Daily Archives: December 16, 2009

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Is Leib Tropper related to the Tropper in LA that opened the “home school” Yeshiva?

From UOJ: The LA Tropper is a nephew, the son of Rabbi Dovid Tropper. They both taught in various LA yeshivas. The tapes: http://www.2shared.com/file/10008550/23589caa/Leibs_contract_2.html http://www.2shared.com/file/10008637/e92010d6/Leibs_contract.html http://www.2shared.com/file/10008381/e57caec3/rebbetzinAdmission.html

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Voice On Tape Clearly R. Leib Tropper

A poster named “Former Friend” writes: I have known, met with, spoken dozens and dozens of times to Leib Tropper over the past 30 years. His voice is very identifiable. His personality is very identifiable. It pained me to listen … Continue reading

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Pants-Wearing Women Can Apply For Conversion Right Now On My Live Cam!

Act before Christmas while supplies last! My conversions are accepted by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. Here’s my investigative report on women’s pants and the holy reasons rabbis want them removed. Beth: Luke, I am afraid I do wear pants … Continue reading

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He Needed Rape, She Needed Conversion

Conversions to Judaism do not typically require rape of the would-be convert. I did not have this experience, for instance. Perhaps the holy rabbi was simply being scrupulous that the would-be convert did not wear pants (or panties). When he … Continue reading

Posted in Conversion, FailedMessiah, R. Leib Tropper, Sex, The Jewish Week | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on He Needed Rape, She Needed Conversion