Daily Archives: April 10, 2008

David Mazlin / Internet Sex Sting

Joe emails: "You’ve written about him in the past. I heard he recently pled guilty in court and will have to register as a sex offender. Is this true ?" Well, search on CA’s Megan’s Law website. There’s no result … Continue reading

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I Eat Lunch With The Homeless

Video At 11:45 a.m. as I was preparing to snag my beauty rest in the sun, I got a message that I could get a free lunch at a local shul that feeds the homeless. It seemed like a good … Continue reading

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Rabbi Weil Has Agreed To Lead The Orthodox Union

He’ll be finishing his job at Beth Jacob in the next few months and by the fall he’ll be out of town. His official position will be executive vice-president which means CEO. By the next school year the Weil children … Continue reading

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Saving Isaac Hersh?

Save Isaac emails: Here is a letter publicized by Michael Hersh. The lines that start with FACT – are the counter claims to his propaganda. It is also EXTREMELY important to let everyone know the sequence of events PRIOR to … Continue reading

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I’m Live On My Cam With Reverend Des!

Click here to join the fun: My patented "Tie me kangaroo down, sport" workout routine is now live. If you try it faithfully every day for two weeks, you are guarenteed to lose two inches off your thighs and add … Continue reading

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