Monthly Archives: November 2009

How Did Kashrut Become So Sexy?

Twenty years ago, if you met a mashgiach, you assumed he was not smart enough to be a rabbi. Working in kashrut certification was a low-paying, unprestigious job. Now it is a power center. It is a money-maker. The RCC … Continue reading

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Pico-Robertson Update

Real estate values of the average Pico-Robertson home are down about 25% from the peak in 2006. Prime Beverlywood property is holding up well. Rents are under pressure. Vacancies are up even though the population hasn’t declined. Rents are down … Continue reading

Posted in Beth Jacob, Orthodox Union, Pico/Robertson, RCC | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Pico-Robertson Update

Lakewood Changes The Way It Deals With Molestation

These links are from Hirhurim: Lakewood changes how it deals with molestation: link Jewish convert comedian: link R. Stephen Pruzansky on Left Wing Modern Orthodox rabbis: link Note the second yahrtzeit — that’s the controversial R. Azariah De Rossi!: link … Continue reading

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Does The Los Angeles Jewish Federation Keep Kosher At Its Events?

This email was forwarded to me: The [John] Fishel banquet has NO hashgacha and is cooked in their kitchen on the only set of cookware and dishes of the Center. Judy Fisher, in charge, wrote that on request they will … Continue reading

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Swiss Vote to Ban New Minarets

The New York Times reports:  Switzerland’s political right on Sunday scored a surprising victory in a referendum on banning construction of minarets, denting the nation’s cherished image as a bastion of tolerance and threatening to set it at odds with … Continue reading

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