Daily Archives: March 20, 2008

Client #9 (Lyrics: Bruce Hopman Vocals: Ross Hopman)

A cool parody video about Eliot Spitzer. I want to go to shul as G-d or Client #9 but not sure how to dress for the part.

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Shalhevet Owes Roland Arnall $7 Million

I’m sure the school was hoping Roland would forgive the debt. Now Roland’s dead, so what happens? What provisions are in his will about this? Jeff emails: "Did you like that full paged ad  Shalhevet placed in the Jewish Journal? … Continue reading

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Who’s Man Enough To Conquer Jewish Journal Singles Columnist Orit Arfa?

Says my source: "Surely some man somewhere will meet her high standards, but as of now, her b’shert is still missing in action." Joe emails: "Why don’t you offer up your soul to Orit. You won’t text message her but … Continue reading

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Typical White Person Live In My Cam Chat!

My Live Cam Chat With Pico/Robertson’s Finest Minds From the New York Daily News: This has turned into a pretty poor day for Barack Obama, capped by him saying his grandmother is afraid of black people not out of racial … Continue reading

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Shalhevet Parent Celebrates Daughter’s Bat Mitzvah At California Pizza Kitchen

In case you don’t know, California Pizza Kitchen is not kosher and no G-d-fearing Jew should step inside. Pico Joe emails: "Did you hear about a parent at Shalhevet had a bar mitzvah and she had it at CPK? I … Continue reading

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