Daily Archives: December 24, 2009

What Would A Rabbi Need To Do To Conquer Ramat Zion?

John emails: Hi Luke, I appreciated your revealing piece on Ramat Zion. A friend was thinking of applying to them (as a rabbinic candidate) through the Conservative movement, and your piece raised some red flags for me, given their treatment … Continue reading

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A Walk On The Wild Side

It was April 1, 1894 when a man with no name walked into Dodge. Yes, he walked in. He didn’t ride in. But he was no April Fool’s joke. He didn’t have a gun. Only a water pistol. And he … Continue reading

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Luke Ford Is Mad, Bad And Dangerous To Know

D. emails: Let’s get down to cases, Sunny Jim. Your description of yourself is laughable. For the sake of accuracy, “Fey, gay and worthless to know” is much better. You’re a fair-dinkum fraud, you bloody ponce.

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