Tag Archives: amazon

Inside The Mortgage Meltdown

Check out the book on Amazon.com. Edmund L. Andrews writes that nobody duped him. He duped himself. He had covered all sorts of financial meltdowns as an economics reporter for the New York Times, but when he bought a home … Continue reading

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The Housing Boom

Check out the book on Amazon.com. Economist Thomas Sowell appeared on Dennis Prager’s radio show May 27: Tom: If the results weren’t so serious, all this would make a great Gilbert & Sullivan musical, with all the mutually contradictory statements … Continue reading

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Naomi Ragen Update

Here’s some background on the charges of plagiarism. Novelist Michal Tal emails me: I find that the Jewish world in America, notably Haddash, Wizo, and magazines, are in ignorance of what is happening here, in Israel and continue to praise … Continue reading

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I Get Three Pages In ‘Internet Babylon: Secrets, Scandals, and Shocks on the Information Superhighway’ (Paperback)

About once a year, I like to put my name into the Amazon.com search engine and see if any new books have mentioned me. I just found this 2004 book which gives me three pages. You can search through the … Continue reading

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‘Towers of Gold: How One Jewish Immigrant Named Isaias Hellman Created California’

Here is the Amazon.com page for the book and here is the website for the author Frances Dinkelspiel. We did this interview a couple of weeks ago via email. I told Frances to only answer the questions she found interesting. … Continue reading

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