Daily Archives: December 27, 2009

Kissus Interruptus

You interrupt your kissing to look in the other person’s eyes. In there, you can get a keener sense of yourself. Dr. Schnarch encourages open-eyed kissing. I want to experiment with that more. I tend to like the lights out … Continue reading

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The Welfare State Produces Metrosexuals

On his radio show Dec. 16, 2009, Dennis Prager said: “There is something beautiful about wanting to take care of yourself and your family. When I was a young man, I identified growing into manhood was marrying and taking care … Continue reading

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Reviewing My Past Decade

From my live cam: guest11: You should invite all your old girlfriends to spend New Years eve with you here in this here chat room, reviewing the last decade of your life with you guest11: “An Evening with Luke” Maybe … Continue reading

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Kosher Cop Canned

The New York Post reports: The cockroaches in one of Montefiore Medical Center’s cafeterias were definitely not kosher. But the Bronx hospital denies the charges of a food supervisor who has raised holy hell about the creepy crawlers, plus alleged … Continue reading

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