Monthly Archives: March 2008

Running Into Rabbi Yitz Ethshalom At Ralphs

Sunday night. I hire someone to install wordpress for me on a website I’m running that’s registered and hosted at Five hours later, wordpress is still not installed because the server keeps cutting out. In a rage, I switch … Continue reading

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Yiddish Theater: A Love Story

Sunday morning, I catch a screening at the Laemmle theater in Santa Monica. In it, a professor of Yiddish at Vilnius University in Lithuania, an absolute bear of a man, talks about immigrant Jews wanting their children to speak English … Continue reading

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Are Modern Men Broken?

From Dennis Prager: Friday March 7, 2008 H1: Jerusalem Seminary Students Murdered With Dennis Prager Prager H1: After a Palestinian terrorist broke into a Jerusalem seminary school and murdered at least 8 students, thousands of Gazans took to the street … Continue reading

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Stolen Cocoa Krispies Taste Sweeter

My Video Blog As I was leaving LimmudLA last month, I was given three boxes of food to take to SOVA to feed the homeless. Figuring that I was only a canceled credit card away from being homeless, I appropriated … Continue reading

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The Life Of Luke Live On Cam!

I’m gonna give a sign tonight in the chat room. Those who will understand will understand and will know just what to do to hasten the ultimate redemption. As the prophet said, "From the Hovel will go forth the Torah … Continue reading

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