Daily Archives: June 16, 2011

And did the Countenance Divine, Shine forth upon our clouded hills?

January 26, 1986 was Super Bowl (XX) Sunday. I listened to the game as I drove my 1966 VW Bug from Auburn (where I’d just pulled a shift in the news department of KAHI/KHYL radio) to my friends the Muth … Continue reading

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The Different Parts Of My Life Are Now Working Together

I’ve lived a life of separate worlds. I had friends at school and friends at work and friends from childhood, but I never introduced them. Instead, I lived many lives. It was easier that way. I could do what I … Continue reading

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You Have A Micro-Brain

I had a girlfriend at UCLA in 1989. Because of my CFS, we’d lie in bed a lot and listen to Dennis Prager’s radio show on Saturday and Sunday nights. Dennis said that men were more oriented to macro-issues such … Continue reading

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The Lunch That Changed My Life

In December of 1979, I was part-way through eighth grade at the Seventh-Day Adventist Pacific Union College Elementary school in Angwin, CA, 94508. My father taught in the college’s Religion department but he was being shipped with my mother to … Continue reading

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