Marc Gafni’s Third Wife Chaya Making Accusations Of Pedophilia Against Some Old Guy In Her Community

This link and video are in Hebrew.

John* emails: Just watch the video, you can see Chaya come on at about 1:53, and it is pretty clear from the end of the video that they just seized upon this poor old odd guy. There’s a mob of women running around calling everyone pedophiles, telling their children to make up stories, etc. There seems to have been some incident for which 3 charedi men were detained, and that spawned this mob mentality, where an (apparently ozzie) women who seems rather mental is compiling “lists” of pedophiles, essentially of all the men in the neighborhood.

The worst part is, that what she says is so offensive. If she really believed he was a pedophile, then what she’s saying isn’t sufficient, and if he isn’t, its just insane.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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