Daily Archives: April 18, 2008

Going Away For Passover?

Jonathan Rosenblum writes: I will never forget an address by Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman at an Agudath Israel of America convention on the topic "Living a Life of Ruchnios amidst Gashmius." I had never before heard Rabbi Wachsman, and I practically … Continue reading

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Come Chat With Chavi – The Hot 24 Yo Convert To Judaism

We’ll rock you! YourMoralLeader:  chavi, are you the copy editor convert to judaism? Chavi:  Ha! Yes … I am. Who told you? Chavi:  Though, I have mostly defected from journalism for the time being YourMoralLeader:  DBerger YourMoralLeader:  what are you … Continue reading

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Jewish Convert Chick In Chicago

Chaviva writes: This is the short version of my path toward Judaism, up to the present. I could go on for hours about my 8th grade teacher and his unit on the Holocaust or the people at South Street Temple … Continue reading

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What’s In A Name For A Jew?

Chavy Jo writes: My given name is plain. Absolutely generic. I’m okay saying it here in the blogosphere because it is that plain: Amanda Edwards. Even my middle name is plain. I didn’t get through my senior year of high … Continue reading

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I’ll Rock You Like A Hurricane On My Cam!

Are you ready baby? Here I am. Rock you like a hurricane. Come on, come on, come on. It’s early morning The sun comes out Last night was shaking And pretty loud My cat is purring And scratches my skin … Continue reading

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