Daily Archives: February 17, 2012

The Effect Of Thinking On The Body

As I move around in the world, I see people talking on their cell phones. At least one half of the conversation I do not hear, but I often see the effect of what is said on the person in … Continue reading

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Thinking Vs Awareness

Jennifer Fine writes: Thinking is an action that is linear in nature. If I ask you to add two large numbers together, or ask you which route you take to work every morning, chances are you will pause, your facial … Continue reading

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The Blogger With The Dragon Tattoo

I remind myself of the fictional journalist Mikael Blomkvist, but it is the girl with the dragon tattoo who really gets me going. I empathize with her rage and her fierce desire for independence. A big part of the reason … Continue reading

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What Is A ‘Soft Block’?

I was just checking out my “holds” at LAPL.org and saw that my borrower status was “soft block.” So I Googled the matter and could find no info on what a “soft block” is and what I’ve done to enter … Continue reading

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Iranian Bombs, Israeli Diplomats

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