Daily Archives: June 15, 2011

How I Discovered The Alexander Technique

September, 2010 “What’s the matter, Luke?” asks the hostess at the end of the meal. “You haven’t said anything inappropriate all meal? We even have two single women here.” I am at Shabbos lunch with friends. I’ve known them for … Continue reading

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I Dream Of New York

I keep having dreams about spending a weekend in New York. On Friday night in my dreams, I visit a couple of Orthodox synagogues and have a grand time. I meet people. I’m invited home for Shabbat dinner. I’m go-go-go … Continue reading

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Yisroel Pensack: San Francisco ‘Chabad House’ Averts Foreclosure

A San Francisco Chabad center and synagogue that was recently the focus of a fund appeal letter seeking to raise $55,000 by June 9 is now “out of the foreclosure” process, according to Rabbi Ahron Hecht, the center’s director. “I am now working … Continue reading

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Ann Coulter on the Piers Morgan Show – Jun. 7, 2011

Click here. Seven-time bestselling author, syndicated columnist, and conservative political commentator Ann Coulter appears on the Piers Morgan Show to discuss the release of her new book “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob is Endangering America”.

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Alexander Technique And The Actor

Alexander Technique and the actor. Part Two. The one Alexander Technique exercise — semi-supine. Part two. Alexander Technique directions. Alexander Technique and the emotions. Alexander Technique and the singer.

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