Monthly Archives: December 2009

A Jewish Divorce Heads To Goyisha Court

A.B. emails: Dear Luke: The Agudath Yisrael continues to employ Moses Kolodny part-time in its archives despite the fact that this man is assisting his daughter to seriously violate halocho by taking her estranged husband to court. he has been … Continue reading

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Why Are U.S. Clergy So Dismissive Of The Rule Of Law When It Comes To Immigration?

A new Zogby survey reveals a dramatic break between clergy and parishioners on illegal immigration. On Dec. 29, I spoke by phone with Stephen Steinlight ( of the Center for Immigration Studies. Stephen: “As I have claimed for a long … Continue reading

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What Is The Purpose Of This Site?

From my live cam discussion: Bob: hello Bob: so, whats happening? YourMoralLeader: hi YourMoralLeader: beats me Bob: hello Bob: so what is the purpose of your site Bob: may I be as bold to ask YourMoralLeader: moral leadership, sir, and … Continue reading

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Shannon Orand’s Heartbreak Over Rabbi Tovia Singer

Here is an excerpt from the tapes of Leib Tropper and Shannon Orand where Rabbi Tropper seems to be talking about Shannon’s heartbreak over Rabbi Tovia Singer, a Cohen prevented by Jewish law from marrying a convert: “I was with … Continue reading

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Orit Arfa – Fully Transcribed

You can now read the whole interview (or at least the parts I wanted to transcribe). Here’s a taste: Luke: “What is it like getting critiqued?” Orit: “If I can’t handle getting critiqued, I should not be an artist.” “Women … Continue reading

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