Monthly Archives: March 2008

VideoJew visits Chabad Party

From the Are you hungover from Purim? VideoJew Jay Firestone visits the Wild Wild Westwood Purim Party hosted by Chabad UCLA to find out what LA are doing to prevent the megillah sickness.

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What Is Rabbi Wolpe Doing To The Persians At Sinai Temple?

Pious Pico Joe emails: "You ever consider writing something on what the heck Persians are doing going to Sinai Temple?  The conservative rabbi there doesn’t teach Torah from Sinai.  I’d imagine the conservative movement "theology" of M-n Made Torah doesn’t even exist … Continue reading

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Bring Out The Tam Tams

Oy, those crazy Jews! The New York Times reports: What will you do in the great Tam Tam shortage of 2008? It’s true, the unleavened, bite-sized matzo cracker has nearly disappeared from shelves across the country, leaving Jews anguished as … Continue reading

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I’m Trying Out My Summer Bathing Suits Live On Cam!

Click here to watch and chat with the gedolim as we analyze which outfits suit me best: ChaimAmalek:  Blessed be this chat room.  Or is that too goyish a blessing? ChaimAmalek:  "May the All-Mighty keep our discourse Holy" ChaimAmalek:  I … Continue reading

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My Whole World Has Cracked And Come Tumbling Down

I’m been researching a court case (Case Number: BC255351 C CUBED SOLUTIONS INC VS MARC HABERMAN) that shows holy rabbis Avrohom Union and Gershon Bess engaging in fraud. In 2002, the Los Angeles Superior Court threw out their arbitration of … Continue reading

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