Daily Archives: December 10, 2009

Montefiore Hospital (NY) Whistleblower Robert Frank Suspended, He Applies For Food Stamps Monday

Robert Frank calls me Thursday afternoon. Here and here and here and here and here my previous posts on him. Robert: “They called me in to a meeting with Human Resources on Monday. The union rep stood by and let … Continue reading

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Ner Israel Rabbinical College Turns 76 – The History that gets swept under the rug

From The Baltimore Jewish Times: The 76th Annual Banquet of Yeshivas Ner Israel, Rabbinical College paid tribute to 3 of its Alumni members identified with the leadership of the Baltimore Jewish community. The world famous founding Rosh HaYeshiva and inimitable … Continue reading

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I Cleaned!

I emailed her: “I just spent 40 mins cleaning up, organizing my hovel above my bed to find my hanukkiah. Found it!” She replied: “So that’s what it takes to get you to clean. A celebration of Jews reveling in … Continue reading

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I Interview My Favorite Writing Teacher – Terrie Silverman

For the past ten weeks, I’ve taken a storytelling workshop by Terrie Silverman of CreativeRites.com. She’s the most inspiring writing teacher I’ve known. Luke: “When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?” Terrie: … Continue reading

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