Daily Archives: March 1, 2008

Fixing Surgically The Eyes Of Down Syndrome Girls To Marry Them Off

Have you ever heard about this? I hear it’s done in Los Angeles. They can even marry them off with large dowries.

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What Do I Need To Do To Get Back Into Young Israel of Century City/Beth Jacob?

I’m sick and when I’m sick I tend to write more honestly than normal. Less bravado and more heart. Not a day goes by without my longing to return to the shuls I used to haunt. Particularly I want to … Continue reading

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People Who Are Infectious Shouldn’t Go Out In Public

I came down with some nasty cold or flu yesterday and couldn’t go to shul today. I went to shul to daven Wednesday evening and ran into a friend. He wouldn’t shake my hand because he was sick. So he … Continue reading

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Bush Aide Tim Goeglein Resigns Over Plagiarism

Goeglein, who says he never did anything without Karl Rove’s permission, made the calls that got journalist Evan Gahr fired. From the Washington Post: WACO, Tex, Feb. 29 — An aide to President Bush responsible for outreach to conservative and … Continue reading

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