Monthly Archives: February 2008

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

Mickey Kaus writes: 1) Border control advocates want an actual physical fence. 2) Respectable Bush comprehensivist types like Chertoff want to substitute a sophisticated hi-tech "virtual fence" for the crude actual physical fence. 3) Border control types say the "virtual … Continue reading

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Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy Update

Joe emails: "Morey Levovitz, Rabbi Baruch Sufrin and now Terry Moore (consultant hired by Morey) hold secret meetings in cooperation with the current school president Michael Fallas. Terry Moore is the consultant who infuriated the parents at the town hall … Continue reading

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Orthodox Rabbis Of Pico/Robertson: Don’t Stop Believing!

I’ve made a tribute video. It’s the least I could for those who have given us so much. Many of you must wonder how I make such amazing multi-media creations. I use It’s free. It’s awesome. It’s easy. It’s … Continue reading

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My Creativity Knows No Limits – I’m Making Slideshows

My slideshows for the premieres of 27 Dresses and Step Up 2. Camera of Death archives.

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Teresa Strasser Engaged!

Teresa Strasser writes: There’s nothing more smug and insidious than a girl who has finally fallen in love and thinks she now has all the answers. She can save you from your sad, pathetic, damaged love life and cure you … Continue reading

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