Daily Archives: June 19, 2011

Sexy Professors At Beyond Baroque

I read this story at Beyond Baroque tonight in Venice for a show put on by my writing class. Six of us read stories, two of us sang songs. We had some sexy professors in the audience. I just adore … Continue reading

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John F. Kennedy’s Bad Back

The new miniseries “The Kennedys” (available on instant streaming at Netflix) shows President John F. Kennedy struggling with a bad back. In episode four (10:36 in), he does a classic Alexander Technique exercise — semi supine aka active rest. He … Continue reading

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Homeowners In Distress Get A Break

I fail to be heartbroken that millions of Americans bought more home than they could afford and that they are now struggling to stay in it. Why should I care about people’s bad financial decisions? Why is the decision to … Continue reading

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American Ignorance Of Geography Is A Beautiful Thing

Marcus writes on FB: “got asked if the four countries in Great Britain are: Scotland, Wales, Ireland & The Netherlands. For real. Almost as good as the time I was asked “Is the United Kingdom a country in Great Britain”? … Continue reading

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This Week’s Torah Portion – Parashat Korach (Numbers 16:1-18:32)

I discuss the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Rabbs every Monday at 7pm PST on my live cam and on YouTube. Facebook Fan Page. Watch the video! This week we study Parashat Korach (Numbers 16:1-18:32). * This is the flip … Continue reading

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