Daily Archives: February 14, 2012

If Your Spouse Is Bipolar, How Much Should You Put Up With?

If your spouse has some kind of syndrome, how much should you put up with? I say you should not put up with any more than if the spouse had no such diagnosis or syndrome. There’s nothing that forces you … Continue reading

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Earning Your Love

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager made the case against unconditional love. “No matter how I treat her, I will get love? “People should feel that they should earn the love of their spouse every day. Didn’t you feel … Continue reading

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Marc Gafni’s Third Wife Chaya Making Accusations Of Pedophilia Against Some Old Guy In Her Community

This link and video are in Hebrew. John* emails: Just watch the video, you can see Chaya come on at about 1:53, and it is pretty clear from the end of the video that they just seized upon this poor … Continue reading

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Is It OK To Talk About Alexander Technique And Beauty?

Alexander teachers would benefit from publishing more before and after pictures. I like what Amira Alvarez does here. I was shocked by the before and after picture of Lulie Westfeld in her book on her Alexander journey. These kind of … Continue reading

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How the Alexander Technique can help Children with Developmental Issues

Mike Cross is an Alexander teacher in England. He writes: The essentials of Alexander work are the same for children and adults alike: – learning to say “No” – consciously sending messages from the brain to parts of the body … Continue reading

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