Daily Archives: April 28, 2008

I Spent $50 Today To Be Alone With A Beautiful Woman For Two Hours

It was money well spent even if it was on a doctor of acupuncture. I feel confident that wherever I go this week, women will sense that I have not been without the company of the fairer sex. This is … Continue reading

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No Lady Fingers For Passover

From chaptzem: Companies that produce strictly Kosher for Pesach baked products are no longer producing lady fingers. The companies have now renamed the product to either ‘Baby Fingers’ or ‘Fingers’ as not to create an association between their product and … Continue reading

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From ’68 agitator to staunch supporter of George W Bush’s Iraq war

Alexander Linklater writes: For most of his 40-year career, Christopher Hitchens’s notoriety has been confined to highbrow journalistic, literary and political circles. In the last 15 years, he has been familiar to readers of Vanity Fair and the Atlantic, and … Continue reading

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Israeli Cantor Avoids Sex Trap

Cantor Naftali Herstik is the artist who restored cantorial singing to a serious art form, while his rival Israel Rand seems like a half-witted creep. If I could find out why Rand lost his job in the Hamptons (replaced by … Continue reading

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Breastfeeding In The Sanctuary

Some Orthodox synagogues have a problem with women whipping their bosoms out during davening. Hmm. Can’t we just all be free to do what we want and to pull our breasts out when we want? Isn’t that what Moses would … Continue reading

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