Daily Archives: June 4, 2011

I’m A Judaism Junkie

I love Judaism. I can’t get enough. Reconstructionist Judaism. Reform Judaism. Conservative Judaism. Orthodox Judaism. Love it! Can’t get enough. I’m a Judaism junkie. Can’t get enough. Except for the davening and for some of the more painful restrictions. And … Continue reading

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I Want To Reconnect With My UCLA Dorm Mates

I feel like if I can just reconnect with people from my past, I can heal the those years and move on with my life. I’m particularly eager to reconnect with people I knew during my brief sick year at … Continue reading

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My Anthony Weiner Moment

I was breaking the Tisha B’av fast in 1999 at a fine kosher establishment on Robertson Blvd, just south of Pico. I ran into a woman a few years my senior. “I’ve got somebody for you,” she said. “This woman … Continue reading

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I Hate Women

I’ve got something pretty shameful to disclose. And this will come as a big shock to all of you. But let me give it to you straight — far below my smiling exterior, I hate women. I’m just starting to … Continue reading

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