Daily Archives: March 19, 2008

I’m A Righteous Man Because I Don’t Hate People In My Heart, I Hate Them On My Blog!

I have some reflections on the Torah’s injunction not to hate your neighbor in your heart. I’ve been studying Sefer HaChinuch (the 14th? century book of Jewish education) on Leviticus 19 (the Holiness Code). Which Jews are we allowed to … Continue reading

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Words Don’t Come Easy To Me

I’m just a music man, melodies for my best friend. To better express my feelings and to placate my narcissism, I’ve made new video slideshows about my favorite person set to my favorite songs: Words by F.R. David. Drive by … Continue reading

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Street Kings – Riveting New Crime Drama Starring Keanu Reeves

I just caught an advanced screening. Here’s my video review. The movie’s about an alcoholic. Normally I hate movies about alcoholics. I can’t stand alcoholics. I don’t know why, but it is one weakness (along with drug abuse) that I … Continue reading

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Rabbi Steven Weil’s OU Appointment To Be Approved Next Week?

I hear that the Orthodox Union will confirm Rabbi Weil‘s appointment as executive vice-president (CEO) at its next Executive Meeting which takes place next week. OU president Steve Savitsky should pack the committee with supporters of the motion – and … Continue reading

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