Daily Archives: December 11, 2009

This Week’s Torah Portion

Steve Brizel collects: Joseph and His Brothers R Berel Wein contrasts Joseph and his brothers as reflecting the visions of dreamer and realists: link R Yissocher Frand explores the tensions between Joseph and his brothers: link R Moshe Lichtenstein explains … Continue reading

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Jewish Links

From Hirhurim: YU students create wind-powered (non-kosher) menorah: link R. Eliezer Melamed told he must condemn IDF insubordination: link Mystery illness at Ramaz: link Prof. Yosef Yerushalmi passes away: link Disney’s first animated movie about a Jewish American Princess (joke!): … Continue reading

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Sex and the Sages

I have a girl who took this course. It’s really paid off for us. She often pauses and says, “Rabbi Lookstein teaches…” Or, “I wonder what Rabbi Lookstein would say about this?” Or, “I remember in Rabbi Lookstein’s class, I … Continue reading

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What Do I Want A Girl For?

First, I want a girl to save my life. Remember when we were driving north on the Pacific Coast Highway Nov. 8? I passed a car and was steaming ahead, not realizing I was in the lane for the southbound … Continue reading

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None Of The Stimulus Helps Me

I’m tired of all these government bailouts of other people. Extending unemployment benefits? Doesn’t help me. I’ve worked for myself the past 12 years. I don’t want a bailout. I’m just sick of people lining up at the government trough … Continue reading

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