Monthly Archives: January 2010

North American Stainless

Regarding this, attorney Robert E. Wilens emails: Luke- I am an attorney for North American Stainless. You have re-produced on your web site an article by CIS/David Seminara that discusses certain immigration issues, and focusses one paragraph on NAS where … Continue reading

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Jewish News

From Hirhurim: R. Steven Pruzansky on the Rabba: link Gay Orthodox rabbi nudging Judaism: link Duck recall: link United Synagogue row over ‘live near shul’ rule: link Rabbinate: Room service only on plastic plates during Pesach: link Chareidi world appalled … Continue reading

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I’m Having More CFS Relapses

Since I’ve started Alexander Technique teacher training, I’ve been having more Chronic Fatigue Syndrome relapses than normal. Why? Because I’m pushing myself more. I used to arrange my life so I could stay home 90% of the time and work … Continue reading

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Did Wall Street Cause The Crash?

During his State of the Union address last night, President Barack Obama blasted the bank bailout. It seems clear that Obama and the Democrats will make banks and Wall Street their enemy in the run-up to the 2010 elections. It … Continue reading

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He Put His Writing First

The New York Times interviews the never-married author of a new book on love: After repeated prodding, he recounted his romantic history, beginning with a high school relationship in which he and a girlfriend broke up and got back together

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