Daily Archives: December 18, 2009

Another day, another member of the Tribe convicted of espionage

This can not be good for God’s Chosen Ones. From my live cam: palestine4ever: the funny thing is, he was employed because he understood Hebrew palestine4ever: which means he was probably translating classified Israeli communications palestine4ever: which he then turned … Continue reading

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Meeting The Tests Women Throw Your Way

I just read Orit Arfa‘s new ebook, “Survival of the S—test“. I wish she hadn’t used an obscenity as her title and theme. I’m not into the fecal. It’s not Jewish to muck around in that stuff. Oy, what will … Continue reading

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What Is A MANsch?

Orit Arfa writes for the Jewish Journal: I have found through my dating experience that American Jewish men are often pretty clueless when it comes to dating effectively, or else they come across as nebbish and dorky. I have some … Continue reading

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Guma Aguiar’s Closest Rabbi is Tovia Singer

Go figure out the rest. Need more clues? Report: Aguiar has come a long way toward these understandings. Despite having been born Jewish, Aguiar was raised as an Evangelical Christian, encouraged to participate in Christian youth groups and church events … Continue reading

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