Monthly Archives: June 2011

Women, Ditch The Pantsuits!

I agree with Robert J. Avrech here. I’ve never seen a woman’s figure flattered by a pantsuit. Robert blogs: Pants Suits. Ladies, if I may. Heidi Klum looks okay in a pants suit. But she’s got no hips, no bosom … Continue reading

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Rabbi Shmuley Boteach Considers Election Run Against Anthony Weiner

Rabbi Boteach writes for the Jewish Journal: …Weiner needs help to overcome self-destructive tendencies that border on a death wish and that will consume him if he ignores them. Any elected official who tweets his swollen male appendage to a … Continue reading

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45 Reasons I’ve Yet To Marry At Age 45

This is going to be my most painful blog post ever. I believe that the primary reason I’m not married is because of flaws in my character. * My lack of regard for others. I’m so intent on doing my … Continue reading

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I Don’t Drink Or Smoke Or Lend My Bum To Other Blokes

I just read a great essay against vegetarianism. I’m a life-long vegetarian. Not from conviction but from habit. It increasingly looks to me like vegetarianism is not healthy. There are some things I was raised with that I just don’t … Continue reading

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I Can’t Remember When I Was Last In Pain

People all around me are suffering. They are doubled-up in pain because of their addictions to drugs, alcohol, debt, over-eating, sex, porn, and the like. I’m not immune to some of these things, but luckily my behavior and my finances … Continue reading

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