Daily Archives: March 27, 2008

Fake Jew Arrested In Lakewood, New Jersey

Video report. JewishInfoSpot reports: Natan Levi, so was he known, was a full time Lakewood Yeshiva man until he was arrested by the FBI last week. Mr. Ted Larry Floyd, a Christian from Kansas, finally busted by the FBI after … Continue reading

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Rabbi David Wolpe Conducts A Dialogue With Author Lori Gottlieb Thursday Night For Sinai Temple’s Young Adults Atid Program

I walk in and as I go to hug Lori, I step on her foot. I just crush the little thing. Why must I brutalize women so? It must be my convict heritage. The room is filled with 200 Jews … Continue reading

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Jewish Journal Celebrates A Purim Party For Teens That Was Sober Only In Its Imagination

On Purim, the National Conference of Synagogue Youth (NCSY) hosted a Purim party in Los Angeles that four security guards could not control. Two police squad cars had to be called in around midnight and a police helicopter to control … Continue reading

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VideoJew visits Chabad Party

From the JewishJournal.com: Are you hungover from Purim? JewishJournal.com VideoJew Jay Firestone visits the Wild Wild Westwood Purim Party hosted by Chabad UCLA to find out what LA are doing to prevent the megillah sickness.

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What Is Rabbi Wolpe Doing To The Persians At Sinai Temple?

Pious Pico Joe emails: "You ever consider writing something on what the heck Persians are doing going to Sinai Temple?  The conservative rabbi there doesn’t teach Torah from Sinai.  I’d imagine the conservative movement "theology" of M-n Made Torah doesn’t even exist … Continue reading

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