Tag Archives: shacharit

Ari Wasserman’s Double Life

From Jewish Action, a magazine of the Orthodox Union: Ari Wasserman, thirty-eight, a successful Los Angeles lawyer, is leading a double life. He’s traversing both the Torah and corporate worlds with seemingly the greatest of ease, and prospering in both. … Continue reading

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As Pico-Robertson Turns III

Read part one here. Part two. Her name is Rachel the Rabbi Killer aka Rachel Gold. She makes $200,000 a year selling ads for the Jewish Journal. She won’t be denied. When she enters a rabbi’s office, she won’t leave … Continue reading

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I Need White House Spokeswoman Dana Perino To Put A Little More Effort Into Her Lipstick

Too often, it is uneven and it distracts me from concentrating on the important things she has to say about the economy and foreign affairs and stuff. Also, I want her to put a little more effort into her foundation … Continue reading

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Stolen Cocoa Krispies Taste Sweeter

My Video Blog As I was leaving LimmudLA last month, I was given three boxes of food to take to SOVA to feed the homeless. Figuring that I was only a canceled credit card away from being homeless, I appropriated … Continue reading

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