Monthly Archives: July 2011

Will The Happy Minyan Survive The Departure Of Co-Founder Stuart Wax?

Stuart Wax founded the Happy Minyan in 1994 with David Sacks and friends. Now Stuart has moved with his family to Boca Raton, Florida. Stuart was a foundation of the minyan. How will it go on without without him? The … Continue reading

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Yisroel Pensack: A Timely Tax Alternative Surfaces Amid U.S. Fiscal Stalemate

The New York Times is running a feature today on Henry George, the 19th-century political economist, [who] spent his seminal years in San Francisco. He is no longer a household name, and his “land-value taxation” theory is probably among the … Continue reading

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Should Wives Be Grateful For Husbands Who Don’t Cheat?

In a January 2010 debate with Shmuley Boteach in Manhattan, Dennis said: “I was born with courage. I take no credit for my courage. To say some of the things I say takes courage because they go against prevailing opinion. … Continue reading

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A Man Commits Suicide At The Corner Of Pickford/Sherbourne

A man committed suicide by a gun shot to his head around 1 p.m. Friday at the corner of Pickford Street and Sherbourne Drive in Pico-Robertson, CA, 90035. I saw a crumpled body wrapped in a white sheet next to … Continue reading

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The Gladiator Of Talk Radio

A Dennis Prager spoof: Prager Gladiator from Brian Godawa on Vimeo.

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