Daily Archives: December 19, 2009

Steve Forbes Discusses His New Book – ‘How Capitalism Will Save Us’

On Dec. 14, 2009, Dennis Prager interviewed Steve Forbes about his new book, “How Capitalism Will Save Us.” Steve: “When you look at economic disasters, it wasn’t some sudden failure of free people and free markets that caused the disasters, … Continue reading

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What Caused The Housing Boom And Bust?

Dennis Prager talked to economist Tom Sowell, 79, on Dec. 15, 2009 about his new book “The Housing Boom and Bust”. Dennis: “Who caused this bust?” Tom: “Government. The people who were forced directly to make the bad loans under … Continue reading

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Funky Frum

I’m walking up Pico Blvd Shabbos morning and near Aish HaTorah on the other side of the street, I see a sign announcing that a store has closed and “moved to the internet.” It was FunkyFrum.com. Walking East on Pico … Continue reading

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