Daily Archives: April 17, 2008

Join Me Live On My Cam For The Ceremony Of Bedikat Hametz

I will go from room to room in my hovel holding only a candle and a feather and a spoon and I will scoop up the remaining crumbs of bread and chant some gnarly incantations. Following that, I will stage … Continue reading

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Captain Kirk Explains Passover

From the Jewish Journal: William Shatner is God. And Pharaoh. And Moses, too. Just in time for Passover, the Jewish Music Group (a division of Shout Factory) has released "Exodus: An Oratorio in Three Parts," performed by the Arkansas Symphony … Continue reading

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Ohr HaTorah May Move To Mar Vista

Its rabbi, Mordecai Finley, was named one of the top pulpit rabbis in America by Newsweek magazine. He’s the only person who’s ever made sense of kabbalah and spirituality for me. I was a member for three years 1998-2001. Amy … Continue reading

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Who’s The Rabbi Sholom Kalmanson Who Gave Such A Stemwinder About The Rebbe?

Here’s an article about the speech with a link to the video. Who is this Rabbi Sholom Kalmanson? He appears to be the head of Chabad of Southern Ohio. From chabad.org: Rabbi Sholom B. Kalmanson, Ex. VP, Chabad of Southern Ohio … Continue reading

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The Outreach Rabbi Who Divorced His Wife And Married An Ex-Model Shiksa He Met Online

From my live cam chat: guest186:  I want info on this guy chaim lando who divorced his wife and 9 kids and married a model from arizona and then moved to baltimore guest186:  he was a rabbi in toras emes … Continue reading

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