Daily Archives: December 22, 2009

How Many Plooks Before You’re Out?

I know this rabbi who was caught with child pornography on his computer and he lost his job. And whenever we’re together, he gives me divrei Torah. In fact, every rabbi I know who has been convicted of a sex … Continue reading

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I Sometimes Look At Women With Lust

Not all women, God forbid, just the hotties. It’s a struggle. I know it is against the Torah. Here’s what I do to minimize my looking at women with lust: * I take several cold showers a day * I … Continue reading

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Ponzi Schemes?

Jacob M. Schwartz (levittp@gmail.com) emails: The LMV (L— Mafia Victims) Community is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help people affected by the L— Mafia from Los Angeles, enhance their economical health and well-being through participation in a professional … Continue reading

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The Shalhevet Graduate

A worried Jewish mother emails: I am wondering what is it about the Shalhevet students groomed by Dr. Jerry Friedman. They remind me of cult. Most of them are: – Not Frum. The kippot are off totally. Naked heads even … Continue reading

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The Best And Cheapest Solution To American Unemployment – Stop Illegal Immigration

Stephen Steinlight writes: What wasn’t broached at the Summit because it’s not just ideologically outr

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