Daily Archives: February 27, 2012

Alexander Exercise For Amazing Orgasms!

Just kidding! There’s no such exercise as far as I know. How am I, a humble Alexander teacher, going to compete with videos like this? The path of the righteous is a lonely one. Maybe I could prescribe active rest … Continue reading

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An Alexander teacher emails: “Alexander Teachers Spend Raucous Afternoon Validating Each Other” is really excellent writing. How the hell did you keep this kind of righteous commentary stuffed for three years of training? Did no one suspect that they had … Continue reading

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How The Alexander Technique Can Help To Release Wrinkles

When you tense your face, you make wrinkles. Your brow gets all furrowed and the skin around your eyes and lips becomes tight and scarecrowy. By contrast, when you release unnecessary tension and let go of postures of your face, … Continue reading

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Activate You! Alexander Technique Teacher Jennifer Mackerras Interviewed

Jennifer Mackerras writes the popular Alexander blog Activate You. She’s from Armidale, Australia and now lives in Bristol, England. She has a PhD in Drama. Here are some highlights: Jennifer: “Most students when they walk through the door want to … Continue reading

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