Daily Archives: February 13, 2012

Fame Killed Whitney Houston

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “There are two reasons people enter entertainment. One is to entertain. The other is to be famous. If you entered entertainment primarily to share a talent, you can handle it. Fame can … Continue reading

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How The Alexander Technique Can Enhance Psycho-Therapy

Juliet Carter is a psycho-therapist and Alexander teacher in London. Britain has several psycho-therapists who are also Alexander teachers. I don’t know of any such combo in the States. The Alexander Technique is better known in Britain and in Israel … Continue reading

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Changing Standards To Encourage Minority Admissions To Medical School

Economist Mark J. Perry writes: 1. For those students applying to medical school with average GPAs (3.40 to 3.59) and average MCAT scores (27-29), black applicants were almost three times more likely to be admitted than their Asian counterparts (85.9% … Continue reading

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