How Disaster Made Conversion To Judaism Harder & Carl Schmitt (Aug. 2020)
* The Moral Responsibilities Of The Live Streamer (5-16-20)
* One man’s adventure beyond good & evil (5-15-20)
* Carl Schmitt & Constitutional Dictatorship (5-6-20)
* The Rise And Fall Of Carl Schmitt II (5-5-20)
* The rise and fall of Carl Schmitt (5-4-20)
* Carl Schmitt & The Jews (4-22-20)
* The JQ Debate (4-17-20)
* Antisemitism among right-wingers (2-24-20)
* Inter arma enim silent leges (In times of war, the law falls silent) 4-16-20)
* #392 12-31-19 Martin Buber’s Biblical Critique Of Carl Schmitt III
* #388 12-23-19 A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood
* Martin Buber’s Biblical Critique Of Carl Schmitt II (12-12-19)
* Martin Buber’s Biblical Critique Of Carl Schmitt (12-10-19)
* #375 12-5-19 Carl Schmitt: The Conservative Revolutionary Habitus and the Aesthetics of Horror II
* #374 12-4-19 Carl Schmitt: The Conservative Revolutionary Habitus and the Aesthetics of Horror
* Grifters of the Right (Oct. 2019)
* #340 10-11-10 Antisocial: Online Extremists, Techno-Utopians IV
* Philosopher Stephen Turner On Carl Schmitt’s Concept Of The Political (August, 2019)
* Politics Without Vision: Thinking Without A Banister In The Twentieth Century (8-19-19)
* Carl Schmitt’s State Of Exception – Two Mass Shootings In USA (El Paso, Dayton) Leave 29 Dead (8-5-19)
* Ethnonationalism: The Quest for Understanding (Princeton University Press) By Walker Connor (29 videos in July and August of 2019)
* #261 6-18-19 Illegal Immigration Challenges The West
* What Must A Jew Believe? (4-7-19)
* The Nostradamus Kid (1992) 3-24-19
* Desmond Ford: His Life & Times (3-17-19)
* Tucker Carlson Refuses To Apologize For ‘Naughty’ Past Comments (3-11-19)
* Desmond Ford (1929-2019) 3-10-19
* Carl Schmitt’s Political Theology (2019)
* The Great Jared Taylor – Steve Sailer Debate Of 2005
* Revisiting The Steve Sailer – Jared Taylor Debates (2-3-19)
* NYT: James Watson Won’t Stop Talking About Race (1-1-19)
* Who’s Right On IQ: Sailer Or Taleb? (12-26-18)
* Everybody Has Their Genre (12-25-18)
* Trump Sees Winning Hand As Critics See Presidency Spiraling Down (12-25-18)
* Trump Unleashes Peace Offensive, Neocons Hardest Hit (12-24-18)
* The Art of Debate w Jim Goad, Nick Fuentes, Baked Alaska, Irony Bros (12-22-18)
* Trump Goes To The Wall (12-21-18)
* Celebrating Steve Sailer’s Life & Work On His 60th Birthday (12-20-18)
* Why Are So Many Female Teachers Screwing Their Juvenile Students? (12-19-18)
* Will The Next Big Depression Start in 2019? (12-18-18)
* NYT Flirts With Mass Suicide, Take That Pete Davidson (12-17-18)
* Parasha Vayechi (Gen. 47:28-50:26) (12-16-18)
* And Then They Came For Noah Carl (12-15-18)
* The Death Of Conservatism – Weekly Standard Ceases Publication (12-14-18)
* Theater Thursday: The Ballad Of Buster Scruggs (12-13-18)
* Does A Jewish Cabal Run America? (12-12-18) Part Two
* Trump: Give Me The Wall Or I’ll Shut Down DC (12-11-18)
* Build The Wall Or Lose America. It’s Time To Choose! (12-10-18)
* Parashat Vayigash (Genesis 44:18-47:27) (12-9-18)
* James Fields Convicted, Yellow Jackets Riot In Paris (12-8-18)
* Richard Spencer Hosts Heel Turn (12-7-18)
* Clash Of The Titans: Kristol vs D’Souza (12-6-18)
* Millennials Demand Protection From A Scary World (12-5-18)
* Weekly Standard Closing Shop (12-4-18)
* Anatomy Of A Hate Hoax (12-3-18)
* Parasha Miketz (12-2-18)
* Saturday Night Right (12-1-18)
* Laura Loomer Unchained (11-30-18)
* Donald Trump Is A Homewrecker! Luke’s JQ Debate With Norvin Hobbs! (11-28-18)
* America’s First Elites & The Transsexual Revolution (11-26-18)
* The Right On Sunday (11-25-18)
* The Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre (11-4-18)
* Tree of Life Synagogue Shooting Kills 11 (10-28-18)
* Is the Alt Right dead? (10-21-18)
* ‘Rising Out Of Hatred The Awakening Of A Former White Nationalist’ By Eli Saslow 10-6-18
* When P*** Still Mattered: The Luke Ford Story (9-9-18)
* What Comes After Christianity? (9-2-18)
* Trump Vs Google/Facebook/Twitter & The Left (8-29-18)
* Trump Shifts Big Tech Bias, We’re No Longer Shadow-Banned On Twitter (8-28-18)
* Colin Liddell: Alex Jones and the coming civil war (8-26-18)
* Do South Africa’s White Farmers Face Genocide? (8-23-18)
* Real Physical ailments vs my girly emo crap (8-23-18)
* Frame Game Radio & The Case For SMACA (8-19-18)
* Unite The Right 2: Jason Kessler Interview (8-15-18)
* Reflections On Unite The Right 2 (8-13-18)
* NPR: YouTube, Apple And Facebook Ban Alex Jones (8-6-18)
* Colin Liddell, Matt Forney, Dennis Dale, Brundlefly, Claire Khaw Livestream 8-5-18
* The Anti – White Bigotry Of The New York Times (8-3-18)
* What Is QAnon? Explaining The Rightwing Conspiracy Theory (7-31-18)
* Debating Ben Shapiro’s Unprincipled Position On Disgraced Disney Director James Gunn (7-30-18)
* The Tragedy Of Great Power Politics By John J. Mearsheimer (7-27-18)
* Eikev (Deuteronomy 7-11) (7-29-18)
* Tisha B’Av Edition – Parashat Va’etchannan (Deuteronomy 3:23 – 7:11) 7-22-18
* Mommy Bloggers, #MeToo, & The Incel Threat (7-18-18)
* #28 7-16-18 Trump Putin In Helsinki, Russia’s World Cup & Toxic Femininity
* Jim Goad Interview, James Burnham’s Suicide Of The West (7-13-18)
* #22 Peter Strzok, MPC VS TRS, Decline Of WASPs, Stanley Kubrick (7-12-18)
* The Decline And Fall Of The Alt Right (7-11-18)
* Brett Kavanaugh, Pop Music, Alt Right, HBO’s Succession (7-10-18)
* The Right Tonight With Kevin Michael Grace: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories (7-9-18)
* Z-Man Interview: The Haunting Of Western Civilization (7-8-18)
* #26 What Caused The Mutiny On The Bounty? (7-6-18)
* Higher IQ Predicts Higher Achievement (7-5-18)
* Will Women Save America? (7-3-18)
* Parasha Pinchas (Num. 25 – 30) 7-1-18
* 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism By Ha-Joon Chang (6-29-18)
* Andy Nowicki On Where The Alt Right Went Wrong (6-28-18)
* From Adventism to Judaism (6-27-18)
* #14 6-26-18 Kevin Michael Grace on the coming civil war
* The Bronze Age Mindset (6-22-18)
* The fall of porn icon Ron Jeremy (6-21-18)
* #11 6-18-18 Kevin Michael Grace On The World Cup, Marijuana Legalization
* Jewstreaming: Jews & The Right (6-18-18)
* The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism And Its Scientific Pretensions (6-15-18)
* #7: 6-11-18 Kevin Michael Grace: Witchcraft in Hollywood: Real or Not?
* Parsha Korach (Numbers 16–18) 6-10-18
* Kevin Michael Grace Book Club: Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s Skin in the Game (6-8-18)
* Addiction Is Not The Problem, It’s Just A Symptom (6-7-18)
* Hotep Jesus, Hotep Nation & Alt Blacks (6-3-18)
* Patrick Little, Kevin Michael Grace, Tom Kawczynski (June 1, 2018)
* Kevin Michael Grace Returns (5-28-18)
* Greg Cochran interview (5-25-18)
* Kevin Michael Grace Vs Lexi Transexual (CV Vitolo-Haddad) 5-24-18
* Ramzpaul Interview (5-23-18)
* Kevin Michael Grace Interview (5-17-18)
* Kebab Shop (5-16-18)
* A Convert To Orthodox Judaism Talks With A Lutheran Pastor (5-14-18)
* The return of Fahad (5-10-18)
* Frame Game Radio’s Chat On The Luke Ford Show (5-10-18)
* Iran Vs Israel (5-9-18)
* The Iran Nuke Deal (5-7-18)
* I Ran So Far Away, I Just Ran (5-7-18)
* Matt Forney Interview (5-6-18)
* The Myth Of American Meritocracy (5-4-18)
* Do Jews Belong In The Alt Right? (5-3-18)
* Fatherhood – A Panel Discussion (5-3-18)
* Post-Game – Schools Impose Diversity (4-30-18)
* Schools Impose Diversity & More | TPS #2 with Luke Ford (4-30-18)
* Styxhexenhammer666 Interview (4-29-18)
* American Renaissance (4-28-18)
* Jim Goad On Jewish Privilege Vs White Privilege (4-27-18)
* Vice & Consequence (4-26-18)
* Christopher Cantwell vs Andy Warski (4-25-18)
* The Friend-Enemy Distinction (4-23-18)
* Parshat Acharei – Kedoshim (Leviticus 16-20) 4-22-18
* Under-Earning II (4-20-18)
* Politics and Under-Earning 4-20-18
* Analyzing Kevin MacDonald’s ‘Culture Of Critique’ (4-17-18)
* Baked Alaska Goes Hollywood (4-16-18)
* Author James LaFond Interviewed (4-15-18)
* Halsey English On The JQ (4-15-18)
* I May Not Get There With You (4-14-18)
* Lack Of Power – That Was Our Dilemma (4-12-18)
* Rage & Resentment In Right-Wing Politics (4-12-18)
* Frame Game On The Ashkenazi Discussion Style (4-11-18)
* Christopher Cantwell vs Coach Red Pill (4-8-18)
* Christopher Cantwell interviews Hunter Wallace (4-7-18)
* Ricky Vaughn aka Douglass Mackey 4-5-18
* The Alt Right & The Jews (4-4-18)
* CBC: Israel PM freezes UN Deal to send African migrants to western countries (4-2-18)
* RESPONSE: Professor George Hawley: Is The Alt-Right Collapsing? (3-28-18)
* The Alt-Right Fascination With The Jewish Question (3-26-18)
* Earn What You Deserve: How to Stop Underearning & Start Thriving (3-25-18)
* Critiquing Nathan Cofnas on KMAC (3-25-18)
* Mike Enoch, Eric Striker Critique The Nathan Cofnas Critique Of KMAC’s Culture Of Critique (3-22-18)
* Richard Spencer Interview (3-21-18)
* Oxford University’s Nathan Cofnas Critiques KMAC’s Culture Of Critique Book (3-10-18)
* Torah Vs Mein Kampf III (2-25-18)
* Jews V Nazis, Torah V Mein Kampf II (2-18-18)
* Discussing Western Identities On Warski Live (1-25-18)
* How Do You Change Your Life? (1-11-18)
* Parasha Shemot (Exodus 1-6) 12-31-17
* Parasha Vayechi (Gen. 47:28 – 50:26) 12-24-17
* Parasha Vayigash (Genesis 44:18–47:27) 12-17-17
* Vayetze (Gen. 28:10–32:3) 11-19-17
* Parasha Toledot (Gen. 25:19–28:9) 11-11-17
* Parasha Chayei Sarah (Gen. 23 – 25) 11-5-17
* Judaism, Homosexuality & The Alt Right (10-18-17)
* Parasha Noach (Genesis 6:9–11:32) 10-15-17
* Torah Talk: Sexual Utopia In Power (10-1-17)
* Parasha Ki Tavo (9-3-17): Deuteronomy 26:1–29:8
* Parashas Matot Masei (Numbers 30 – 36) 7-16-17
* Torah Talk: Parasha Balak (Num. 22 – 25) 7-2-17
* Parasha Chukat (Numbers 19 – 22) 6-25-17
* Parasha Shelach (Numbers 13 – 15) 6-11-17
* Parasha Naso (Numbers 4:21–7:89) 5-28-17
* Parasha Bemidbar (Numbers 1:1–4:20) 5-21-17
* Parshat Behar – Bechukotai (Leviticus 25:1 – 27:34) 5-14-17
* 25 Things I Did To Recover From Sex & Love Addiction (4-23-17)
* Torah Talk: Passover 2017 4-9-17
* Parasha Vayikra (Leviticus 1:1 – 5:26) 3-26-17
* Parasha Terumah (Exodus 25:1–27:19) 2-26-17
* Mishpatim (Exodus 2:11–24:18) 2-19-17
* Parasha Yitro (Exodus 18:1–20:23) 2-12-17
* Parasha Bo (Exodus 10:1–13:16) 1-29-17
* Exodus (Shmot) 1-15-17
* Parasha Vayechi III (1-8-17)
* Torah Portion Vayigash — Genesis 44:18–47:27 (1-1-17)
* Sexual Utopia In Power: The Feminist Revolt Against Civilization (8-28-15)
* The Truth Will Live videos from 2015
* Jews, Christians & The West (5-22-15)
* Privacy, Conversion, Christianity, David Brooks And Reason (5-1-15)
* Torah Talks Tazria Metzora 4-29-15
* Torah Talks Passover (4-7-15)
* Torah Talks – Parasha Tzav (Leviticus 6:1–8:36) 3-20-15
* Are Sanskrit Prayers The Most Powerful? (3-26-09)
* My Favorite Manipulation Techniques (3-3-13)
* Eroticized Rage (2-3-13)
* 12-Step Programs for Sex Addiction (12-4-11)
12-Step Programs For Sex Addiction (9-18-11)
* Conversion To Orthodox Judaism (9-10-11)
* Does V.S. Naipaul’s Philandering Matter? (5-3-09)

If I’ve missed some things, or included the wrong things, or if I’ve failed to address some things, please email me: lukeisback at gmail dot com.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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