Daily Archives: December 3, 2009

Actress Meredith Baxter Comes Out As A Lesbian

Dennis Prager said on his radio show today: “The LGBT crowd and its defenders tell us that sexual orientation is fixed. Are you worried we are going to make kids gay? That’s the argument and it is largely accurate with … Continue reading

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How Much Hingeing Should A Person Have Before I Publicize Them?

I have never allowed the degree of a person’s hingeing to effect how much I publicize them. Frankly, the more unhinged, the better. This may not be moral, but it is a lot of fun.

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The Kashrut Whistleblower

Lou emails: Hi, Luke. I’m sure Mr. Frank appreciates that you and other Jewish bloggers are helping him blow the whistle on the O.U. But has it occurred to you that the man is at least slightly unhinged? Even a … Continue reading

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The Consequences Of Sexting

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager tackled sexting (the sending of explicit images via cell phones). “What happens to people who are thrust into a world of pure sex at an early age? My prediction? Vast numbers of females … Continue reading

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When Did I Reject My Shuls?

I must confess I never thought about this perspective from a friend: So before I emailed you I wanted to know how you are doing. Instead of just asking you, I went to the best location there is: lukeford.net. I … Continue reading

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