Daily Archives: April 14, 2008

Rabbi Gadol Fears For My Neshama

The holy rabbi — he’s not a compromising Modern Orthodox, he’s the real thing, a fair dinkum rabbi — is in my chat room right now dispensing brachas: RabbiGadol:  A nice woman, his age, from a good family.  Very much … Continue reading

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The Mystery Method For Snagging Passover Invites

For the past few weeks, I’ve been going to the mikveh every morning and putting on tefillin and praying that HaShem send me an invite to the first seder. It has not worked. I no longer believe in the power … Continue reading

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The Sleazy Characters Rescuing Isaac Hersh

Rabbi Yosef denied his wife a get (Jewish divorce) for eleven years. She was a chained woman and could not remarry within traditional Judaism. Steve Zakheim, the guy that has custody of Isaac Hersh, practiced massive fraud and sexual harassment … Continue reading

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Rabbi Yehuda Kolko Pleads Guilty To Child Endangerment

Here’s a report with comments: Flatbush, NY – Rabbi Yehuda Kolko a former rabbi at Yeshiva Torah Temimah, who has been accused for molesting some of his students, has pleaded guilty to two counts of endangering the welfare of a … Continue reading

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‘Sacred Secrets: The Sanctity of Sex in Jewish Law’ by Gershon Winkler

Nobody has ever translated Rabbi Jacob Emden‘s memoir into English because it is so raunchy. It’s time somebody breaks this boundary. A reader posts to Amazon.com: This mischevious little book gathers excerpts from all over the Jewish legal codes on … Continue reading

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