Daily Archives: June 2, 2011

A Trip To Israel Will Change Your Life

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “Everybody I know, Jew or Christian, who has visited Israel has said that it changed his life. Everyone.” Dennis is leading a trip to Israel in September. He also has a book … Continue reading

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How Do You Graduate High School And Say ‘They Isn’t’?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager talked about being in a restaurant Tuesday night while the Dallas-Miami game played silently with closed captioning across the bottom of the screen. After the game, a black Miami player was interviewed and … Continue reading

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Finding Meaning Vs. Finding Yourself

On his radio show June 2, 2011, Dennis Prager said: “I remember in the ’60s, ’70s, how so many of my fellow baby boomers were doing things to find themselves. I remember thinking, ‘I never lost myself so there’s nothing … Continue reading

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Racism In The Orthodox Community

Bill McCaulley writes: Dear Mr. Ford: I would wish to respond to a posting concerning racism among Orthodox Jews. I came upon the post recently I realize my reply is not timely, but I am greatly intrigued by the subject. … Continue reading

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