Monthly Archives: December 2009

I’m No Longer The Most Cynical Person I Know

I’m moving in a new direction. My Advisory Committee is not pleased. Khunrum emails: “Luke….It must have occurred to you that if anyone gave two s**ts what Dennis Prager was saying or thinking …or even the state of his bad … Continue reading

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Through The Cold

He walked through the Thursday evening cold with ****. “I’ve got to stop fooling myself and accept that it’s winter,” she said. “I never look at the weather reports.” She shivered. They were on the way to the Workmen’s Circle … Continue reading

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How Do You Get Out Of A Bad Mood?

Dennis Prager on his radio show today: If you are in a bad mood, people have to walk on eggshells around you because they are thinking, if I say this, will it provoke an angry response? People clam up. If … Continue reading

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She Hates Christmas

A secular Jewish friend calls me from her goyisha workplace. “It’s filled with all these Christmas decorations,” she says. “I hate it. It’s so phony. They’ve got away from the real spirit of the thing. Everyone pretending to be so … Continue reading

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‘My God Is A Radio Talkshow Host’

A friend calls. “How is your moral bank account?” “Overdrawn,” I say. “There’s a bizarro Luke Ford out there who wants to be an Orthodox Jew but all the synagogues reject him,” he says. “We should do a Shabbos dinner … Continue reading

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