Here is some of my better work:
* Decoding Richard Hanania (8-20-24)
* Decoding Kamala Harris (7-28-24)
* JD Vance Is An Opportunist & That’s A Good Thing! (7-19-24)
* Liberals Were Blinded To Biden’s Senility By Their Own Speech Codes (7-6-24)
* How Did Conservatives Spot Joe Biden’s Cognitive Decline Years Before The Liberal Elites? (7-3-24)
* Joe Biden Must Go Because The Desperate Nature Of The Situation Should Prevail Over Precedent (7-2-24)
* A Blockade Is An Act Of War (6-26-24)
* The Ethics of Violence: Recent Literature on the Creation of the Contemporary Regime of Law and War (6-22-24)
* Who Determines The Winning Narrative (6-14-24)
* Decoding Christian Nationalism (6-14-24)
* Problematic (6-10-24)
* Is Israel Committing Genocide? (6-8-24)
* My Favorite Podcasts (5-15-24)
* Iran Escalates – Attacks Israel Directly For The First Time (4-13-24)
* What Do We Mean When We Say A Person Has ‘Good Energy’? (4-12-24)
* ‘On knowing what you are not supposed to know and feeling what you are not supposed to feel’ (4-7-23)
* My favorite songs (1-17-24)
* My Favorite Movies (1-17-24)
* What Distinguishes Winners From Losers? (1-15-24)
* NYT: Secret Synagogue Tunnel Sets Off Altercation That Leads to 9 Arrests (1-10-24)
* Populism, Neoconservatism & Lessons in the Application of Power (12-17-23)
* New Yorker: How to Build a Better Motivational Speaker: The upstart motivator Jesse Itzler wants to reform his profession—while also rising to the top” (12-12-23)
* Concepts illuminate & obscure reality (10-15-23)
* Making Friends, Losing Friends, And Balance Theory (10-12-23)
* NBC News: Michael Benz, a conservative crusader against online censorship, appears to have a secret history as an alt-right persona (10-8-23)
* Israel vs Hamas (10-8-23)
* What Makes A Great Pundit? (10-5-23)
* Staunching Psychic Wounds (10-3-23)
* The Turning Point (9-10-23)
* Your Hero System Is Your Morality And You Get It From Your Tribe (8-21-23)
* How Livestreaming Made Me A Better Man (8-12-23)
* Where do you get your meaning? (8-6-23)
* HP: Richard Hanania, Rising Right-Wing Star, Wrote For White Supremacist Sites Under Pseudonym (8-6-23)
* Decoding Decoding The Gurus, Part Two (8-2-23)
* Taking Things On Faith (8-1-23)
* Your brain on love (7-30-23)
* What Does It Mean To Be A Man in 2023? (7-30-23)
* My Principles For Understanding Reality (7-14-23)
* My Recommended Reading List (7-9-23)
* Dennis Prager Falls Into The Conspiracy Rabbit Hole (6-19-23)
* Decoding Dennis Prager (5-28-23)
* My Rules For Life (5-7-23)
* Pittsburgh Jews Praised For Faith (4-23-23)
* Dennis Prager: ‘The Bigger the Government, the Smaller the Citizen’ (4-20-23)
* Could it happen here? (4-20-23)
* News is a stress test (3-15-23)
* My First Impressions Of LA After Nearly Three Months Down Under (1-26-23)
* The Bright Side Of Fame (1-24-23)
* What Should You Expect From The News? (1-21-23)
* The New Fascism (1-2-23)
* Should You Interview Nazis? (12-27-22)
* Overthrowing The System (12-7-22)
* Travel Clarifies (11-12-22)
* Process (Liberals) Vs Ends (Conservatives) (10-23-22)
* Wired: The High Cost of Living Your Life Online (10-3-22)
* The Nihilism of Illness (8-16-22)
* Dearly Beloved (7-30-22)
* NYT: How Streaming Stars Pay the Price of Online Fame (7-29-22)
* How The News Differs From Reality (7-28-22)
* Rabbis & Rapists: A New Novel Exposes California Judaism (7-9-22)
* Death Be Not Proud – A Celebration of the Life & Work Of Musicologist Robert M. Stevenson (7-1-22)
* Is The Washington Post Hinting That Cassidy Hutchinson Was Sleeping With Mark Meadows? (6-29-22)
* When Did Intellectuals Stop Supporting The Free Market Of Ideas? (5-29-22)
* Vouch Nationalism (5-28-22)
* American Fear (5-22-22)
* Who Rides Free? (5-22-22)
* When Your Options In Life Dwindle (5-22-22)
* Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now? (1-4-22)
* Translating Inspiration Into Perspiration (11-25-21)
* Running Towards My New Life (11-21-21)
* Like Many Right-Wing Pundits, Dennis Prager Has Been Consistently Awful With Regard To Covid (11-12-21)
* How did the American Right react to Covid? (8-12-21)
* HBO’s Small Town News & That Noble Dream: The ‘Objectivity Question’ (8-3-21)
* Our Problems Are Not Our Problems, They’re Just Symptoms Of Deeper Problems (2-5-21)
* With or Without You (1-3-21)
* Rational Reasons For Minimizing Envy & Scorn (12-12-20)
* If I Were A Rabbi… (11-29-20)
* A Place For You (8-27-20)
* Are Our Opponents Demons? (8-24-20)
* I’m Dysfunctional, You’re Dysfunctional: The Recovery Movement and Other Self-Help (8-23-20)
* Sham: How the Self-Help Movement Made America Helpless (8-21-20)
* How To Bypass Your Self-Destructive Tendencies (7-9-20)
* A Life That Works (7-8-20)
* I Need You (7-6-20)
* Nobody Controls The Narrative (6-28-20)
* How to blow whistles for fun and profit (6-24-20)
* Looking Down From Heaven (6-21-20)
* The News (6-18-20)
* I Am My Show (6-4-20)
* Most News Is Unimportant (6-4-20)
* Be Not Afraid (6-4-20)
* What’s The Reward For Despair? (6-3-20)
* Why Do People Over-Schedule? (6-3-20)
* Bringing Souls Out Of Hiding (5-20-20)
* One man’s adventure beyond good & evil (5-15-20)
* The Road to Recovery (5-14-20)
* Things I Didn’t Know 20 Years Ago (5-10-20)
* Jews, Non-Jews & The Corona Virus (3-10-20)
* Will The Last Luke Ford Viewer Please Plug In The CPAP? (3-10-20)
* The Choice Between Life & Death On Social Media (3-9-20)
* The Varieties Of The Orthodox Experience (3-5-20)
* The 43 (6-16-19)
* My Ex-GF Christine Palma Died Suddenly Of A Brain Aneurysm. She was 47. (5-13-19)
* It’s Never Too Late To Have A Good Relationship With Your Dad (5-6-19)
* Desmond Ford – 1929-2019 (3-10-19)
* When Porn Still Mattered: The Luke Ford Story (9-9-18)
* The Happiest Time Of My Life (9-8-18)
* Forward: ‘Jewish Doctor Apologizes For White Nationalist Writings’ (7-26-18)
* New York Times: ‘Is America Ready for the Mind of Terence Nance?’ (7-26-18)
* What Would The Right Look Like If It Were Run On Spiritual Principles? (3-30-18)
* Debating The JQ With Tanstaafl (Age Of Treason Blogger) (3-27-18)
* Explaining Hitler (3-8-18)
* What’s More Likely To Produce A Good World? (2-20-18)
* Why Do We Take It For Granted That There Are Bad Parts Of Town? (2-16-18)
* What Does It Feel Like To Be Selfish? (2-15-18)
* Jews for Consistency (2-21-15)
* YICC Hosts California’s Attorney General (1-31-18)
* They’ll Explain When They’re Done (1-14-18)
* The JQ (1-1-18)
* LAT: ‘Antipathy toward the Muslim minority is rooted in racial differences and spiked with fears of Islamist terrorism.’ (12-26-17)
* This blog post is not intended to condone violence or hate (12-12-17)
* How Does Jewish Nationalism Compare With White Nationalism? (12-5-17)
* Stay In Your Lane! (11-23-17)
* Sex Abuse Claims (11-19-17)
* What’s Aaron Sorkin’s Game? (11-19-17)
* Exhausting (11-13-17)
* The Politician’s Sex Life (11-10-17)
* Is There Anything Jewish About Harvey Weinstein’s Sexual Behavior? (10-16-17)
* Why Aren’t There Great Jewish Minds Debunking The Alt Right? (10-11-17)
* How To Live As A Jew (10-17-17)
* How Come We’re Not Getting Articles About The Sexual Predations Of The Hollywood Gay Mafia? (10-17-17)
* ‘Leader Of Richard Spencer’s White Nationalist Group Was Inspired By A Jewish Intellectual’ (9-15-17)
* Parents And Children (9-13-17)
* Falling in Love (9-13-17)
* Empathy vs Ego (9-13-17)
* Tabletmag: ‘Bringing Daf Yomi to Life.’ (9-8-17)
* The Shuttening (9-5-17)
* The Right After Charlottesville (8-20-17)
* Would Americans Choose Socialism If They Could? (8-17-17)
* LAT: ‘For Jewish Americans, echoes of the Holocaust and anger over Trump’s response to Charlottesville’ (8-17-17)
* Doxxing White Supremacists (8-17-17)
* Most Jews Don’t Have A Rabbi (8-16-17)
* What Is A Nazi? (8-16-17)
* NYT: ‘Down the Breitbart Hole’ (8-16-17)
* WAPO Media Columnist: ‘This week should put the nail in the coffin for ‘both sides’ journalism’ (8-16-17)
* My Keen Attention To Detail Got Me To Where I Am In Life (8-11-17)
* Harpers: ‘The Rise of the Valkyries: In the alt-right, women are the future, and the problem’ (8-11-17)
* Mike, The Mad Dog & The Jews (7-28-17)
* Andrew Joyce & Kevin MacDonald – Beyond Good And Evil (7-24-17)
* The Case Against Suicide (7-20-17)
* Staying Free Of Crippling Pain Requires The Maintenance Of My Spiritual/Physical/Psychological Condition (7-18-17)
* Meeting Stars On Set (7-17-17)
* Why Are There So Many Jews In The Media/Banking/Whatever? (7-3-17)
* How Do You Tell A Bloke You Miss Him? (6-18-17)
* I’m Not Yet Worried About Trump’s Military Action In Syria (4-7-17)
* If You Can’t Connect With People, You’ll Have To Connect To Something Else Such As A Process Or Substance (4-5-17)
* Denial (2016) (4-2-17)
* Deconstructing A Ridiculous George Steiner Interview (3-30-17)
* When A Neighbor Moves, Do You Miss Him? (2-16-17)
* Social Cohesion Vs Free Market (2-10-17)
* How Do You Use Your Judaism? (2-9-17)
* Taking Offense (2-8-17)
* Forward: ‘The ‘Alt-Right’ Hates the Jews. But It Also Loves Them — and Israel.’ (1-17-17)
* Radix: The Jewish Question (And Some Answers) (1-16-17)
* Alt Right Torah (1-14-17)
* What’s Steve Sailer’s History With The Donald Trump Candidacy? (1-2-17)
* Sometimes Jews & Non-Jews Get On Great (12-29-16)
* When Anti-Semitism Strengthens Group Identity (12-27-16)
* James Kirchick: ‘SHONDA: The Jews Begging to Join the Alt-Right: Talk about self-hating. Meet the American Jews lining up to shout ‘Seig Heil’ and ‘Hail, Donald.’’ (12-26-16)
* Who Do You Love? (12-24-16)
* A History Of My Underearning (12-11-16)
* ABC News: ‘What It’s Like as an Asian-American Journalist to Interview a White Nationalist’ (12-11-16)
* Sitting With One Knee Down (12-8-16)
* Identity & Hate (12-7-16)
* Jewish Journal: Pirkei Avot: A guidebook for the new administration (12-2-16)
* LAT: The ‘alt-right’ splinters as supporters and critics agree it was white supremacy all along (12-2-16)
* Underearning Thinking – Hoping Others Will Take Care Of You (12-6-16)
* An Alt Right Obituary (11-29-16)
* WP: ‘The Holocaust did not begin with killing; it began with words.’ (11-28-16)
* Transparent (11-27-16)
* The Healthy Majority (11-27-16)
* The True Meaning Of Thanksgiving (11-24-16)
* Without Faith, There Are Objectively No Good Guys Nor Bad Guys In The Universe (11-24-16)
* What The Elites Don’t Get About Trump & Bannon (11-23-16)
* Jews & Racism (11-20-16)
* The Nice Girl (11-12-16)
* Israelis Finger Ari Shavit For Groping Danielle Berrin (10-27-16)
* Politico: ‘In a Time of Trump, Millennial Jews Awaken to Anti-Semitism: A new generation is experiencing an age-old hatred for the first time. But why has the Jewish right looked away?’ (10-2-16)
* Police vs Menace (9-28-16)
* WP: ‘These charts show exactly how racist and radical the alt-right has gotten this year’ (9-26-16)
* Gentile Nationalisms Are Sometimes Dangerous For Jews And Sometimes Good For Jews (9-25-16)
* I Love This Jerusalem Post Article On Trump & The Jews (9-21-16)
* The Goyim In Jewish Jurisprudence (9-20-16)
* Last Blogger Standing (9-20-16)
* What Forms Of Protest Are Allowed Those On The Side Of The Palestinians? (9-19-16)
* The Truth (9-13-16)
* The Alt-Right Is An Instinctive Reaction (9-9-16)
* Kids’ clothing retailer defends return policy singling out Orthodox neighborhoods (9-9-16)
* Slate: Airbnb Has an Aggressive Plan to Stop Racism on Its Platform. Can It Be Enforced? (9-8-16)
* Dominance Strategies (9-4-16)
* Who owns the neighborhood? (9-4-16)
* JTA: ‘Anti-immigrant and white supremacist, maybe. But is the alt-right anti-Semitic?’ (8-30-16)
* Another Sleepless Night (8-26-16)
* The Jew in the West (8-17-16)
* The Meaning Of An Olympic Snub (8-15-16)
* Maybe God Has A Better Plan (8-14-16)
* Jews and Science (8-11-16)
* JJ: ‘Stephen Miller, meet your immigrant great-grandfather’ (8-11-16)
* NYT: Balance, Fairness and a Proudly Provocative Presidential Candidate (8-8-16)
* Breathing Freely & Clarity Of Purpose (8-7-16)
* What’s It Like When A Family Member Converts To Judaism? (8-5-16)
* Jarred by a Jew (8-5-16)
* When you’re young, you fear death. When you’re old, you fear life. (8-3-16)
* Rodger Jacobs, RIP (7-31-16)
* How Not to Name Your Child (7-31-16)
* Invasive species (7-29-16)
* Lawrence Summers: ‘How to embrace nationalism responsibly’ (7-11-16)
* LAT: Flags are great for holiday celebration, but hyper-patriotism is un-American (7-1-16)
* Yossi Klein Halevi: Why the anti-Israel boycott movement is an immoral threat to peace (6-29-16)
* Why Are Journalists So Down About Brexit? (6-24-16)
* What Makes Mike Cernovich A Risky Guest For A Podcast? (6-21-16)
* O.J.: Made In America (6-19-16)
* Under-earning thinking (6-6-16)
* A Possible Alliance Between Nazis & Social Justice Warriors (5-20-16)
* Different Groups Have Different Interests (5-17-16)
* Tabletmag: What Fuels Trump-Supporting Twitter Trolls? (5-5-16)
* Why are Jews hated? (5-5-16)
* WP: A new book portrays Hitler as a normal guy. That’s a problem for some. (4-27-16)
* How does the world work? (4-18-16)
* What is a hate group? (4-18-16)
* Why Can’t Jews Have Safe Spaces? (4-17-16)
* LAT: What FDR said about Jews in private His personal sentiments about Jews may help explain America’s tepid response to the Holocaust. (4-17-16)
* David Klinghoffer in 2012: With Concerns about Darwinist Racialism in Mind, National Review Cleans House (4-15-16)
* David Klinghoffer: Evolution and the Alt-Right (4-15-16)
* Can Israel’s ‘Ku Klux Klan’ be stopped? (4-7-16)
* The Use of the Self (4-6-16)
* Porn star Amber Rayne who accused James Deen of rape found dead aged 31 (4-4-16)
* My Facebook Memories On April 4 (4-4-16)
* New Zealand votes to keep its flag after 56.6% back the status quo (3-24-16)
* David Suissa: Why Trump Makes Us All Dizzy (3-22-16)
* Last night, the Episcopal priest told me that the most spiritual person she knew was a gay trans rabbi (3-20-16)
* An open letter to Donald Trump from Orthodox rabbis (3-20-16)
* Dennis Prager Vs Rush Limbaugh (3-14-16)
* The Life Cycle Of The Blogger (3-14-16)
* Orthodox Jews Set Sights on N.J. Town and Angry Residents Resist (3-14-16)
* Why he can’t vote for Donald Trump (3-13-16)
* The Victimhood Addiction (3-7-16)
* Kevin Roderick: How female TV journalists protect their safety after Erin Andrews (3-7-16)
* Louis Farrakhan praises Donald Trump (3-1-16)
* The media’s Trump reckoning: ‘Everyone was wrong’ (3-1-16)
* Ben Shapiro: The Anti-Semites Are Out In Force For Trump (3-1-16)
* Are there a disproportionate number of gay Jews? (2-28-16)
* Jews, Non-Jews & Group Interests (2-28-16)
* WP: Mein Kampf Now A Bestseller In Germany (2-25-16)
* NYT: Bernie Sanders Is Jewish, but He Doesn’t Like to Talk About It (2-24-16)
* WP: Donald Trump’s virulent rhetoric about the media is getting dangerous (2-22-16)
* Why the Jews? (1-19-16)
* Well, That Sucked (1-18-16)
* Why am I here? (1-13-16)
* Life As A Deeply Closeted Orthodox Rabbi (1-3-16)
* REVIEW: The Ten Commandments: Still the Best Moral Code (12-29-15)
* When Did I Board The Trump Express? (12-24-15)
* First They Came For The Almond Growers… (12-21-15)
* When The Goyim Notice Patterns (12-13-15)
* A Terrifying Thought (12-13-15)
* NYT: The Words That Killed Medieval Jews (12-11-15)
* Jews for Consistency (2-21-15)
* Gross Generalizations About Los Angeles Jews (12-29-15)
* Laughing My Way Into Poverty And Social Death (12-28-15)
* The Tribal Addiction (12-10-15)
* Jewish Organizations React To Trump’s Proposal To Ban Muslim Immigration (12-9-15)
* Why Did We Bomb Christian Serbs To Help Muslims? (12-6-15)
* Connecting to Torah (12-6-15)
* Under-earning can kill you (12-6-15)
* The Man in the High Castle (11-28-15)
* TabletMag Investigates Holocaust Deniers (11-10-15)
* Why Is Israel A Low-Trust Society? (11-9-15)
* Time & Tension (11-8-15)
* Porn Star Joanna Angel Says Orthodox Parents Accept Her (11-6-15)
* Drugs, realism and the Jews (11-3-15)
* Paul Singer & Anti-Semitism (11-2-15)
* Who Cares About The World? (10-25-15)
* Jews, Gentiles & Circumcision (10-22-15)
* What’s the point? (10-21-15)
* Where Do You Get Your Self-Esteem? (10-12-15)
* The War On Noticing (10-8-15)
* No Regrets (10-8-15)
* Diversity As A Threat To Confidence (10-8-15)
* The West (10-7-15)
* Haaretz: 9/11 and the American Response to Syria’s Huddled Masses’ (9-10-15)
* Walking Alone (10-7-15)
* If Jews Can’t Travel To Many Muslim Countries, Why Should Western Countries Allow In Muslims? (10-6-15)
* Jews & Cheating (10-3-15)
* J Street Backing HIAS Push For More Muslim Immigration To Make America Anti-Israel (10-1-15)
* The Future of Palestine: Righteous Jews vs. the New Afrikaners (9-29-15)
* I’m Concerned About The Low Quality Of Many Anti-Jewish Websites (9-27-15)
* Love and Mercy (9-26-15)
* Jewish Activists Go All In To Crush Ann Coulter (9-20-15)
* Ann Coulter & The Jews (9-20-15)
* Ann Coulter’s Critics Don’t Bother Making An Argument (9-20-15)
* Above & Beyond (9-20-15)
* The Sassoon Family Fortune Originated From Selling Opium To The Chinese (9-9-15)
* JTA: Mindful of risks, European Jews urge aid to refugees (9-9-15)
* Stereotyping While Waiting In Line At Ralphs (9-9-15)
* There’s No Powerful Jewish Lobby (9-7-15)
* Sociologist James Petras Hates Jews (9-7-15)
* Rabbis Helping Refugees (9-6-15)
* Stepping Back Into Church (9-6-15)
* What Does Sports Mean To Me? (9-6-15)
* Jews & Women (9-5-15)
* Should the Holocaust be the Moral Prism for all Questions About Diversity? (9-5-15)
* If you had to choose between 500 Syrian or African refugees dying at sea or moving on to your block, which would you choose? (9-3-15)
* Our Struggle (9-1-15)
* The Fear Inventory (8-28-15)
* Sexual Utopia in Power: The Feminist Revolt Against Civilization by F. Roger Devlin (8-28-15)
* You Can Often Sense Somebody’s Recovery Level By Their Body Language (8-10-15)
* Is Obama Blaming The Jewish Lobby? (8-10-15)
* The Set Aside Prayer As A Fast Track To Resetting Yourself (8-7-15)
* Reworking The Twelve Steps (8-7-15)
* Orthodox Jews Know Who They Are (8-7-15)
* I Am Not Shocked By Terrorism In Israel (8-4-15)
* Different Groups Have Different Gifts (7-31-15)
* Goyim Wearing Yarmulkes (7-31-15)
* With the Washington Post, has Jeff Bezos broken away from the clique? (7-30-15)
* How Do You Look At Women? (7-28-15)
* When Is Tisha B’Av For Goyim? (7-26-15)
* Pablo Escobar, The Drug Lord (7-23-15)
* Can You Pray The Gay Away? (7-20-15)
* The greatest drug kingpin in history was an Orthodox Jew who attributed his business success to his careful observance of Jewish law (7-11-15)
* Jews & Media (7-11-15)
* What’s The Point Of Non-Jews? (7-11-15)
* Not everybody loves America (7-10-15)
* High investment parenting (7-9-15)
* Iran v Israel (7-8-15)
* Is it wrong to hate a group? (7-5-15)
* Jews, Christians & Loyalty (7-3-15)
* The Legion of the Archangel Michael (7-2-15)
* The Hyper-Sexualization of Western Culture (7-2-15)
* Jews, Whites & Women (7-2-15)
* TabletMag: Wild Thing: Max Blumenthal’s Creepy Anti-Zionist Odyssey (6-30-15)
* The Puritans Were Forerunners Of The Seventh-Day Adventists (6-23-15)
* How Come The Jewish Community Doesn’t Issue Proclamations About Mass Killings By Blacks? (6-19-15)
* Jews, Blacks And Conspiracy Theories (5-25-15)
* The Board Of Deputies Of British Jews Promotes Censorship, Hate Speech Laws, Multi-Culturalism (5-7-15)
* Would You Buy A Used Car From Me? (5-6-15)
* WP: Why Israel does not recognize the Armenian genocide (4-24-15)
* Big Jews killing little Jews (4-23-15)
* Of Dogs And Humans (4-23-15)
* Are You A Bad Person If You Want Your Country Free Of Certain People? (4-21-15)
* DailyMail: Nazi invasion of London EXPOSED (4-20-15)
* An Empire of their Own (4-19-15)
* I Roam Where The Buses Don’t Run No More (4-15-15)
* If I Were A Black Gentile, How Would I Feel About Jews? (4-14-15)
* If I Were Born An Orthodox Jew, How Would I Feel About Luke Ford? (4-14-15)
* The intense power of tribal truth (4-15-15)
* If I Were A Muslim, How Would I Feel About Jews? (4-14-15)
* Converting To Orthodox Judaism And Then Giving It All Away (4-7-15)
* An American Nazi Camp (4-7-15)
* If I Were A White Nationalist, How Would I Feel About Jews? (4-4-15)
* ‘The ugly manifestations of resurgent neo-fascism’ (3-30-15)
* Efraim Zuroff: One man’s journey to the heartland of fascism (3-30-15)
* Jews & Traffic Tickets (3-29-15)
* Jewish Identity & American Identity (3-26-15)
* How Many People Would You Be Willing To Kill For The Safety Of Your Own People? (3-8-15)
* Give Me What I Deserve In The Next Life (3-7-15)
* Would I Have Made A Good Spy? (3-7-15)
* Nazi Hunter: Nuremberg-esque march no way to celebrate Estonian independence (3-6-15)
* NYT: In U.C.L.A. Debate Over Jewish Student, Echoes on Campus of Old Biases (3-6-15)
* House Of Cards (3-2-15)
* Do 100 Million Gentile Victims Of Communism Deserve A Memorial? (2-28-15)
* Why Are There So Many Jews At The Top? (2-26-15)
* Sex & the Jews (2-26-15)
* Principles vs Interests (2-25-15)
* What Do You Think Of Husbands Who Always Put Their Clients On Hold To Take Calls From Their Wives? (2-25-15)
* German Jews Oppose Publication Of Mein Kampf (2-25-15)
* When The Israelites Were Strong In The Land (2-25-15)
* Out of the Loop (2-24-15)
* All groups could learn from the way Jews take care of their own (2-23-15)
* Smells like teen spirit (2-22-15)
* What About Jewish Privilege? (2-22-15)
* Group threats (2-21-15)
* Why Did Stalin Become Anti-Semitic? (2-20-15)
* A Pragmatic vs an Absolute Commitment to Truth (2-20-15)
* NPR Fresh Air Host Terry Gross Is A Terrible Interviewer (2-18-15)
* Love At First Sight (2-15-15)
* Blasting The Car Horn (2-15-15)
* Dating & Blogging (2-12-15)
* NYT: France is scrambling to remedy the inequities highlighted by the Charlie Hebdo attack… (2-12-15)
* Rabbi Abraham Cooper: A snapshot of France and her Jews at the crossroads (2-12-15)
* David Hazony: The Anti-Semitism We Never Talk About (2-11-15)
* Counterpunch: Why is the US Honoring a Racist Rabbi? (2-8-15)
* The Abolition of White Australia (2-8-15)
* The Jew Moves The World (2-8-15)
* The Beauty Of Cohesion (2-8-15)
* Belgium Cafe Sign Says: ‘No Jews Allowed’ (2-8-15)
* Capturing the Friedmans (2-7-15)
* Are there Jewish interests? (2-5-15)
* The Dancing Asian Girl (2-5-15)
* Should We Retire The Word ‘Slut’? (2-4-15)
* Jews in Bed (2-3-15)
* The Jewish Laws Of Proper Speech (2-2-15)
* The Future Of Shopping Mall America (2-2-15)
* Why are Hasidim so happy? (2-1-15)
* Super Bowl Thoughts: New England 28-24 Seattle (2-1-15)
* NYT: Owners of Patriots and Seahawks Are a Study in Contrasts (2-1-15)
* How do we educate east-asians to feel less shame about taking all the welfare they can get? (2-1-15)
* How Can We Make America More User-Friendly For Jews? (1-30-15)
* Jewish Interests vs Gentile Interests (1-30-15)
* What role for Jews in non-Jewish ethnostates? (1-29-15)
* Things Are Moving Fast (1-27-15)
* A Boy from the Bronx (1-25-15)
* The Jews in Australia (1-25-15)
* Histrionic Personality Disorder (1-25-15)
* Closer to the Moon (1-24-15)
* Was It Rational For Egypt To Enslave The Israelites? (1-10-15)
* Why Don’t I Care More About Muslim Suffering? (1-9-15)
* My Last Dinner Date With A Jewish Girl (1-8-15)
* Why Am I So Open-Minded? (1-8-15)
* RIP Jethro Pugh (1-7-15)
* Jews Must Live (1-3-15)
* Jews & Gentiles (12-31-14)
* Evolution & Orthodox Judaism (12-31-14)
* Foxcatcher (12-30-14)
* Many Women Seem To Love Their Pets & Their Kids & Their Phone More Than Their Men (12-30-14)
* Animals Have Predispositions (12-25-14)
* What Would A Christian Nationalist Takeover Look Like In The US? (12-21-14)
* I Rarely Think About Palestinian Suffering (12-21-14)
* Charles Murray On America’s Elites (12-12-14)
* I want my own media company… (12-12-14)
* How To Improve Sports (12-12-14)
* The Power Of Face To Face Discussions About Difficult Issues (12-11-14)
* Connecting The Dots With Sheldon Adelson (12-11-14)
* R. Ovadiah Yosef: Goyim Were Born Only To Serve Us (12-7-14)
* Jews & Australians (12-6-14)
* A Left-Wing Jew With A History Of Christian-Bashing Wrote That Bogus Rolling Stone Article About Rape At UVA (12-5-14)
* May God save the children of Israel from their leaders (12-5-14)
* Why Am I Reacting This Way? (12-2-14)
* Are Lower Oil Prices Good For The Jews? (12-2-14)
* The Randy Roo (11-30-14)
* The Japanese Work Ethic (11-30-14)
* This Is How You Rob A Liquor Store With Good Use (11-28-14)
* Are Attacks On Jews Attacks On God? (11-23-14)
* Friends of the IDF (11-20-14)
* What’s my excuse? (11-19-14)
* If you were an Arab or Muslim, how would today’s stabbings in a Jerusalem shul make you feel? (11-18-14)
* Players Who Leave Early (11-17-14)
* The Wonderful Terrible Life of Leni Riefenstahl (11-16-14)
* Was The G-20 Summit A Disaster For Australia? (11-16-14)
* WP: ‘I’m a black woman with a white husband. People assume I’m a prostitute all the time.’ (11-13-14)
* End Times (11-10-14)
* If Israel Wants To Be The Jewish State, Then All Jews Everywhere Become Targets (11-10-14)
* I Hope I’m Wrong About This Hateful Stereotype (11-9-14)
* Who Runs The Internet? (11-9-14)
* Goldwin Smith On The Jewish Question (11-8-14)
* NPR: Plot For Peace – The Mysterious French Businessman Who Helped Overthrow Apartheid (11-6-14)
* Can a Jewish woman save the NFL? (11-5-14)
* The More Stock You Put On Your Beauty, The More You Will Miss It (10-30-14)
* The Rise Of The Korean Nursemaid (10-30-14)
* We’ll say no more about it (10-29-14)
* Brian and the Boz (10-29-14)
* Why do Jews oppose wars against evil? (10-29-14)
* Is Seahawks QB Russell Wilson Not Black Enough? (10-27-14)
* Strong Group Identity Always Brings With It Contempt For Outsiders (10-25-14)
* Ghosts Of Ole Miss (10-24-14)
* The Jewish Story Of New York Marathon Director Fred Lebow (10-24-14)
* Jews, Mel & War (10-22-14)
* The Rabbi’s Chapter Seven Bankruptcy Filing As A Literary Genre (10-20-14)
* Because Portland Is White (10-20-14)
* Are Wives Grateful For Their Husbands? (10-19-14)
* The Rebbe Vs The Organized Jewish Community (10-18-14)
* Returning Goods Lightly Used Is Not Unknown Among Jews (10-18-14)
* Los Angeles Has Its Own Barry Freundel (10-15-14)
* Professional Jews Keep Shabbos For A Living (10-11-14)
* Tribes Have A Different Relationship To The Nation-State III (10-7-14)
* The Rebbe vs The Frankfurt School (10-6-14)
* Are There Judeo-Christian Values? (10-6-14)
* Who hates whom (10-5-14)
* Every Group Should Have To Make Its Case To Its Host Nation (10-5-14)
* Every Major American Jewish Organization Including The Orthodox Union And Agudath Israel Supports Immigration Amnesty (10-5-14)
* A spy among you (10-5-14)
* Are Jews Honest In Business? (10-5-14)
* Is Donald Sterling An Anomaly Among Jews? (10-3-14)
* Diversity vs Group Continuity (10-2-14)
* The Legacy Of South Africa (10-2-14)
* Is Judaism The Reason Jews Are Creative? (10-2-14)
* In The Manhattan TV Show, A Jewess Tries To Corrupt A Christian Lad (10-1-14)
* Oy Vey and Kaboom – The Wild West (10-1-14)
* Dodgers Adjust Their Playoff Schedule To Cause Minimum Conflict With Yom Kippur (10-1-14)
* Blacks Protest Whites Moving Into Harlem (10-1-14)
* Could somebody please explain to me the Ashkenazi discussion style? (9-29-14)
* The Japanese Connection To White Nationalism (9-28-14)
* My Two Minutes Before The John Birch Society (9-24-14)
* McMansions and the Jews (9-24-14)
* Black Nationalism Vs White Nationalism (9-23-14)
* Majorities vs Minorities (9-21-14)
* Explore Your Beliefs Through Alexander Technique (9-14-14)
* Seeking A Win-Win Solution (9-12-14)
* What Do ISIS And Many American Minorities Have In Common? (9-11-14)
* How Much Should We Fear Iran? (9-9-14)
* Is It OK For Women To Hit A Man? (9-8-14)
* Why Are Jews So Successful? (9-7-14)
* Should I Grieve James Foley and Steven Sotloff? (9-7-14)
* Why Don’t Good People Want To Ride Public Transport In Los Angeles? (9-7-14)
* Another Jewish NBA Owner To Leave For Critical Remarks About Blacks (9-7-14)
* The Solution is Connection (9-7-14)
* Torah Believes In Stereotypes (9-7-14)
* What Gives You The Greatest Pleasure? (9-7-14)
* Conspiracy Theories (9-7-14)
* Joe Biden Says Jewish Influence Is Immense (9-1-14)
* The Jewish Drive To Change The World (9-1-14)
* How Many Men Would Sell Their Souls For Kate Upton? (8-31-14)
* The Alexander Technique is about waking up (8-28-14)
* When Jews And Non-Jews Discriminate (8-24-14)
* NYT: A Rabbi’s Decision to Step Down Touches on Questions of Jewish Identity (8-15-14)
* Tribes Tend To Have A Different Relationship To Nation-States II (8-15-14)
* Converting To Judaism To Raise Your Social Status (8-10-14)
* Friday Night Lights (8-8-14)
* Can Comedy Be Kosher? (8-6-14)
* Jewish Guilt vs White Guilt (8-6-14)
* Why Do People Call The Conflict In The Middle East ‘Madness’? (8-3-14)
* Nationalism & Genocide (7-24-14)
* Most People Like It When You Have A Strong Identity (7-19-14)
* Nardil saves lives (7-19-14)
* Tinder Is My Favorite Dating App (7-16-14)
* His First Tears At A White Funeral (7-14-14)
* Americans Rediscovering Their Ethnic Identity (6-22-14)
* Saying Goodbye To My Therapist (6-16-14)
* Where’s My Work Ethic? (6-10-14)
* My first five years (6-7-14)
* Relies Are Beaut, Mate (6-5-14)
* Reflections On Turning 48 (5-27-14)
* Where I Disagree With The American Freedom Party (5-25-14)
* Santa Barbara killer Elliot Rodger (5-25-14)
* Some People Claim I’m Religious Only To The Extent It Allows Me To Be Lousy To People (5-19-14)
* Why Do Haredi Leaders Insist The Earth Is Only 6,000 Years Old? (5-15-14)
* What’s my strategy? (5-14-14)
* Why Is There An ADL And A SPLC? (5-14-14)
* Jewish Paranoia vs Christian Faith (5-14-14)
* I’m Going To Try To Care For Other People (5-13-14)
* Nicholas Wade Interview – A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History (5-11-14)
* Is Turning To God The Best Therapy? (5-9-14)
* Hillel Aron: Yes, I Text and Drive. No, I’m Not Sorry. (5-9-14)
* I’ve Been Using Food To Combat Anxiety (5-8-14)
* Jews & Racism (5-8-14)
* Gone Tribal (5-7-14)
* Yo Filing (5-7-14)
* Acts of Love (5-4-14)
* Circumcision Is The Easiest Example To See How Jews Have Affected Your Life (5-2-14)
* Why Do They Deny The Holocaust? (5-2-14)
* Successful racial integration (4-29-14)
* Steve Sailer: Sterling v. Nehoray: Battle of the lowlife lawyers (4-28-14)
* Jews Ordered To Register In Donetsk, Ukraine (4-17-14)
* Paul Gottfried Interview (4-17-14)
* That’s Disgusting! (4-17-14)
* Impatient at a dinner party (4-16-14)
* Feel your feelings! (4-13-14)
* Tribes and the Nation State (4-7-14)
* The Decline And Fall Of Michael Fumento (3-23-14)
* What’s The Point Of Group Pride? (4-13-14)
* How Can You Mistreat People In Your Country Illegally? (3-17-14)
* How Do You Convert To Judaism If You Are Painfully Shy? (3-11-14)
* Bad manners (3-11-14)
* Amy Dresner – She Was 13th Stepped And She Kinda Liked It (3-9-14)
* My financial history (3-7-14)
* Monica Foster Dishes The Jewish Dirt (3-6-14)
* Bad for the Jews (3-4-14)
* Biblical Illiteracy (2-18-14)
* Why I Won’t End Up Like Michael Hutchence (2-16-14)
* Jews & The Fight Against Racism In Post-WWII England (2-16-14)
* White Resentment Drives The Republican Party (2-13-14)
* ‘Strong religious beliefs may drive self-perception of addiction to online pornography’ (2-13-14)
* Is Jewish Blogging Still Relevant? (2-13-14)
* Asians Don’t Like To Go To Court (2-11-14)
* Are Supporters Of Immigration Amnesty Traitors To America? (2-10-14)
* Are Jews A Blessing To The World? (2-10-14)
* A Few Thoughts On Israel And America (2-10-14)
* Is Israel Better Off For The Presence Of 120,000 Ethiopians? (2-10-14)
* The Fearsome Foursome (2-9-14)
* Why Do So Many People Deny The Holocaust? (2-9-14)
* Can You Name Any Japanese Celebrities? (2-9-14)
* How Jews Led The Fight Against Racism (2-9-14)
* Cheating the goyim (2-1-14)
* Cautious Asian Drivers (1-27-14)
* Has The ADL Been The Model For Fighting Racism? (1-27-14)
* Hank – Five Years From The Brink (1-25-14)
* The Wolf of Wall Street (1-25-14)
* The War Going Home (1-21-14)
* Don’t Notice Patterns! (1-13-14)
* So This Black Guy Walks Into A Shul… (1-12-14)
* Meir Kahane & William Pierce (1-10-14)
* The Bipolar Orthodox Rabbi At The Center Of The World (1-9-14)
* Tora? (1-8-14)
* A Torah Reason For Taking Alexander Technique Lessons (1-6-14)
* My Magical Movie Dream (1-5-14)
* The Case For Israel: Democracy’s Outpost (1-1-14)
* Thank you for sharing (12-27-13)
* Are Jews In America Underdogs? (12-27-13)
* What Is Marvin Hier’s Legacy? (12-26-13)
* I Tend To Pursue My Passions To Destruction (12-22-13)
* Edgar Bronfman Sr Is Dead (12-22-13)
* Do I Still Have My Blog? (12-22-13)
* The Call Of The Shofar Controversy (12-24-13)
* Big hips on a woman frighten me (12-16-13)
* Do I Fear Repercussions? (12-7-13)
* Is The Right For Smaller Government? (12-1-13)
* Why Do Tongans Struggle With Poverty When They’re So Wonderful And Generous? (11-29-13)
* Who goes shopping for a big screen on Thanksgiving? (11-28-13)
* I’m Fascinated By The JFK Assassination (11-15-13)
* Business Writer Mark Lacter Is Dead (11-14-13)
* The wrong thing (11-11-13)
* Wisdom From Kids (11-9-13)
* LA Weekly: Latinos Get a Measly 1 in 25 Speaking Roles in Top Films (11-4-13)
* Bustin’ down the door (11-2-13)
* Vicki Polin’s 1989 Oprah Appearance About Ritual Murder In The Jewish Community (11-2-13)
* Mark Helprin Is A Hysteric (10-31-13)
* How To Get An Alexander Technique Teacher Mad — Advocate Teaching By Skype (10-25-13)
* Most Of My Girlfriends Were Simply The Best I Could Do At The Time (10-25-13)
* When Gossip Packs A Punch (10-18-13)
* Saying Kaddish For Your Dog (10-24-13)
* What Has The Alexander Technique Done For Me? (9-1-13)
* Breaking My Addiction To Sports (8-25-13)
* What’s It Like To Become Irrelevant In Your 40s? (8-18-13)
* The Talk (8-6-13)
* The Lord Will Gather Me In (8-6-13)
* My Life In Redneck Country (8-5-13)
* My father’s rules (8-5-13)
* My Search For Substitute Father Figures (8-5-13)
* The Sabbath For Christians (8-5-13)
* God, Orthodox Judaism, And The Rabbis (7-28-13)
* Rise by Herb Alpert (7-27-13)
* When Were My Times Of Greatest Despair? (7-21-13)
* How Do Religious Kids Rebel? (7-21-13)
* A Christian Challenge From My Dad (7-19-13)
* The most important thing in life is your connection with the people you love (7-17-13)
* Why do I believe that belief in God is important? (7-17-13)
* You Can Learn From Everyone, But Should You? (7-16-13)
* Everything we do affects other people (7-16-13)
* Pilot of the Airwaves (7-14-13)
* Vespers Service At Pacific Union College (7-14-13)
* My Writer’s Credo (7-11-13)
* How Much Confidentiality Should You Expect When You Consult With A Rabbi? (7-9-13)
* The Fears That Block My Acceptance Of God (7-7-13)
* Something’s Wrong (7-7-13)
* Prisoners Of War (7-7-13)
* Turning Points (7-5-13)
* What Was The Last Day Of My Youth? (7-5-13)
* My first dates (7-4-13)
* The Man With The Eagle Tattoo (7-4-13)
* As A Younger Man, I Had More Choices (7-4-13)
* Who’s Going To Drive You Home? (7-4-13)
* Growing Up As Des Ford’s Son (7-2-13)
* I’m Rewriting My Rules (7-1-13)
* What Am I Certain About? (7-1-13)
* My Greatest Need (6-30-13)
* When Did You Last Hear A Rabbi Berate His Congregation? (6-30-13)
* Stories I Tell Myself (6-24-13)
* I’ve Had To Go Against My Friends Every Time I’ve Wanted To Make A Major Change (6-15-13)
* Modafinil – The Wonder Drug (6-12-13)
* Pacific Union College – A Paradise Lost (3-24-13)
* My Only Experiences With Racism Run In One Direction (3-17-13)
* Provoking People Means Hurting People (3-4-13)
* My Relationship With God (2-19-13)
* My Desperate Credit Card Spending (2-18-13)
* My best friend walks by (2-16-13)
* What Significance Did R. David Hartman Have To Judaism? (2-12-13)
* My Therapist Says (2-4-13)
* My Best Chance For A Normal Life (1-11-13)
* The Desmond Ford Apostasy (1-1-13)
* My Frightened Defiant Response To Authority (1-1-13)
* I Grew Up With All The Signs Of Becoming A Serial Killer (12-29-12)
* The Thrill Of Gambling (12-29-12)
* What If Rainy Walked Into Starbucks? (12-28-12)
* I Don’t Have A Problem That Can’t Be Solved With The Right Connections (12-25-12)
* Blind-Sided By Love (12-24-12)
* Letting Go Of The Rage (12-18-12)
* Step Four (12-12-12)
* The Dynamics Of Sexual Excitement (12-12-12)
* Ingraining Bad Posture (12-6-12)
* Where Did I Have To Make A 180-Degree Turn? (12-4-12)
* Where Were The Jews In The Mitt Romney Brain Trust? (11-10-12)
* David Petreaus Threw Away Everything For A Hot Chick (11-10-12)
* Stepping Into My First 12-Step Meeting (11-9-12)
* Which racial, ethnic and religious groups are the most reliable? (11-8-12)
* You Don’t Have To Take This Too Seriously (11-4-12)
* What makes New York the greatest city? (11-4-12)
* Moral Instructions Aren’t Enough (10-27-12)
* I Didn’t Enter School Until 2nd Grade (10-26-12)
* My Objections To 12-Step Programs (10-26-12)
* Jews Tend To Feel Good About Themselves (10-18-12)
* Do Husbands Appreciate Their Wives More Than Wives Appreciate Their Husbands? (10-2-12)
* Jewish vs Christian Generosity (9-18-12)
* Professor Jules Lambert Zentner – My Best Friend During My Darkest Years (7-8-12)
* Abortion (12-7-09)
* The Uninvited (11-25-09)
* Dennis Prager Biography
* My Dennis Prager story
* Paradise Lost (5-14-07)
* Antonio Villaraigosa (2007)
* My dinner with Michael Kinsley (4-20-05)
* Essays (circa 2002 to 2007)
* Interviews (circa 2002 to 2005)
* The art of the interview
* Dildos of Shame (9-23-03)
* Trump vs Big Law (3-23-25)
* Make The Alien Enemies Act of 1798 Great Again (3-16-25)
* What Should Jews & Catholics Learn From Protestants? (3-9-25)
* What American CEOs, Drug Cartels & Colleges Understand That Europe Doesn’t (3-2-25)
* Donald Trump’s First Three Days As The 47th President Of The United States (1-22-25)
* Decoding Curtis Yarvin: The Edgelord’s Guide to Monarchy (12-26-24)
* I’m A Very Respectable Man (12-24-24)
* My Interview With Stephen J. James (12-22-24)
* Decoding World War III (11-29-24)
* Decoding Mike Benz (8-18-24)
* The U.S. Secret Service Will Never Stop A Real Attack (7-21-24)
* Donald Trump Shot – Why Did The Secret Service Operate With Reckless Disregard? (7-14-24)
* Decoding The Media Conspiracy To Protect Joe Biden The Past Four Years (7-7-24)
* Minding The Gap Between Your Eyes And The Arbiters Of Truth (7-4-24)
* Why Does Liberalism Deny The Reality Of Joe Biden’s Decline? (7-2-24)
* Decoding The Significance Of Joe Biden’s Disastrous Debate Performance (6-30-24)
* Decoding The Brawl Outside Adas Torah Synagogue (6-24-24) Part Two
* What’s Wrong With Human Rights? (6-23-24)
* Decoding Dan Rather (5-12-24)
* Decoding Work (5-7-24)
* Decoding Destiny aka Steve Bonnell (4-21-24) Part Two Part Three Bonus
* Decoding Passport Bros (4-2-24)
* Let’s Go Gay For Gaza (3-17-24)
* Conservative Claims of Cultural Oppression (Transgender Edition) 3-3-24
* The Women of the Far Right (Swimsuit Edition) (1-28-24)
* Are you feeling demoralized by the psy-ops? (1-14-24)
* Tunnelers of the Soul & Decoding Douglas Murray (1-10-24)
* Life usually runs on hierarchy not democracy (12-21-23)
* One Weird Trick To Enter An Ordinary World (12-19-23)
* Rape as a weapon of war in the Arab-Israeli conflict (11-26-23)
* Joe Biden Optimizes US Foreign Policy For Max Human Flourishing (10-19-23)
* Joe Biden sinks the USA into the quagmire of Arab-Israeli conflict (10-19-23)
* Hamas Attacks Israel, Frame Game (Mike Benz) Doxxed (10-9-23)
* The Spiritual Bypass Temptation (10-2-23)
* The hole in my soul (10-2-23)
* Doctors, Clergy & The Struggle For Power (9-28-23)
* Marginalized movements attract marginalized people (9-4-23)
* Dear American: America Is Not Your Problem – You Are Your Problem (9-4-23)
* Decoding Trauma II (8-20-23)
* Decoding Affect Theory, Liberalism and the Riverfront Brawl (8-13-23)
* Decoding Germans & Jews (8-9-23)
* Decoding The Republican Brain (8-8-23)
* Decoding Masculinity (7-30-23)
* Fatso! (7-28-23)
* Decoding The Thought Leaders, Part Two (7-25-23)
* Decoding Deep Left JOKL (7-24-23)
* Decoding Bronze Age Pervert Series (July 2023)
* Analyzing Steve Sailer, Decoding JF Gariepy (7-13-23)
* Shameless is a good thing (7-13-23)
* Recovering from a red pill overdose (7-12-23)
* Protestant goes Orthodox Jew, learns about group strategy v individual strategy (7-11-23)
* Decoding Jean-Francois Gariepy (7-12-23)
* Decoding The Alexander Technique (7-4-23)
* What Does The Fourth Of July Holiday Celebrate? (7-4-23)
* Will Love, Inclusion & Constitution Knit France and America Back Together Again? (7-3-23)
* Explaining The Left-Right Political Spectrum (6-21-23)
* There’s No Business Model For Telling The Truth (6-20-23)
* The Rise & Fall of the Alt Right – A 2023 Analysis (6-18-23)
* Understanding The Latest Trump Indictment (6-18-23)
* News, goodness and great sex don’t pay for themselves (6-14-23)
* Why is the right so gay & stupid? (6-13-23)
* Are you holding out for a hero?” (6-5-23)
* NPR: YouTube will no longer take down false claims about U.S. elections (6-4-23)
* Politico: The Media Has Got Ron DeSantis Nailed (6-4-23)
* Putting The Con In Conservative (5-14-23) Part Two
* My Rules For Life (5-8-23)
* WP: Was the Tucker Carlson firing just about power? (5-5-23)
* Romanticize Your Life By Finding Your In-Group (5-3-23)
* WP: In wake of Ralph Yarl shooting, Black teens face fear and resignation (4-23-23)
* The Goyim Defense League are the logical result of Civil Rights (4-21-23)
* lol nothing matters (4-20-23)
* If I Am Right About Life, Then I Have No Importance (4-17-23)
* The Lowdown On Right-Wing Influencers (4-14-23)
* Thomas Hobbes vs John Locke – It’s the Final Countdown (4-9-23)
* Dennis Prager: Could It Happen Here? It Is Happening Here. (4-4-23)
* Examining Hero Systems & Conservative Claims Of Cultural Oppression (4-2-23)
* Why I No Longer Listen To Dennis Prager (4-2-23)
* It is more adaptive to be sheep than an individualist (3-19-23)
* How come we can’t have nice things? (1-25-23)
* Australian Fatalism v American Exuberance (1-28-23)
* It’s The End Of The World As We Know It (1-12-23)
* Analyzing Christian Nationalism (1-12-23)
* Dissident Critiques Of Christian Nationalism (1-12-23)
* The woke, the true and the sacred (12-30-22)
* Do You Optimize For Truth? (12-29-22)
* Ideas That Changed My Life (12-28-22)
* The Game: Undercover in the Secret Society of Pickup Artists (12-28-22)
* Milo’s Masterpiece: The Nick Fuentes Dinner With Trump (12-1-22)
* Christianity as an Identity (11-28-22)
* Day 12 Down Under – Life on the Island Prison (11-15-22)
* Process (Liberals) Vs Ends (Conservatives) (10-23-22)
* People Never Say What They Mean (10-21-22)
* Kanye West and the Rise of Christian Nationalism (10-20-22)
* Kanye West is not a Political Philosopher (10-19-22)
* Two Live Jews Discuss The Rise Of Christian Nationalism (10-6-22)
* What If Social Media & Universities Prohibited Christ Denial? (9-22-22)
* Fordy’s Great Leap Forward In Moral Thinking Begins Now (9-21-22)
* A voice and character analysis of Alt Right livestreamers (9-19-22)
* The Ballad of Richard Spencer (9-18-22)
* How do we spread multi-culturalism to uncontacted peoples? (9-4-22)
* Pain, Fear, Stigma: What People Who Survived Monkeypox Want You to Know (8-31-22)
* Dearly Beloved (8-1-22)
* TRS Exposed (7-28-22)
* Deconstructing Holocaust Denial With Graduate Student Matthew Ghobrial Cockerill (7-21-22)
* Interview With Dispelling The Myth Author Diana Hochman (7-11-22)
* Dispelling The Ugly Myths About Orthodox Judaism (7-10-22)
* The Sinister Path (6-27-22)
* The Monster Inside (6-19-22)
* The Eucalyptus Question (6-10-22)
* Biodiversity Crisis Drives Eradication Campaign Against Super-Predators (6-10-22)
* Where can marginalized losers get self-esteem? (6-3-22)
* What Unites Opposition To Nationalism? Disdain For Individual Dignity (6-1-22)
* The Media Are The Lapdogs Of The Experts (5-31-22)
* The Market for Goods and the Market for Ideas (5-29-22)
* A Solution To Social Media Censorship (5-27-22)
* Can you change your personality? (5-22-22)
* I Want To Break Free (5-21-22)
* How Do Republicans Build A Counter-Elite? (5-19-22)
* Should we bring souls out of hiding? What’s our right level of visibility and responsibility? (5-19-22)
* Don’t trust anyone under 25 (5-13-22)
* What’s The Purpose Of Politics? (5-12-22)
Competing for your attention — Baked Alaska declares himself innocent (5-11-22)
* Fame and Friends (5-10-22)
* Please Respect My Rebrand: The Mia, Nick & Richard Story (5-10-22)
* My chat room is not a public toilet (5-9-22)
* What if cults and livestreams are our only hope? (5-1-22)
* Only the Lonely (5-1-22)
* Why Do Entrepreneurs Embrace Woo-Woo Ideas? (4-19-22)
* The Alt Right Hagadah (4-14-22)
* Checking out of the national project (4-14-22)
* Teal Swan – The Suicide Catalyst (4-13-22)
* Tucker Carlson Talks To Amy Wax About Saving Western Civilization (4-11-22)
* Ordinary World (4-7-22)
* The Flight 93 Election Reconsidered (4-3-22)
* How Did Russia Vs Ukraine Become A Battle Of Good & Evil? (3-31-22)
* Historian Matthew Ghobrial On Russia Vs Ukraine (3-29-22)
* Will Smith, Chris Rock and the downward spiral of the dissidents (3-28-22)
* The Energy Stars (3-20-22)
* Putin Seems Disrespectful Of Human Rights, Bro (3-1-22)
* What is Fascism? (2-20-22)
* Louis Theroux’s Forbidden America – ‘A Sinister Warning About The Far Right’ (2-15-22)
* Dr. Fordy Will See You Now: Be Quiet And Accept Reality (2-9-22)
* Saturday Night Right: Joe Rogan’s apology, the rise and fall of internet blood sports (2-5-22)
* Deconstructing Holocaust Denial With Graduate Student Matthew Ghobrial Cockerill (1-22-22)
* Living by principles in an unfair world (1-25-22)
* The One Study That Changed JF Gariepy’s View On Vaccines (1-2-22)
* The Lies We Tell Ourselves: How to Face the Truth, Accept Yourself, and Create a Better Life (12-31-21)
* Walkabout Guru: Decoding Joe Rogan, Jocko Willink & Life After Youtube (12-29-21)
* The magic key vs the situational key (12-28-21)
* Haredi children’s author Chaim Walder kills himself (12-28-21)
* Self-verification theory (12-24-21)
* Shabbat on Christmas (12-26-21)
* Why Are Americans Bowling Alone While Aussies Bowl Together? (12-7-21)
* Sometimes You Need Less Faith (11-19-21)
* The Structure and the Situation (11-8-21)
* America is not a hell hole – the hole is in your soul (10-18-21)
* How talk radio makes people worse (10-18-21)
* What are the spiritual lessons of Covid? (10-7-21)
* Pompous Luke (9-27-21)
* It’s easy to dismiss information you don’t understand (9-3-21)
* You can’t pray your way out of a problem you behaved your way in to (9-3-21)
* Rabbi Judas Maccabeus Debates Dooovid About Jews Debating Nazis (8-1-21)
* Steve Sailer: ‘Why did the Taliban win? Because they live there.’ (8-16-21)
* Porn and the sex recession (6-13-21)
* Killstream Mirror: Cotto v Ford On Voter Fraud (6-10-21)
* Structuralism vs Essentialism (5-7-21)
* Reclaiming Patriotism In An Age Of Extremes (3-9-21)
* Modafinil Is The Official Drug Of The Rationalist Movement (2-13-21)
* The Alt Right As A Sitcom (1-18-21)
* Luke Goes Off On The MAGA Capitol Hill Rioters (1-8-21)
* Journalistic Ethics (12-9-20)
* Politico: George Soros’ quiet overhaul of the U.S. justice system (9-16-20)
* What Happened To Matt Drudge? III (9-1-20)
* How Disaster Made Conversion To Judaism Harder & Carl Schmitt (Aug. 2020)
* The Moral Responsibilities Of The Live Streamer (5-16-20)
* One man’s adventure beyond good & evil (5-15-20)
* Carl Schmitt & Constitutional Dictatorship (5-6-20)
* The Rise And Fall Of Carl Schmitt II (5-5-20)
* The rise and fall of Carl Schmitt (5-4-20)
* Carl Schmitt & The Jews (4-22-20)
* The JQ Debate (4-17-20)
* Antisemitism among right-wingers (2-24-20)
* Inter arma enim silent leges (In times of war, the law falls silent) 4-16-20)
* #392 12-31-19 Martin Buber’s Biblical Critique Of Carl Schmitt III
* #388 12-23-19 A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood
* Martin Buber’s Biblical Critique Of Carl Schmitt II (12-12-19)
* Martin Buber’s Biblical Critique Of Carl Schmitt (12-10-19)
* #375 12-5-19 Carl Schmitt: The Conservative Revolutionary Habitus and the Aesthetics of Horror II
* #374 12-4-19 Carl Schmitt: The Conservative Revolutionary Habitus and the Aesthetics of Horror
* Grifters of the Right (Oct. 2019)
* #340 10-11-10 Antisocial: Online Extremists, Techno-Utopians IV
* Philosopher Stephen Turner On Carl Schmitt’s Concept Of The Political (August, 2019)
* Politics Without Vision: Thinking Without A Banister In The Twentieth Century (8-19-19)
* Carl Schmitt’s State Of Exception – Two Mass Shootings In USA (El Paso, Dayton) Leave 29 Dead (8-5-19)
* Ethnonationalism: The Quest for Understanding (Princeton University Press) By Walker Connor (29 videos in July and August of 2019)
* #261 6-18-19 Illegal Immigration Challenges The West
* What Must A Jew Believe? (4-7-19)
* The Nostradamus Kid (1992) 3-24-19
* Desmond Ford: His Life & Times (3-17-19)
* Tucker Carlson Refuses To Apologize For ‘Naughty’ Past Comments (3-11-19)
* Desmond Ford (1929-2019) 3-10-19
* Carl Schmitt’s Political Theology (2019)
* The Great Jared Taylor – Steve Sailer Debate Of 2005
* Revisiting The Steve Sailer – Jared Taylor Debates (2-3-19)
* NYT: James Watson Won’t Stop Talking About Race (1-1-19)
* Who’s Right On IQ: Sailer Or Taleb? (12-26-18)
* Everybody Has Their Genre (12-25-18)
* Trump Sees Winning Hand As Critics See Presidency Spiraling Down (12-25-18)
* Trump Unleashes Peace Offensive, Neocons Hardest Hit (12-24-18)
* The Art of Debate w Jim Goad, Nick Fuentes, Baked Alaska, Irony Bros (12-22-18)
* Trump Goes To The Wall (12-21-18)
* Celebrating Steve Sailer’s Life & Work On His 60th Birthday (12-20-18)
* Why Are So Many Female Teachers Screwing Their Juvenile Students? (12-19-18)
* Will The Next Big Depression Start in 2019? (12-18-18)
* NYT Flirts With Mass Suicide, Take That Pete Davidson (12-17-18)
* Parasha Vayechi (Gen. 47:28-50:26) (12-16-18)
* And Then They Came For Noah Carl (12-15-18)
* The Death Of Conservatism – Weekly Standard Ceases Publication (12-14-18)
* Theater Thursday: The Ballad Of Buster Scruggs (12-13-18)
* Does A Jewish Cabal Run America? (12-12-18) Part Two
* Trump: Give Me The Wall Or I’ll Shut Down DC (12-11-18)
* Build The Wall Or Lose America. It’s Time To Choose! (12-10-18)
* Parashat Vayigash (Genesis 44:18-47:27) (12-9-18)
* James Fields Convicted, Yellow Jackets Riot In Paris (12-8-18)
* Richard Spencer Hosts Heel Turn (12-7-18)
* Clash Of The Titans: Kristol vs D’Souza (12-6-18)
* Millennials Demand Protection From A Scary World (12-5-18)
* Weekly Standard Closing Shop (12-4-18)
* Anatomy Of A Hate Hoax (12-3-18)
* Parasha Miketz (12-2-18)
* Saturday Night Right (12-1-18)
* Laura Loomer Unchained (11-30-18)
* Donald Trump Is A Homewrecker! Luke’s JQ Debate With Norvin Hobbs! (11-28-18)
* America’s First Elites & The Transsexual Revolution (11-26-18)
* The Right On Sunday (11-25-18)
* The Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre (11-4-18)
* Tree of Life Synagogue Shooting Kills 11 (10-28-18)
* Is the Alt Right dead? (10-21-18)
* ‘Rising Out Of Hatred The Awakening Of A Former White Nationalist’ By Eli Saslow 10-6-18
* When P*** Still Mattered: The Luke Ford Story (9-9-18)
* What Comes After Christianity? (9-2-18)
* Trump Vs Google/Facebook/Twitter & The Left (8-29-18)
* Trump Shifts Big Tech Bias, We’re No Longer Shadow-Banned On Twitter (8-28-18)
* Colin Liddell: Alex Jones and the coming civil war (8-26-18)
* Do South Africa’s White Farmers Face Genocide? (8-23-18)
* Real Physical ailments vs my girly emo crap (8-23-18)
* Frame Game Radio & The Case For SMACA (8-19-18)
* Unite The Right 2: Jason Kessler Interview (8-15-18)
* Reflections On Unite The Right 2 (8-13-18)
* NPR: YouTube, Apple And Facebook Ban Alex Jones (8-6-18)
* Colin Liddell, Matt Forney, Dennis Dale, Brundlefly, Claire Khaw Livestream 8-5-18
* The Anti – White Bigotry Of The New York Times (8-3-18)
* What Is QAnon? Explaining The Rightwing Conspiracy Theory (7-31-18)
* Debating Ben Shapiro’s Unprincipled Position On Disgraced Disney Director James Gunn (7-30-18)
* The Tragedy Of Great Power Politics By John J. Mearsheimer (7-27-18)
* Eikev (Deuteronomy 7-11) (7-29-18)
* Tisha B’Av Edition – Parashat Va’etchannan (Deuteronomy 3:23 – 7:11) 7-22-18
* Mommy Bloggers, #MeToo, & The Incel Threat (7-18-18)
* #28 7-16-18 Trump Putin In Helsinki, Russia’s World Cup & Toxic Femininity
* Jim Goad Interview, James Burnham’s Suicide Of The West (7-13-18)
* #22 Peter Strzok, MPC VS TRS, Decline Of WASPs, Stanley Kubrick (7-12-18)
* The Decline And Fall Of The Alt Right (7-11-18)
* Brett Kavanaugh, Pop Music, Alt Right, HBO’s Succession (7-10-18)
* The Right Tonight With Kevin Michael Grace: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories (7-9-18)
* Z-Man Interview: The Haunting Of Western Civilization (7-8-18)
* #26 What Caused The Mutiny On The Bounty? (7-6-18)
* Higher IQ Predicts Higher Achievement (7-5-18)
* Will Women Save America? (7-3-18)
* Parasha Pinchas (Num. 25 – 30) 7-1-18
* 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism By Ha-Joon Chang (6-29-18)
* Andy Nowicki On Where The Alt Right Went Wrong (6-28-18)
* From Adventism to Judaism (6-27-18)
* #14 6-26-18 Kevin Michael Grace on the coming civil war
* The Bronze Age Mindset (6-22-18)
* The fall of porn icon Ron Jeremy (6-21-18)
* #11 6-18-18 Kevin Michael Grace On The World Cup, Marijuana Legalization
* Jewstreaming: Jews & The Right (6-18-18)
* The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism And Its Scientific Pretensions (6-15-18)
* #7: 6-11-18 Kevin Michael Grace: Witchcraft in Hollywood: Real or Not?
* Parsha Korach (Numbers 16–18) 6-10-18
* Kevin Michael Grace Book Club: Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s Skin in the Game (6-8-18)
* Addiction Is Not The Problem, It’s Just A Symptom (6-7-18)
* Hotep Jesus, Hotep Nation & Alt Blacks (6-3-18)
* Patrick Little, Kevin Michael Grace, Tom Kawczynski (June 1, 2018)
* Kevin Michael Grace Returns (5-28-18)
* Greg Cochran interview (5-25-18)
* Kevin Michael Grace Vs Lexi Transexual (CV Vitolo-Haddad) 5-24-18
* Ramzpaul Interview (5-23-18)
* Kevin Michael Grace Interview (5-17-18)
* Kebab Shop (5-16-18)
* A Convert To Orthodox Judaism Talks With A Lutheran Pastor (5-14-18)
* The return of Fahad (5-10-18)
* Frame Game Radio’s Chat On The Luke Ford Show (5-10-18)
* Iran Vs Israel (5-9-18)
* The Iran Nuke Deal (5-7-18)
* I Ran So Far Away, I Just Ran (5-7-18)
* Matt Forney Interview (5-6-18)
* The Myth Of American Meritocracy (5-4-18)
* Do Jews Belong In The Alt Right? (5-3-18)
* Fatherhood – A Panel Discussion (5-3-18)
* Post-Game – Schools Impose Diversity (4-30-18)
* Schools Impose Diversity & More | TPS #2 with Luke Ford (4-30-18)
* Styxhexenhammer666 Interview (4-29-18)
* American Renaissance (4-28-18)
* Jim Goad On Jewish Privilege Vs White Privilege (4-27-18)
* Vice & Consequence (4-26-18)
* Christopher Cantwell vs Andy Warski (4-25-18)
* The Friend-Enemy Distinction (4-23-18)
* Parshat Acharei – Kedoshim (Leviticus 16-20) 4-22-18
* Under-Earning II (4-20-18)
* Politics and Under-Earning 4-20-18
* Analyzing Kevin MacDonald’s ‘Culture Of Critique’ (4-17-18)
* Baked Alaska Goes Hollywood (4-16-18)
* Author James LaFond Interviewed (4-15-18)
* Halsey English On The JQ (4-15-18)
* I May Not Get There With You (4-14-18)
* Lack Of Power – That Was Our Dilemma (4-12-18)
* Rage & Resentment In Right-Wing Politics (4-12-18)
* Frame Game On The Ashkenazi Discussion Style (4-11-18)
* Christopher Cantwell vs Coach Red Pill (4-8-18)
* Christopher Cantwell interviews Hunter Wallace (4-7-18)
* Ricky Vaughn aka Douglass Mackey 4-5-18
* The Alt Right & The Jews (4-4-18)
* CBC: Israel PM freezes UN Deal to send African migrants to western countries (4-2-18)
* RESPONSE: Professor George Hawley: Is The Alt-Right Collapsing? (3-28-18)
* The Alt-Right Fascination With The Jewish Question (3-26-18)
* Earn What You Deserve: How to Stop Underearning & Start Thriving (3-25-18)
* Critiquing Nathan Cofnas on KMAC (3-25-18)
* Mike Enoch, Eric Striker Critique The Nathan Cofnas Critique Of KMAC’s Culture Of Critique (3-22-18)
* Richard Spencer Interview (3-21-18)
* Oxford University’s Nathan Cofnas Critiques KMAC’s Culture Of Critique Book (3-10-18)
* Torah Vs Mein Kampf III (2-25-18)
* Jews V Nazis, Torah V Mein Kampf II (2-18-18)
* Discussing Western Identities On Warski Live (1-25-18)
* How Do You Change Your Life? (1-11-18)
* Parasha Shemot (Exodus 1-6) 12-31-17
* Parasha Vayechi (Gen. 47:28 – 50:26) 12-24-17
* Parasha Vayigash (Genesis 44:18–47:27) 12-17-17
* Vayetze (Gen. 28:10–32:3) 11-19-17
* Parasha Toledot (Gen. 25:19–28:9) 11-11-17
* Parasha Chayei Sarah (Gen. 23 – 25) 11-5-17
* Judaism, Homosexuality & The Alt Right (10-18-17)
* Parasha Noach (Genesis 6:9–11:32) 10-15-17
* Torah Talk: Sexual Utopia In Power (10-1-17)
* Parasha Ki Tavo (9-3-17): Deuteronomy 26:1–29:8
* Parashas Matot Masei (Numbers 30 – 36) 7-16-17
* Torah Talk: Parasha Balak (Num. 22 – 25) 7-2-17
* Parasha Chukat (Numbers 19 – 22) 6-25-17
* Parasha Shelach (Numbers 13 – 15) 6-11-17
* Parasha Naso (Numbers 4:21–7:89) 5-28-17
* Parasha Bemidbar (Numbers 1:1–4:20) 5-21-17
* Parshat Behar – Bechukotai (Leviticus 25:1 – 27:34) 5-14-17
* 25 Things I Did To Recover From Sex & Love Addiction (4-23-17)
* Torah Talk: Passover 2017 4-9-17
* Parasha Vayikra (Leviticus 1:1 – 5:26) 3-26-17
* Parasha Terumah (Exodus 25:1–27:19) 2-26-17
* Mishpatim (Exodus 2:11–24:18) 2-19-17
* Parasha Yitro (Exodus 18:1–20:23) 2-12-17
* Parasha Bo (Exodus 10:1–13:16) 1-29-17
* Exodus (Shmot) 1-15-17
* Parasha Vayechi III (1-8-17)
* Torah Portion Vayigash — Genesis 44:18–47:27 (1-1-17)
* Sexual Utopia In Power: The Feminist Revolt Against Civilization (8-28-15)
* The Truth Will Live videos from 2015
* Jews, Christians & The West (5-22-15)
* Privacy, Conversion, Christianity, David Brooks And Reason (5-1-15)
* Torah Talks Tazria Metzora 4-29-15
* Torah Talks Passover (4-7-15)
* Torah Talks – Parasha Tzav (Leviticus 6:1–8:36) 3-20-15
* Are Sanskrit Prayers The Most Powerful? (3-26-09)
* My Favorite Manipulation Techniques (3-3-13)
* Eroticized Rage (2-3-13)
* 12-Step Programs for Sex Addiction (12-4-11)
* 12-Step Programs For Sex Addiction (9-18-11)
* Conversion To Orthodox Judaism (9-10-11)
* Does V.S. Naipaul’s Philandering Matter? (5-3-09)
If I’ve missed some things, or included the wrong things, or if I’ve failed to address some things, please email me: lukeisback at gmail dot com.