Rabbis Helping Refugees

For self-interested reasons, Jews in Europe and America have often sided with the fringe against the core (Steve Sailer).

Every Major American Jewish Organization Including The Orthodox Union And Agudath Israel Supports Immigration Amnesty.

Israel is run to benefit the majority of its citizens — the Jews. From the perspective of Jewish law, there is no room for non-Jewish citizenship in Israel and a Gentile should not be appointed to any leadership position, not even over water carriers.

I put “Rabbi refugees” (without quotes) into Google News to see what would come up:

Former UK Chief Rabbi Calls for ‘Generosity’ Towards Refugees
Haaretz-14 hours ago
Former British chief rabbi Jonathan Sacks has called on the European Union to assist the refugees currently flooding the continent, writing that …
Story image for rabbi refugees from The Guardian
Refugee crisis: ‘Love the stranger because you were once strangers …
The Guardian-21 hours ago
The influx of refugees overwhelming parts of Europe is a massive crisis, but it is at just … Jonathan Sacks was chief rabbi from 1991 to 2013.
Love the Stranger Because You Were Once Strangers
Arutz Sheva-8 hours ago
Explore in depth (3 more articles)

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow: Israel Can Take in Some Syrian Refugees
Arutz Sheva-19 hours ago
Leader of the Tzohar rabbinical organization and member of the Helsinki Ethics Committee, Rabbi Yuval Cherlow, said on Sunday morning that …

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow: Israel Can Take in Some Syrian Refugees
Arutz Sheva-19 hours ago
Leader of the Tzohar rabbinical organization and member of the Helsinki Ethics Committee, Rabbi Yuval Cherlow, said on Sunday morning that …
Story image for rabbi refugees from The Guardian
UK must emulate Kindertransport to aid refugee crisis, says Lord …
The Guardian-Sep 3, 2015
UK must emulate Kindertransport to aid refugee crisis, says Lord … the humanitarian crisis engulfing Europe, the former chief rabbi has said.
Lord Sacks urges Britain to take in 10000 refugees in a …
International-Jewish Chronicle-Sep 4, 2015
Explore in depth (10 more articles)
Story image for rabbi refugees from Jewish Chronicle
Rabbi Mirvis promises ‘special initiative’ from community to help …
Jewish Chronicle-Sep 4, 2015
Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis has called on the Jewish community to act “positively” to alleviate the plight of refugees in Europe. “Right now there …
Story image for rabbi refugees from Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS
Donetsk rabbi opens summer camp for Ukrainian war refugees
Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS-Aug 9, 2015
Pinchas Vishedsky, the refugee rabbi of the separatist stronghold of Donetsk, has organized a free summer camp for internally displaced Jews …
Story image for rabbi refugees from New York Times
Treatment of Migrants Evokes Memories of Europe’s Darkest Hour
New York Times-Sep 4, 2015
Rabbi Frolich was especially struck by the lies used to manipulate the … for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
Story image for rabbi refugees from The Times of Israel
PM: Israel not indifferent, but ‘too small’ to take in refugees
The Times of Israel-18 hours ago
Refugees flash victory signs and wipe away tears as they arrive at the main train … Meanwhile, Rabbi Yuval Cherlow, a senior member of the …
Story image for rabbi refugees from RFI
Thousands stage pro-migrant rallies as French politicians debate …
RFI-16 hours ago
The demonstrations were part of a wave of sympathy for refugees from … France’s Chief Rabbi Haïm Korsia called for a complete change in …
How we can help Syrian refugees: compassionate Londoners …
Evening Standard-Sep 4, 2015
The Syrian toddler is one of more than 2,600 refugees who have drowned … station to mark it,” says Rebecca Birk, a rabbi at the synagogue.

I can find no results of rabbis speaking out for the necessity of Gentiles to maintain their culture and cohesion by resisting this immigrant onslaught just as Israel’s government is protecting the Jewish state (“Netanyahu says Jewish state must protect itself from influx of ‘illegal immigrants and perpetrators of terrorism’”). Why shouldn’t Gentile nations protect themselves from illegal immigrants and perpetrators of terrorism?

From my perusal of the news, it appears that no rabbis publicly side with the core (European Christians) against the fringe (blacks, asians, homosexuals, trannies, Muslims, etc). If the core ever gets its act together, they might do something very nasty in retaliation for organized Jewry siding with the fringe against the core. A whole lot of Jews may be thrown into a death pit for the destabilizing actions of its leaders against the ethnic majority.

I can find only one example of a rabbi calling for Israel to take in Syrian refugees.

The rabbis instead line up on the side of Jews maintaining their borders and cohesion and strength while pushing for multi-culturalism and open borders for the goyim.

It is completely against Israel’s interests to take in Muslims who hate it just as it is equally against Europe’s interests to take in Muslims who hate it.

Here are some of the more egregious examples of rabbis requesting Europe to commit suicide:

* “Around the [75th] anniversary of Kindertransport, lots of us went to Liverpool Street station to mark it,” says Rebecca Birk, a rabbi at the synagogue. “Many of my members owe the survival of relatives to the kindness of people in offering them shelter. We felt it was a Jewish imperative to work with this country, which has been fantastic in the past in recognising the benefits of opening its doors, to help them.”

* From The Independent:

Jewish community leaders have written to David Cameron to ask him to reconsider Britain’s policy on refugees and migrants trying to reach the UK from northern France.

Senior rabbis including Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner and Rabbi Herschel Gluck OBE have signed the letter, which says that Jewish “experience as refugees is not so distant that we’ve forgotten what it’s like to be demonised for seeking safety”.

The religious leaders express “dismay” at the Government’s response to the situation and its characterisation of British residents as “victims”.

The letter was organised by the Jewish Council for Racial Equality.

“The Jewish refugee experience is still a vivid memory for many in our community,” said Dr Edie Friedman, the council’s chief.

“The Government’s failure to even consider helping those fleeing conflict and persecution today shames us as a nation. Rather than shut ourselves off from the world, it is vitally important that we work with the rest of Europe to create safe and legal routes for refugees to claim asylum.”

Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, Senior Rabbi of Masorti Judaism UK added: “The Torah teaches that God loves the refugee and stranger, ‘giving them bread and clothing’. Can we then do any less?”

Nowhere in this article do the rabbis call for Israel to take in more such refugees. Let the goyim commit suicide, Jews want to live.

I wonder how many Europeans are waking up to the fact that a number of rabbis want to swamp them with unwanted refugees?

* Rabbi Joshua Stanton writes:

The issue of immigration is capturing heightened attention around the world. A wave of immigrants, including many refugees from Syria, Iraq, and Libya, is finding its way through the Balkans into Europe. Others are crossing the Mediterranean in rickety boats, which all too often sink. In Austria, more than 70 bodies of dead immigrants were found in the back of a truck.

In the United States, Donald Trump is seizing headlines with plans to deport illegal immigrants, and other presidential hopefuls are responding by redoubling their own rhetoric or decrying his plans. In a time of economic uncertainty, it is not surprising that immigration has become such a symbolically potent issue for “haves” who likely fear becoming “have-nots.” Many of us privileged to live in developed countries fear the prospects of being “overrun” by immigrants who could weigh down our economies — even when robust studies actually show just how much immigrants add to our standards of living. We may find ourselves motivated by fear rather than facts, by subconscious desires rather than conscious good will.

Immigrants have come to symbolize social change. In times of great insecurity and flux, it is easy to fall prey to the classic logical fallacy post hoc ergo propter hoc, the idea that because one event takes place after another, it was caused by the other. Even though immigration is taking place in some regions at an unprecedented rate, it is entering our consciousness even faster, because we are looking for simple reasons to explain very complicated trends. Immigrants are vulnerable targets, and blaming them enables us to avoid addressing even more complex issues (like globalization, currency exchange rates, prison reform, gun violence prevention, educational policy, social welfare policy, and taxation).

The Torah takes a radical stand on immigration — and compels us to take a radical stand as well. We cannot simply judge immigrants. We must in a sense become them for a moment, through ritual practice, so that we can more fully feel their pain and comprehend our own privilege. Though obviously not a position paper on contemporary immigration policy, the Torah is most certainly a call to empathy — and to awareness of how easy it is to become callous to the plight of those so fearful that they are willing to do anything to flee their countries of origin.

Here is the position of Agudath Israel: “Finally, in the area of immigration, Agudath Israel urges that American borders continue to be open to Jewish and other refugees who seek to come to the United States after escaping from oppressive political environments. The United States is a nation of immigrants and has long been distinguished by its generosity toward refugees from all across the globe. It is essential that such generosity continue to be maintained in today’s era of international volatil ity. Agudath Israel accordingly opposes any efforts to impose caps or quotas on refugees seeking safe haven in the United States. Agudath Israel further supports the provision of welfare benefits to needy non-citizen immigrants.”

By contrast, Rabbi Mayer Schiller said in 1999: “The State of Israel poses a problem for Jews living in the diaspora. A Jew living in America, France or England but yet somehow says I am an Israeli or a Zionist, that creates a tremendous amount of tension. Herzl envisioned Zionism as Jews leaving Gentile nations and going to live in Israel, not staying in France and England and saying I am a Zionist. Jews living in America, England, France, etc, have three moral possibilities: They can be loyal citizens, they can be Zionists which means to leave [for Israel] or they can adopt the Neterui Karta position of non-involvement in the affairs of the nations.”

Europe must defend itself and its heritage by all means necessary, even if it takes writing numbers on the arms of immigrants prior to shipping them off by trains. Jews don’t constrain themselves from doing what they need to do to preserve their own people by memories of those Jews who assisted in communist genocides. The goyim must be strong and not allow themselves to be intimidated by slurs.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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