Daily Archives: March 5, 2008

San Francisco Getting An Eruv

An eruv, usually a thin wire placed around a community, allows observant Jews to carry on the Sabbath and other Jewish holy days. All of San Francisco’s important Orthodox rabbis have come together to construct an eruv in the city. … Continue reading

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Susan Sarandon Masturbated To For Old Time’s Sake

ATHENS, GA—Though David Unger’s onanistic ritual has changed much over the past three decades, the 39-year-old copy editor told reporters Monday that he was "thrilled" to reconnect with someone he hadn’t used as masturbatory fodder in years: Academy Award–winning actress … Continue reading

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My Ex-GF Needs A CA Divorce Lawyer

I’m talking to my ex. She’s looking for a divorce lawyer. If any lawyer wants the case, email me (lukeisback@gmail.com). My ex has no money but her hubby has some and she wants it. I’ve been on live cam for … Continue reading

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HOLLYWOOD, CA. Los Angeles Daily News Editor, Ron Kaye, former KCBS political editor, Linda Breakstone, Los Angeles Times’ “Top of the Ticket” editor, Don Frederick, and Santa Monica City Councilmember, Bobby Shriver, will join moderator and show business historian, Alex … Continue reading

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New Edition From Yeshiva University’s Newspaper

Rabbi Gil Student writes: Fascinating articles in a new issue of Kol Hamevaser (link): Was the Rav a Tsaddik? In Search of Modern Orthodox Saints by Noah Greenfield Shemittah: From the Theoretical to the Practical by Abby Atlas WikiTorah by … Continue reading

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