Daily Archives: June 17, 2011

First Time In An Orthodox Shul

Jane emails: “Do you have any advice for me before I go walking into an Orthodox synagogue?” * Know that in Orthodox Judaism, men and women pray separately. The more Orthodox the community, the more men and women are separated, … Continue reading

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Need help finding an Orthodox Synagogue!

Jane emails: “I’m a prospective Jewish convert. I’ve spent the past 4 months or so studying at a Conservative Temple here in Los Angeles. Although I really enjoyed my experience, I want to experience and learn more, however this time … Continue reading

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When Did You Last See A Hispanic Panhandler?

When did you last see an Asian panhandler? How come all the people I see begging for money are either white or black?

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Getting A Jewish Divorce

I’m unaware of any changes in the RCC‘s policies on divorce. Most of the complaints I’ve heard about the RCC with divorces is that they are anti-male. Not saying they are. Anne emails: I am researching about Jewish divorce and … Continue reading

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Beware Of Novelty As An Aphrodisiac

Marnia Robinson writes: All of this means that much of today’s sex advice won’t work well for lovers who want to remain paired. It’s based on the dopamine-cranking “novelty-as-aphrodisiac” strategy: trying a new sex toy, watching porn, swapping partners, acting … Continue reading

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