Daily Archives: February 28, 2012

How The Alexander Technique Can Help You Learn A Foreign Language

Robert Rickover tells Harriet Anderson: “When learning a foreign language, there are pronunciations that are usually foreign. I wish I’d had Alexander lessons when I was taking French in high school. It would’ve saved me a world of grief.” Harriet: … Continue reading

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Did Fred Astaire Get Bored?

In this podcast, Alexander teacher Amy Ward Brimmer talks to Robert Rickover about how the Technique can help with boredom. Robert: “One aspect of boredom is not being in the moment and self-aware but being in some other state.” Amy: … Continue reading

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Black women heavier, happier with their bodies

The Washington Post reports: “According to a recent poll, black women are heavier than their white counterparts, but they also report having appreciably higher levels of self-esteem.” That’s super-duper, but if you’re heavy, every movement will take more effort. You … Continue reading

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Why Is Change So Slow In Alexander Lessons?

When I started taking Alexander Technique lessons in 2008, I became frustrated that change was so slow. I remained frustrated for a couple of years until I finally felt at ease. In this podcast, Alexander teachers Robert Rickover and Eileen … Continue reading

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Torah Talk! Parashat Tetzaveh (Exodus 27:20-30:10)

Rabbi Rabbs, Luke Ford (Levi Ben Avraham) discuss this week’s Torah portion. They also tackle whether or not the rabbi is gay. The rabbi’s parents believe so. Do straight men watch the Oscars? Luke says no. Is illegally downloading movies … Continue reading

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