Daily Archives: December 12, 2009

Rabbi Leib Tropper – A Talent For Scandal

From Wikipedia: In 2004, Trooper was the main force behind the ban of Rabbi Nathan Slifkin‘s books. Rabbi Slifkin explores in his books conflicts and resolutions between traditional Judaism and modern science. [3] In 2006, Tropper revoked the conversion of … Continue reading

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What’s The Moral Upshot Of Orthodox Judaism?

I’ve been asking Orthodox rabbis if simply knowing that someone was Orthodox told you anything about their ethics. The rabbis say no. What if you knew the person davened three times a day? Does that say anything about their ethics? … Continue reading

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The Loner In Blue

My mom sent along this photo and inquired if I was the bloke in blue. I told her it was. “I always knew you were special,” she replied. This is my mom’s favorite picture from my trip to Europe in … Continue reading

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Orthodox Conversion Programs In Los Angeles Working Well

According to what I hear, all of the Orthodox conversion programs in Los Angeles boast better than a 90% success rate (when success is measured by its converts staying Sabbath-observant after becoming Jewish). I’ve not encountered an Orthodox rabbi in … Continue reading

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Shalhevet Could’ve Had Dr. Gil Perl

Here’s a copy of attorney Marc Rohatiner’s resignation letter from the Shalhevet school board. He protested the way school founder and longtime CEO Jerry Friedman made sure that Gil Perl didn’t get a serious interview at the school. Gil Perl … Continue reading

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