Category Archives: Adventist

The Nostramus Kid

I loved this 1993 movie about growing up Adventist in Australia. John Gowlett posts to my YT comments: Although I was brought up in The Salvation Army, which makes an appearance in the finals scenes of The Nostradamus Kid, as … Continue reading

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NYT: Secret Synagogue Tunnel Sets Off Altercation That Leads to 9 Arrests

Most of the time that religion is in the news, it looks terrible. This is one of those times. The New York Times reports: A decades-old fight about the direction of one of New York’s most prominent Hasidic Jewish groups … Continue reading

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Populism, Neoconservatism & Lessons in the Application of Power

I’m a simple man who likes simple things like truth. Here is one truth as I see it — populism is usually popular but rarely gets anything done, while neoconservatism is unpopular but gets much accomplished (such as the disastrous … Continue reading

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An Amazonian Exodus

From the New York Review of Books: By the Israeli law of return, all Jews have the right to move to Israel and attain citizenship. The law was designed for those with at least one Jewish grandparent, and others have … Continue reading

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Religion in Secular Society: Fifty Years On

Here are some excerpts from the updated 2016 edition: * Bryan Ronald Wilson came from unusually humble origins. He was born in 1926 in a working-class terrace in Leeds. The house had no running hot water, and the communal toilet, … Continue reading

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