Daily Archives: March 31, 2008

A Reader Just Sent Me A $1,000 Paypal Donation To Further My Ministry

So I’m on my live cam after a hard night learning Talmud, and I’m chatting on the phone and swigging my green tea and doing countless tasks while paying part-time attention to my chat, and after Guest 117 left, he … Continue reading

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Luke Melting Down Live On Cam

Fatman the Terrible writes on XPT about my live cam: Yesterday Luke was very upset about these 2 rabbis and something called the RCC. He was rather incoherent. Talking oddly in a sing-song way to the camera. I fear he’s … Continue reading

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I’m Still Accepting Passover Invites

My dance card is not yet full. I’m set up for the second seder. Everything else is wide open!

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Got Any Gay Medieval Hebrew Poetry, Mate?

Marc B. Shapiro writes: I was asked if there are any medieval poems in which there is explicit homosexuality. I am unaware of any, and it is precisely because they are ambiguous that there has been controversy about their meanings. … Continue reading

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Was The Rav Modern Orthodox?

Marc B. Shapiro blogs: Since I mentioned some stories from Halakhic Man that show that the Rav did not have a Modern Orthodox ethos, I will also say something about the following story, which some have wondered about.   Once … Continue reading

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