Daily Archives: December 4, 2009

How Do You Get Out Of A Bad Mood?

Dennis Prager on his radio show today: If you are in a bad mood, people have to walk on eggshells around you because they are thinking, if I say this, will it provoke an angry response? People clam up. If … Continue reading

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She Hates Christmas

A secular Jewish friend calls me from her goyisha workplace. “It’s filled with all these Christmas decorations,” she says. “I hate it. It’s so phony. They’ve got away from the real spirit of the thing. Everyone pretending to be so … Continue reading

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‘My God Is A Radio Talkshow Host’

A friend calls. “How is your moral bank account?” “Overdrawn,” I say. “There’s a bizarro Luke Ford out there who wants to be an Orthodox Jew but all the synagogues reject him,” he says. “We should do a Shabbos dinner … Continue reading

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Resentment of the Rich Never Employed Anyone

That was Dennis Prager’s great line on his radio show today. “Resentment of the rich does not help the poor. It just hurts the country.” Prager’s solution for our unemployment problem? Cut taxes. I think the solution is for Obama … Continue reading

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My Fantasy Girl

Thursday night at Workmen’s Circle, I read this story: I met Jane at UCLA in the fall of 1988. I was an atheistic communist at the time, lost in the early stages of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I spent most of … Continue reading

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