Daily Archives: March 3, 2008

Sephardim are rational — Ashkenazim, not so much

Dennis Wilen writes: From an essay in Zeek — A Sephardic Answer to Modern Jewish Identity By David Rabeeya: " . . . Ashkenazic authorities traditionally have placed a “fence around the Torah,” enlarging restrictions in order to be sure … Continue reading

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Improve Your Sex Life By Wearing High Heels

I get a lot of questions from women on what they should wear to shul. Well, my favorite outfits on women are the high-powered professional stuff that Aly McBeal might wear. Feminine stuff. Not manly suits. High heels and lacy … Continue reading

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When Will We Have Our First Valleywag Suicide?

Michael Arrington writes: Today I read all the sordid details about the alleged sexual encounter between a notable technology visionary and a woman who appears to be looking for as much publicity as possible. Where did I read it? On … Continue reading

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Proving You’re A Jew

Gershom Gorenberg writes for the NYT: One day last fall, a young Israeli woman named Sharon went with her fiancé to the Tel Aviv Rabbinate to register to marry. They are not religious, but there is no civil marriage in … Continue reading

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Man’s Search For Meaning

Dana Jennings writes for the NYT: As my 40s lengthened, I inexplicably became ravenous for wisdom and meaning. I devoured theological tomes — the works of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel and the Catholic writer Thomas Merton come to mind — … Continue reading

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