Monthly Archives: December 2009

Handicapped Hatzalah Members

Jack emails: Would you want a person who is so disabled that they need a handicap permit responding to your emergency? Isn’t the point of Hatzalah (Jewish ambulance service) to be able to respond quickly? How can a person who … Continue reading

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Rabbi Tropper Is Back!

One of the signs of a successful penitent, our tradition teaches us, is that he is able to forgive himself. By this standard, Rabbi Leib Tropper is a tzaddik! Rabbi Daniel Eidensohn blogs: Contrary to those who claim that Tropper … Continue reading

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Shut Down Tropper’s Eternal Jewish Fraud organization?

Here’s the petition: I the undersigned as well as all my fellow sane Jews urge to shut down EJFit’s doors which was founded and headed by “Rabbi” Tropper, who for many years has allegedly been misappropriating funds allocated for poor … Continue reading

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Looking For A Sephardic Cantor?

Yisroel Kituv ( emails: Hey! First I’ll present myself. My name is Yisroel Elituv, and I’m an agent of a group of students who learn at a Sephardic cantorship school in Israel. The school exists about seven years already. Our … Continue reading

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How Many Plooks Before You’re Out?

I know this rabbi who was caught with child pornography on his computer and he lost his job. And whenever we’re together, he gives me divrei Torah. In fact, every rabbi I know who has been convicted of a sex … Continue reading

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